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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
Shaney, The Americans, did it finish with the daughter going into the laundry cellar and starting to look behind the washer (where the spies transmitter was)? It just didn't make sense to me.
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Morning all
Bright and breezy here .Hope you are all ok.
Neti ..have a read of the episode run down on Wiki..they explain it better than I can .
Thanks for that shaney, I was thinking that I had missed an episode, remember I said I was confused all along.

Does housework ever finish, have completely changed my bedding as hija had friends staying, mind you they were perfectly clean, but you know how it is. Too tired last night, went to sleep about 3am. All I wanted was a coffee but there wasnt any!
No shaney, still none the wiser, why would the child look in the laundry room specifically??
Greetings from Lynx & Armani city, haha...long time since my house has smelled of those, and it was strange (in a good way) to have someone to chat to over my weetipops. Bitterly cold and naff for Ozzy's arrival yesterday, wouldn't you know it it's going to be much milder next week. Typical. Did a food shop on Saturday, (I didn't spot you in sains Jude!) but I probably needn't have bothered, his face lit up when I told him we have a Greggs now, lol....we could have lived on steak slices. :) Anyway he's gone out and about for a few hours so I'm having lolling interludes, I've been too busy these past few weeks and I'm flagging.

Pleased you made it back home with your mega shop neti (Ozzy has a list from wife & kids...and guess where they want him to go?) I hope it's comfortably warm for you.

Hope the rest of you are ok...what a shame about poor ole Billy Connolly being diagnosed with prostate cancer and Parkinson's, wishing him a good few years yet.
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I think she's just wondering what's going on Neti .Elizabeth had asked the Beemans to keep an eye on the children so I think she's just curious as to why her mother spends such a lot of time in the laundry room .That's how I see it anyway .
Nice for you to have some company Robinia .I bet he feels the difference in temps .He'll soon warm up after a few steak bakes ;)
Yes shame about Billy .I didn't realise he's 70 .He's a good actor too .He was great in Mrs Brown with Judi Dench .
Aw Robi it must be wonderful have Oz son home for a few days, will buck you up no end!
hello all, glad you are home safe Neti and Robi enjoy your visitor. How are the rest of you? Sis is at the hairdressers, hers closed and as she is down here so often, she is trying mine, I have to go and pick her up in a minute. Weather is blowy and wet, proper september day.
Sorry to hear about Billy C, he's a lovely man, Shughy is named partly for one of his jokes, far too rude to post on here. Our mate from Glasgow used to tell it when he visited, lovely to hear it done in the right accent.
House tidy at least, will have to hoover through tomorrow. Hope my box comes tomorrow as there is a pile of ironing to do and I want my new iron.

I love B:C. risque and downright rude at times, but hilarious.
Hi All. Pleased your home ok Neti.
I've been dashing about again today. Nurse in the morning to discuss diets. She says I'm doing it about right but still says she would like me to go on Statins but I'm not at the mo.
Apparently even if I try to reduce the bad I wont ever get it to lower than 25% of the 8point something or other that it was. I'm still not going on them.
Then I had to go to town to change a nightdress I didn't like from M & S got one a bit cheaper that fits properly and I don't look like a bag lady in it.
Yes it's sad about Billy C. He makes me laugh.I enjoyed watching him going round the country Travel programmes.
This afternoon I had my sis 'who lives for the day here'. It's over 12 months since she came down but she does have a busy lifes and it's usually the other way round but I don't mind. Then I had to go to see my great niece who is 14 today. She says she's a real teenager now even though she was one last year.
Off now to wash pots, watch UC and knit (socks).
Have a goodnight Biddyfriends everywhere.

Hi jude. you are a busy biddie.

Just eaten MR n's curry twas ok and saved me from having to cook,

am rather tired, so back in bed watching the soaps, missing my wine and my sister.
Morning all.

Sunny and bright here, so to continue with washing the loose covers ont he suite today.

Hopefully going out for brekkie with hija before she works at 12, but have myu doubts that she'll wake up in time.
Well tis mightily quiet on yea olde biddie thread these days!!!

Just received and rapidly unpacked my freighted box, hidden all new bedding until the time is right. New kettle is rapid boil and v good, toaster is fine, will try iron tomorrow.

Hoovered all through and changed hija's bed, first time since I left!!!! Had a lovely swim in the pool, so refreshing and not cold.

Just made port sate and noodles for hija's lunch as she is on spilt shifts again, and I hate it!
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Don't be lonely Neti ...Here I be .It's cold,raining and blowing a gale out there .
Nothing exciting to report really .
Chicken soup weather which I've been busy making after being very virtuous by boiling up my carcass.Then my bro came round with yet more runner beans so had to slice blanch and freeze them .I've got enough of them to feed the street !
Hope all biddies are Ok though .
Evening all. I've been out today Tai chi-ing and 'ladies what lunching'. We tried a different place today called The White House! Obama wasn't in! Very nice lunch but a bit expensive. Never mind it's only once in a while we do that.
I was really full up when I came home. I just sat down and dosed so I had to have a cup of coffee to wake me up to catch up with my emails etc.
You're getting back to normal now again aren't you Neti. We all have to do that when we get back from a holiday. Washing and ironing and stocking up the fridge and freezer. Please don't mention Christmas again I'm just getting over the 10 birthdays I've had to sort this month. :)
Hope everyone else is ok and keeping warm. My heating is back on again today.
I'm pleased your son is with you Robi. I have a little idea of how you feel as my sister tell's me when her daughter comes over from NZ. She's been there for 20 odd years but she still feels the same.
I'm getting ready for a football weekend. The Rams play tonight and next Saturday. If you know who they are playing on Saturday you'll know where I go when I go down South. My friend is coming up and going to the match with me :) Could be very interesting - if you get me!

Right then I'm off to get a small bite to eat for my tea and then listen to them play.
Have a goodnight everyone. Oight Oight.

Oh runner beans, I adore them, but sis had hardly any this year. For some strange reason when I was little and stayed at my aunt's, she had vinegar on runner beans and so do I now every time, it's delicious. Just seen some chef on TV collecting and cooking rock sampfire, I told Mr N about shaney liking it, he, like me, had never heard of it before.

Just eaten day 2 of Mr N's curries, still enough for yet another day!

Oh jude, I haven't got in touch with any of my friends yet, just do not want to hear them moaning, loving being on my own with family (now that won't last!!)
I took blk n white photocopies of the pattern on my new pillowcases and now have matching pictures for above the bed, when I get round to it.
They are of the same pillow case but different sections so not identical.
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That must have been James Martin Neti ..he was on this evening in Wales .
My tongue was hanging out when he cooked the samphire and the lovely shellfish .Just watched New Tricks ,very good and a bit of a tear jerker .
Oight Oight lovelies .

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