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Oh Cripes.

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meglet | 20:21 Sat 21st Mar 2015 | Body & Soul
46 Answers
I'm pregnant and, having had a few miscarriages, I decided to go and get an early scan this week.

I'm 7weeks and all is going well so far. But I'm carrying twins!!

I'm nearly 41 with an 18 month old that knackers me out, how the hell am I going to cope??


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She's about 3 months in that pic. Must update it.
hey hey, what great news! I remember the trouble you had before you had your little girl, and i'm so pleased for you. Will you carry on the pregnany?
Hi Meglet, I was nearly 39 when I had the things (I hate the term 'twins'). I was knackered, I had no family and we knew no one (we hadn't lived here long). I was very ill not long after having them and seriously thought I was going to die. You'll work it out but take help when offered (wish someone had offered me some), stuff the housework and sleep when you can. Good luck - but it is so worth it.
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Thanks Bednobs. I had another miscarriage in January so went for a scan concerned that my positive test was actually leftover hormones and I wasn't pregnant at all. So, imagine my surprise....

It's going to mean a big financial hit for a few years but we'll carry on and make the best of it!
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double trouble..but also double joy.....will be hard work so take advantage of any and all help offered....good luck xx
a few years? About 25 in our case and we only had the one! Best get them up cleaning the chimneys as soon as they can walk. And congratulations!
Daunting I have no doubt at the moment but the joy they'll bring into your lives will be so extra special.I wish you and your family nothing but happiness, you'll manage, everyone does when faced with a 'challenge' :)
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Lol buddy.

Sherrard, I know what you mean. They are ever after referred to as The Twins. We're you classes as high risk? I am, which is understandable at my age I suppose.
Congratulations on your news and I hope everything goes well for you. You will have a situation where you will have to cope. Take all the help you can. (Young adults wanting work placements in child care from local colleges etc) Stuff the housework or the show house and everything in its place you will be living in a family home. Enjoy they will grow up too fast.
meglet second baby is always easier then the first you have more idea as the first is such unknown territory , i am sure you will be fine, if you are tired nap when they do house work is not important when they are all little just do what you can and most of all enjoy being with them good luck xxxx
Yes I was classed as high risk - because of my age and because I had had my second child very quickly and I had my third at home accidentally. Also, one of the things was much bigger than the other. It just means they will keep a closer eye on you, which is good.

I am super-anti the 'twin' word as I am a twin - I go out of my way to ensure that my children are never called 'twins' by anyone and that they are treated as individuals (I'm a little bit mental about it - I even have an internal party invitation policy!).

Please ask if you think there's anything I can help you out with - my kids are now 14, 11, 9 and 2 x 7 year olds. It was hard but it's not for ever (and sleep is overrated), x
Practise napping now. Will stand you in good stead.
Congratulations meglet, I am sure all will be well.
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After a couple of failed pregnancies I worried myself silly the whole time I was pregnant with my little one. So I was hoping to be able to relax a bit this time...not likely!

Thanks for all your kind words, now I'm off to bed as I'll be up a couple of times for a wee and morning cuddles start at about 6.00!
ah.....cuddlles sounds lovely....nighty night meglet xx
Meglet...have you got a supportive partner?
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Absolutely ummmm, he's great and a brilliant Dad. And very excited one now too.

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