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Lapdancers and strippers required please!!

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PinkFizz | 15:13 Tue 03rd Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
430 Answers
Im thinking of opening the AB Nightclub for exclusive members only,and am holding intervierw this afternoon!

So I need:
Strippers - male or female

All applicants will be seen.Who's first??

(and this is only a bit of fun as a few need cheering up so pls don't ban - thankyou!)


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This seems to be a rather hands-on approach to measuring me for my outfit...
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Ooh I could really do with a Screaming Orgasm....or two.....ahem...
Am I the only one here doing any work! I've been wobbling away in this dark corner for 15mins and not one fella's been near (well one did, but he retched and fled) strange people.....
okey dokey wat you avin then laydees ??
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Robbo - are you auditioning or a punter?? We have the very voluptous Netibiza in the corner over there.....
as you mention it loobie ive been workin on my screaming orgasm i belive ive perfected it fancy one;)?
sorry everyone, I just went outside to make a call, here is another �50 xxxxxxxxxxx
-Lucious loobie lubes - Sneak me up a Double Vodka and Red Bull will ya -

need some extra energy in me ol' legs - these thigh high boots sure do make me sweat!!!
Pinky... Spk is measuring Robbo for his costume. It appears he's staff... either that or whatever she's measuring is going to cost him a fair bit if you know what I mean....

Now, about that glass of bubbly... can I top you up?
Robbos passed with flying colours pink and china.. I need a vodka after that. Might have to upgrade Robbos costume to King Kong instead of batman
i'm a bit hot up here boss!! can i have a drink or shall i just spray myself with my hose? its just that my top is white and my underwear is minimal xXx
Hell yeah fms!! Make it a double if you can!!!
Posy... stop your whinging and spray yourself... Mr Admarlow has just paid �50 for that ;0)
*downs the screaming orgasm and legs it over to admarlow for the next instalment*
Blimey, this outfit doesn't leave much to the imagination, does it?
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Hi guys n girls,yes help yourself to drinks - just sneak the price in the punters fee!!
Spk... sort your staff out. Robbo's moaning already and he's not served a single drink yet!
sorry miss china, anything you say boss!!
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You could go commando Robbo??
That's a good girl... nice dancing by the way ;0)

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