God I thought they were the best in the world. I don't eat much fruit at all and so I should get back to eating the right things.
I had the porridge this morning but I was so upset with the above - I haven't ate anything yet - I can't think of anything nice to eat. Theres roast beef from yesterday but nothing seems to take my fancy.
thanks for the answers but I have had this a few times over the years - - but I know some of your suggestions tell you how to sorta avoid the constipation like fibogel etc but I'm actually talking how to get it "excuse me" out at the time when it is too late.
But what I did do today did really help. This is the problem I have - if is not chronic diarrhoea then it is impacted constipation. Anyway am feeling ok now.
If you need a medicine from a pharmacy, I can recommend Laxido Orange, which was recommended to me when I was on chemotherapy (which can cause really bad constipation). It's a powder that you dissolve in water before taking it. Most (all?) pharmacies should stock it. (It comes in packs of 30 sachets but it's likely that your pharmacy will sell the sachets singly too. Mine does).
Laxido is the brand name of macrogol - it is the same as Movicol and others, excellent for long-standing constipated and faecal impaction, just follow the directions.
Try glycerol suppositories when it gets to that stage that I think you are talking about. Easy to use and no drugs involved. Nothing to bembarrassed about! Much better than laxatives. I suffer much like you do. Years of IBS!!
A sachet of Movicol daily should prevent any impacted stools, which is I think what you’re talking about jj.
Movicol is a stool softener so you can take it for a long time without it affecting the natural movement of your bowels, which some laxatives do.
We have a relative who is a nurse and is an expert on constipation and pain relief as the two often go together.
If it was me, I’d take a take a sachet of it daily for a good few months until things rectify themselves.
perhaps buy movicol once and see if it works for you. Your GP can prescribe it - ( er and it is then free)
Yes - no - on chemo I got norovirus ( a bout can last 6 weeks as it mutates and you may bot be able to clear it) and it was truly truly awful. You stand in green diarrhoea and it burns the soles of your feet.