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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
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Well done Jno ..Needles don't bother me but I don't like the clicking sound when they syphon it off into various tubes .I feel as if my arm is going to part company with my body .
I love little shops like that .We've got a Polish shop in GY .I sometimes go there for the lovely chleb polski bread .
Yes shaney, he's going to Brussels (alone) for work and coming to UK for a week first. It's going to be hectic, this will be his base but he'll be all over the place I expect...I wish the weather was more promising, cold wet & windy won't entice him to come back.
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It'll be nice for you to see him again though .That's the trouble when they come home ,they breeze through and if you blink miss them :)
I'm being threatened with the Germans for Christmas.I love to see them but it's hard work these days .
ah yes, weather like this would make anyone scoot back to Oz.

[]ichecks for plaintive emails for former Sydney Sis[i]
It's tiem ay oight has gone very quick. Town to pick up a nightdress from M&S but i don'tlike it so it's going back. Then to my blinking bank to sort things out. then home to do some ironing 1 hour and a half but not before I'd spent all afternoon doing my best to find out where my Great Grandmother was born. I know where and when she was married and what her fathers name was but that's it. It all happened in India andI know she was Irish.
Anyway I'm off to my bed.
So happy for you about you son coming to see you Robi. I hope all goes well.
Oight Oight again. See yer all tomorrer begorrer!
ah, sleep the sleep of the just, Jude, 'tis Friday the 13th tomorrow, and we are all doomed, I tell thee!

Have you tried posting in the Genealogy section about your GGM? People there are very helpful. (It's under History.)
hello all, sorry haven't read back. We had another lovely busy day here but its raining and sticky and Shughy is worried but only slightly so improving.
Oight oight all, Mousetrap very good, all you can eat dinner excellent. In the interval all wee swiggin el vino, I was swigging Buttercup, as I dreaded having a coughing fit during the performance.
So pleased for you Robi, x
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Oh nooo...not Friday the 13th ..I'll just have to stay in bed all day :)

Neti ...I left you a message on the previous page about Lidls parfum if you're interested .
Oight Oight folks ..sleep toight .
Yes thank you Shaney am defo getting some from lidl.

Good morning all, rushing off to Brighton today, and stopping off at sister's new retreat in Rottingdean.
Morning, coolish and cloudy.
My Fri 13th started on the 12th...knocked water over again at bedtime, albeit slightly less this time...was cold & a bit peckish but too weary to get back up to remedy that...mind racing, achey & itchy,etc. So, after a few hrs I decided to listen to a relaxation vid on youtube which was lovely until he said 'ok, you're coming back now, wide awake and alert' ......WHAT! ? Nooo!

Hope you're all off to a better start.
going to be pouring here later but I will not be here, I will be in Sorrento and loving it. I shall think nice thoughts about biddies in Italian though.
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That's very nice of you to think of us here in the rain Jno ..Arriverderci and have a lovely time .It isn't raining here atm but it's on the way so my joints tell me .
Hope you're all ok this morning .KBO.
All the best Jno. I wish I gadded about the world like you do. Mind you my trips North and South aren't bad :) I'd still love to go to Tuscany.
Thanks also for your suggestion about looking for my Great Grandma's history. I'll try today.

Guess who I had a phone call from Robi to do with the resurfacing of the Close. None other than The Head of Highways. He is coming to inspect personally!! He even said he would call and see the photos I've taken of the site. If he looks like Johnny Depp I might offer him a cup of tea.

I'm stopping in all day today not risking anything on 13th. I've had Fuschia here this morning. No cuppa tomorrow morning as she is off down South to relatives for 2 weeks.

I get pains in my hands Shaney. Arthritis has really set in in my right one (wrist I broke). Not so much in the left but I've noticed it more just lately. Mind you it can'tbe too bad as I don't take anything for it yet but I expect I will have to eventually.

Just had some lovely roast pork and apple sauce sandwiches for my lunch. I called in the co-op this morning and they's just baked a lovely French round cop. I'm off now to have a banana.

The sun is shining but for how long is anybody's guess.
Laters 'gaters

I wasn't leaving you out Woofy and Neti. I hope you are both ok as well :)
Low to mid 20s in Sorrento, very nice...try not to miss the wind and rain too much jno, have a good time.

Oh that's a result Jude, let me know how it goes. If he looks like Clive Owen send him here to have a chat about the lake outside my house.
Bon viaje jno.
Been out since 10.15am tired now.

New flat is lovely, I am jealous.

Had late lunch (16hrs) in a Darling little pub in a tiny street in Brighton. Sis wouldn't stop rabbiting on the bus back!!
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I've been a busy Shaney today ,did some food shopping and cleaned up a bit round my estate.
Well done Jude .I do like to see people harass council officials .I've annoyed a few in my time .I hope you get a result !
My old schoolfriend has been on protest march through Sittingbourne High St Got her picture in the papers and she's on Youtube waving a banner because they're closing the local community centre .I rolled up ,she 's flapping this banner and her husband is at the back blowing a whistle and they're all shouting at the man from the council .So funny .
I'm gonna make cheese and toms on tst for our dinner .'s so exciting here :)
Ooh, who mentioned chs n tom on toast, my favourite? I've been sans fromage for a few days, I think that might be why I feel drained :). Lol @ your protesting friends shaney, all these famous people around you, when are you going to get in the papers? I think stuffing a frozen chicken up your vest is one sure fire way :)

The Ozzy eagle has landed safely & is spending a couple of days oop north, ee by gum, before he moves to wet and windy Derby. Better stock up on pizza and pot noodles :)

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