are ok, but they are not, sorry. i haven't been around but this is all too much. Weight loss is significant and no one knows why, except
to suggest acute anxiety. body sensations like tingling in feet, legs is on and on, so posting on anything interesting or chat as before hasn't been my focus. so nothing positive im afraid.
Emmie....I'm so sorry to hear this and you sound so low.....are you getting any help at all?
As Jeza said, Sqad was looking for you.....that's must have something we don't....☺
Hope he can offer you some advice......I know he can be a cantankerous trout from time to time....but he's good.....and quite lovable in an odd sort of way.... ;-)
no, and landed with hypercausis, which is horrendous, tingling hands, pins and needles, muscle cramps that wake me, and muscle loss, even friends don't recognise me, one said i was tiny, don't know what to do frankly.
i think dr sqad thinks its psycho somatic, as do a number of health professionals. but the burning sensations i was getting in legs, buttocks has eased off, but replaced by tingling sensations in feet and legs,
my digestive system is up the swanney, and i am not due to see the neuro man until sept,
since the first time i had these burning sensations in my back and feet three years or so ago, things haven't been good, then was told i had type 2 herpes, no laughing matter, which can cause neurological pain but this has gone from bad to bad. Mood down the swanney as well, cry, angry, upset,
fear at the top of the pile. Eating ok but weight still coming off.
you are lovely people and i have missed being on here, but i can't seem to get my head in a place that says things will be ok, add in i think my mum has early to possible mid stage dementia, and that has added more to the soup.
So sorry to hear this emmie, you sound wretched, Have you looked at other forums where you might find it more motivating to post and chat with fellow sufferers - I mean the anxiety/depression ones. I realise you don't know that is the problem but I know when physical symptoms linked to anxiety were getting me down I searched online. It was quire comforting to read of others describing my symptoms even though I didn't join in. I haven't got a link but they were easy to find on google.
Emmie.....if you can't get NHS help and that's iffy at the best of times....try something alternative.....and sod the poopooing you will get on here. thing they do is listen and sometimes that helps get your thoughts in order...difficult when you're ill.....but for some a good long talk helps.
If you have no-one fighting your corner for you when you can't you need help to be strong....and alternative medicine might just be that help.
Emmie, a lot of us are at that stage where we have aged parents, causing us grief. Sometimes it's nice to come on here and forget about it for a while.