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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
hello all. nother busy day, we went shopping and bought the boys hamburgers.
Have read all your news, but too wacked to comment.
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Sans fromage Robinia ? Sacre Bleu ...a Biddy without chs ? Whatever next :)
Pleased your son has landed safely .I expect you'll be pleased to see him.

Lol the frozen chicken .Years ago when I worked at Sainsburys we had an old boy doing a bit of shoplifting.This was back in the day when they had brown paper carrier bags .It had been raining and his bag was all soggy .He whipped the chicken and as he ran off out of the shop it dropped out of the bottom of the soggy bag and rolled down the road ..We all stood outside and shruck with laughter as he kept trying to pick it but it was all slippery and kept rolling on .
Oight Oight folks ,sleep toight .
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Morning all
Bit dreary here and drizzly. Hope you're all Ok though.
Good morning all. Busy day yesterday and was really cream crackered so just dropped off to sleep in the evening.
The Head of Highways turned up and looked at all my photos. He was quite sympathetic but still said it was a cheap job because of the cuts and if he had the money to play with he would have all Derby roads like bowling greens.I nearly said 'with grass' but thought better of it. Couldn't have him thinking I was a silly old f..t! Anyway he inspected it and said there were 2 gullies required and a hydrant needed to be made more prominant but flat in the road!? He also said it would settle down even more than it was at the mo.
Anyway that was that and we got on to a more personal convo when I asked him if he knew my niece who works for the City. He said he did and he has to consult her when he wants to close roads to do resurfacing and she decides what date and time he can do it. Finally he said that in a few years time they might use something else to resurface with.So I think that basically answered my question - 'when are they coming back to finish the job?'

The sun has just come out and I haven't got a lot to do. I've been to Sainsburys and spent a fortune. I nearly fell over when the cashier told me how much I'd spent.

Now I'm going to get my lunch then listen to The Rams playing Milwall. Also going to read some more of TGG.

I'm pleased you son has arrived safely Robi. I hope everyone else is ok.

Laters 'gaters!
Hello all, pleased that Robi jnr has arrived safely and hope that everyone is well. Had a weird night last night. Something was clicking in the garden. At first i thought it was indoors but Rab decided it was in the garden so they went out and chased it away. I know that foxes click sometimes (biddy foxes with creaky joints??) Anyway we went out and did errands this morning then came home and had cream cakes for 11ses

OOO Jude, you didn't tell me you had a niece with power and influence...You should have mentioned casually to pothole man that a neighbour had disappeared and you had seen his wife digging the road up at night, that would have got the council out and digging lol.
Lol Woofy..
Yes my niece is 52 and has worked for the city ever since she left school and has moved up the ranks. She has worked full time all the while except with maternity leave when she had her 2 daughters. She is Fuschia's daughter.
Just popping in quickly. Been last min shopping, think I will be overweight. Sisters have bought me a lovely brown n cream poncho for birthday. Saw other nephew's two daughter,s they are so pretty, obviously take after me!
waiting for sister to repack for me, she's every good at it.
Bah humbug predictive text grrr. Very good at packing.
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Nothing going on here today at all. Very boring and chilly .I did ,however, cook a chicken in my new basting roaster dish .I'm not really a great fan of chicken ( I only like the breast meat ) but it's healthier for Mr S . I have to say it was very tasty and no splattered oven .

Neti ...Have a safe journey home ,take care x
Oight Oight folks and sleep toight .

Shaney is that one of the covered ones with dimples in the lid? I never roast meat in anything else.
Did lots or walking today, the most in ages, knee has stood up to it well, hopefully out with dogs in the morning.
I can pack, its one of my minor skills.
Oight Oight. Too tired to say more
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Yes that's the one Woofy .I had one for years that belonged to my Mum so it was pretty ancient by the time I threw it out some time ago as the enamel was all chipped .Since I now have a pristine oven which involved much faffing and elbow grease I've been loathe to roast anything in it :)
So I bought a new dish .Bought a large one and got a smaller one free .
Pleased your knee is behaving .Mine are throbbing in this damp weather .
Good morning all. Getting ready to return home. :(
Sunny outside.

Hope you are all OK.

What happened to Lottie?

Is there anybody there,
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I'm here ..what a crip day. Started off lovely and sunny but it's gone downhill rapidly .Blowing a gale now and raining .
Hope all biddies are ok though .
It's getting stormier by the minute ..I hope it's not too rocky on the flight back for you Neti.
Hi All I've just had alzy day.I was going walking but it's Peeeiiinnnggg down at the mo.So I've beenwatching footie on my lap top.
Hope all is well with you. Are you on you way yet Neti. I get mixed up with the time on here and FB.
At Gatwick. Eating!
I guess you're in the air Neti. Have a good journey home.

Oight oight everybiddy.Sleep tight.
oight oight all. Crip weather here so we stayed in and pottered.
Back home, not a happy bunny!!! House (Oh I've cleaned it he says!) is a mess, but I have managed to unpack all my cases, and hidden or put things away. Done two loads of washing, very little of mine.

I had a 150ml intimate spray in my hand luggage and a 100ml of perfume ion my handbag which I had shown, but no they unpacked it all (just for fun, I'll swear) I couldn't get my money belt off so had to be , they took the spray away (can't get them here!) I was annoyed. It's all this Ibiza drug mule nonsense going on, although to be fair Mr N (he had the same trouble coming back apparently) and I are usually searched whether coming by train, boat or plane, we just have those "faces".

Rather overcast and sticky here, am lolling in bedroom atm.

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