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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
Evening all, gosh shaney you are overrun with grockles. I think it was the hottest day yet here, I almost couldn't take it, but have managed to do all that I should. Made putanesca sauce with spaghetti, but I didn't make it spicy as I thought my mouth would rebel. Even the pool is warm now, not refreshing until early am or late night!

Poor woofy with the mossies, I've been bitten to bits but just my lower legs, and no there are no fleas in the house, I've checked and checked and hoovered and sprayed but zilch, plus Mr N and hija have not been bitten at all. Mr N reckons it's in the yard where I feed the two stray cats, (not that he knows that I feed the two stray cats, just that they are always there!)
Evening each! Woofy sorry I missed your birthday. I hope you had a lovely day - it sounds like you did. My head has been full of bees but they are gone now thanks whoever is looking after me. They were only here a quarter of an hour and it cost me £55. Still I should be able to sleep tonight. I've tried to keep awake all day, so I'll sleep tonight.
I'm pleased you feeling ok now Neti. If I have anything up in my mouth a usually swish salt water round the affected part.
I'm knitting again tonight. On the foot part now then the toe then it's done. Yippee!!!
Hope it cooks down for when we all go to bed. I changed my sheets today and I love getting into a bed when it's like that.
I'm off now oight oight all sleep well. See you tomorrow.
glad the gums are healing, neti, perhaps mr n should have his meniscus extracted. (Do women have a womeniscus?)

Got as far as Ely today and went round the cathedral, very nice, decades since I've been there. Had to detour on the way back as the M25 was closed, and the satnav was not happy, it spent the next 10 miles telling us "turn round as soon as possible" and "go round the next roundabout and take the fourth exit" but eventually accepted that we knew what we were doing, thanks to an old-fashioned atlas.
Evenin inside but it's still so warm outside, puta says 27C! I'm not so sure about that but it could be on the streets I suppose. I've been on nature watch in the garden, the buddleia's covered in moths and there are lots of bats whizzing around, it's lovely.
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I last went to Ely Cathedral circa 1970 Jno .It's a small world you know .I had an email recently from my old Quiznite chum from Morden .He and his lady friend have upped sticks from south London and moved not far from Ely funnily enough .We're hoping to meet up as soon as they've got themselves organised .
It's still boiling hot here.I just went out to the wheelie and Freddie says 25C in the garden .
Oight Oight ...sleep toight .
tis boiling here and very humid. Dogs have settled to sleep but I am too hot still. I had a lovely day and some wonderful gifts from my family and friends. I am still very lucky. oight oight all.
temperature will be back to normal tomorrow, bit of rain too (if you can believe the forecasters (which you can't (even if it's the BBC)))
yes, we have the rain. One dog reacted to the sudden drop in air pressure by going int panic mode even though we have no thunder, honestly he gets worse. I drank too much champagne last night but it was very nice, we had langoustines, new potatoes and asparagus for tea with an opera cake for dessert, very yummy.
Morning all...dull & it's rained a little. Forecasters?...tut! one says dry am and wet pm, the other says the opposite. The only thing they agree on is that it won't snow...and I'm not entirely convinced about that.

Either way I've got to nip out so carry on chomping the pork scratchings and can-canning or whatever happens to be your thing until I return.

d'oh, sorry about the lack of, have some commas, you can insert them wherever appropriate.
, , , , , , , , , , , ,
woken by thunder but hardly enough rain to dampen a, er, a damper.
Hotter than hell here, no air.

Good morning each and every!

Mouth sore today think I have a mouth ulcer by the tooth hole! Toof Hurty. I will survive.
Jno Mr N is waiting for the surgeon to. One to this side of the island to cut the offending thing. He had one done in 2011.
Stupid phone *come to this side*
Good morning all did I really say I hope it 'cooks down' !! :-)
Slept so well last night afcter my disturbed night before.
I'm off to town now I've listened to Pop Master on BBC Radio 2. I never get many points but I like having a go.
I'm looking for a simple white blouse to go with an orange skirt. So Per Una here I come...

Hope you all have a good day. Laters 'gaters
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Morning all
Thunder and lightning ,very very frightening ....
Hope you are all Ok though .
Hope it'll cool it down a bit ,it's still hot and sticky here.
Hi allI came back with nothing! I tried Debenhams, Next and then I was fed up so I got my specs repaired, some chicken from Sainbsurys for lunch then the bus home.
We haven't had a storm yet Shaney but it would be good if we did. Cuppa tea and knitting time...
Jude did you try a charity shop, my elder sister always get hers from there, she loves little white blouses!
I like white clothes but I don't buy as many as I used to. I did buy a white cable and open knit jumper last shows off my chavvy nails.

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