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Oh Cripes.

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meglet | 20:21 Sat 21st Mar 2015 | Body & Soul
46 Answers
I'm pregnant and, having had a few miscarriages, I decided to go and get an early scan this week.

I'm 7weeks and all is going well so far. But I'm carrying twins!!

I'm nearly 41 with an 18 month old that knackers me out, how the hell am I going to cope??


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When I told himself that we were having two (he hadn't come to the scan because I was used to the whole thing by then) he just laughed hysterically for about a week.
oh cripes.............. congratulations. good luck with your pregnancy, how are you going to cope ? very well :)
My daughter was 44 when she had her twins. She already had 3 children aged
9,6 and 4. She has coped brilliantly with them.she really is a super mum and she works full time too.
Sorry meant to say congratulations, you will cope I'm sure.
Just want to congratulate you meglet:-) My friend's mother had 4 children after 40! Accept all the help you are offered.
You will.... somehow! We pull the reserves up from somewhere even when we're on our *** I find!

Congratulations, lovely news :-)

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