This question is primarily addressed to women but can equally apply to men.
If you lost your sex drive, how do you deal with it in terms of your relationship? (Obviously, if you are singe then there wont be much of a problem)
Would you simply sweep it under the carpet and pretend that everything is still OK in your relationship or would you seek some sort of medical advice?
If your partner still desired you (sexually) but you were more than happy just to carry on as though everything were ok, would you expect your relationship to survive?
If you lost your sex drive, do you think that your partner would feel rejected and would you really care anyway?...
Pinki, I never understood the whole 'bad boy' thing. My best friend married one and he started to regularly beat the sh!t out of her (while getting various other women pregnant). She eventually had to be rehoused by women's aid when he threatened to slit her throat - given that he'd already done time for murder, she took him at his word. She's not so interested in that type any more.