How Did Today Go Emmie?? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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How Did Today Go Emmie??

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Smowball | 19:45 Tue 29th Mar 2022 | Body & Soul
83 Answers
Many of us have been wondering how your hospital appointment went this morning - did you manage to even get down your stairs to your transport?? If so then how did the hospital go - did the consultant offer any positive help??
Let us know when you can. Much love x
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Is this about her knees? I hope it went well...x
I don't think Emmie will see this post until tomorrow morning. I hope she had some positivity today.
If the ambulance crew were hunky enough, I feel sure that Emmie will have made it down those stairs ;-)
I do hope emmie has come away from her appointment with something positive to focus on. Severe and continual pain is not something everyone has to face, thank goodness, but if it does affect you it is almost unbearable. Look forward to reading how she got on.
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Yes it was about her knees. She was worried sick about even being able to get down the stairs but we all reassured her that the ambulance crew would be well equipped to deal with this situation. Hopefully we will hear an update on tomorrows GMEB thread x
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And hopefully Chris lol. That would have perked her up! ; )
I'd missed that Emmie is in hospital & send my - & Mamya's - very best wishes & hope she's in less pain & on the road to recovery x
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Hi LIK - Emmie isn’t in hospital, but she had a long awaited v important appointment with a consultant this morning about her severe knee pain, and whether surgery is the only option now.
Ta Smow, sorry, I misunderstood, but the wishes remain :-)
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And she will appreciate them very much lik x
apologies for not replying sooner, as i didn't log in again after the GMEB thread.

to put you in the picture,
i received a call the day before my tuesday appointment confirming patient transport, and that 4 paramedics would be in attendance, so far so good.
then i had a call tuesday morning from patient transport, asking me if i could make it down the stairs, no i replied. this was near 9am, and my appointment was for 9.45am so i was worried they wouldn't turn up or be late. Which is what happened, they showed up too late for my appointment, at around 10am.
I was fuming to say the least and told them they were too late as i had missed the appointment.

So i had to do a phone call consult with the orthopedic registrar, who suggested various options, but still wants to see me face to face. So it looks like i will have to wait again for another appointment to see them.
i have no way to get to the appointment other than patient transport, so will have to go through this all again, sigh....
thank you for your kind wishes, it's very much appreciated.
I see, Hope it goes better next time
me too chip, will have to phone the consultant and see how soon i can get another appointment.
Sorry about your problems Emmie. I use Patient Transport quite often and so far,fingers crossed, I have always had good service.
what got me danny is that they turned up two handed and with the wrong equipment to get me down the stairs.
How did you manage getting down and back up the stairs?
Naomi, i didn't, as i can't bend knees, nor walk down the stairs now, if you see post at 4.48am, with my explanation of what happened or didn't in my case.

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