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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
Help or advise please biddies, don't feel too bad but just rinsed mouth with warm salt water (as advised by dentist) and a toothsized blood clot came out, is that OK?
yes, it won't stay there forever, though ideally it would have washed away bit by bit rather than all at once. Main thing is, is the socket bleeding? If so, stick more cotton wool in there and try again. But it's probably started to hea l by now.
Yes still bleeding or at least my tissue is stained, I'll pack it again! Hate all this and now have headache which is not at all surprising. I was wondering if my dentist was the Butcher of Bifa, but seeing as Robi had a prob with hers, I guess it's just teeth being teeth.
those little cotton rolls the dentist has are best if you've got any.
somebody sounding the alarm for you, neti

gosh, it's supposed to be over 15 degrees here tomorrow too, I may have to put the mink away again.
Oh my face is throbbing! going to buy a new TV for the bedroom tomorrow.
hello all poor old Neti, I hate extractions, even easy ones which it sounds like yours wasn't. Its been humid here today and my knee has made me grumpy. Sis is being very patient with me.
Ohh NetiI hope you get better soon must be worrying but I think everybiddys advice sounds good to me. It's now 11.20p.m. so hopefully it's better than when you last posted.

Well we managed 4 miles today as we followed the route along by the canal and we had to go across a waist high corn field and that was it.We were both
soaking because we hadn't got the usual waterproof over trousers on. Mind you it was good to walk and we had good conversation, a laugh and saw some little creatures. Lots of tiny frogs, and I mean lots, on the path hopping about, damsel flies, a beautiful blue colour, a huge heron flying round overhead, a hare racing across a field and teals on the canal with chicks. It was brilliant and I really got rid of quite a lot of stress regards my 'loft lodger' as I was still wondering what it was.
Anyway I'm now able to tell you it is bees. My plumber came and climbed up and they are under the insulation. We found where they are flying in from outside so tomorrow I'm afraid I have to sort it. I don't like killing bees but unless I can confirm they are honey bees an Apiarist wont come and sort them for me. I have absolutely no way of knowing the difference.
AsI'm going away next Monday it has to be sorted by then.
Nest episode tomorrow....
Oight Oight Biddyfriends everywhere...Thanks for your friendship x
Oight oight Woofy I must have been typing when you posted, sorry!x
Jude, we had bees in the loft and the council sorted it, for a small fee. Or was it wasps - I don't know if it makes a difference.

oh look, a birthday message for woofgang

Good Morning all. Apparently the bees are called tree bees. I don'tknow how the men knows without they look at them but they coming today to get rid for me. I've never killed a bee in mylife and I'm not happy but needs must etc..
At least while I'm waiting I can carry on knitting my other sock :-)

Sorry your p***** off Lottie. Hope today is a better one for you, and Neti hope your mouth is getting better and you've stopped bleeding.

Looks like rain again here but is very muggy.

See yer later 'gater(s)
Morning...just popped in to wish woofy a Happy Birthday and I see you've already been spotted by the birthday fairy.
Have a lovely day, hope the knee holds out. You're cake is ....errr...going down nicely xx

Hope you had a peaceful night neti
Back later, gotta move, gonna be sizzling later.
Only pissed off because of this damn computer Jude. It's so hit and miss!! Hopefully tomorrow the engineer might actually be able to achieve a solution.

Happy Birthday Woof x
lovely day out there so I shall Go Out and Do Something.

Engagement party on Saturday night, not looking forward to it. It is in a club of some sort with low celing so I will be able to hear nothing as it will just be a thunder of background noises and music. I foresee sitting in a corner all evening on my own with a G&T feeling sorry for myself. And as we are staying with the happy couple we will be the last to leave. Sigh...

neti, I hope your socket is healing up; the doctor and dentist on your other thread gave the same advice as I did, which is sensible of them. Nothing you can teach me about teeth.
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Happy Birthday Woofy
Hope you have a lovely day and many Happy Returns xx

Happy Birthday woofy, I would say have a knees up, but maybe not!!

Much cyber love xxxx
Morning all, yes I am absolutely fine this am, thanks juno I stuck to your advice, bled slightly (stained pillow) throughout the night but i can eat and drink as per notmal today.

Been To tother side of island to get a flat screen tv with intergrated dvd and usb and all sorts of wonderful things, to replace the hefty large one in bedroom.

Oh woofy, M N is suffering greatly with his knee at the moment, he is waiting for the surgeon to come to this side of the island as they now do his prob as outpatient, saves all this driving to and fro, think they cut his meniscus. He just doesn't know what to do for the best, goes round and round in circles, taking one Ibruprofen 600mg and expecting it all to be painfree.

hAVE JUST DONE THE DREADED IBIZA TAXI BIT (ME BEING THE TAXI) HIJA AND HER BESRTIE are invited on a booze cruise, I get so nervouse driving through the town but it was OK, just had a quick swim before I start on dinner, just changed hija's bed, why I don't know she'll come back all sandy, drunk and salty!

Is everyone OK? Are you all at woofy's having a party and not told me????
hello all, thank you for your good wishes and goodies. I got mozzie chewed yesterday and have taken antihistamine for it as the cream didn't work so an rather dozy. We went out to mac's for lunch and took the boys as its so hot. Not a posh lunch but lovely to be all together. I can have a knee up with one knee but not the other...happily bad knee is not the dicky one but the usually good knee so every prospect if it getting completely right. Neti, I had to do special exercise to sort my really bad knee, painkiller did nothing.
Jude its a shame about the bees but stings are no fun so you have to do it.

Laters all
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Scorching here .
Glad you've had a nice day Woofy and that your toothy is a bit better Neti.
Just back from my brothers where we've had a little family get together .
Nieces,nephew and a few of the greats .Stuffed cake and cucumber sarnies. Pimms for the oldies who were not driving .So I got extra :)
Keep cool folks ,it's not going to last much longer :(

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