Well said CD -that was precisely what i was trying to put across without the histrionics.
I aint religious at all but sometimes things make sense to me -'those who are without sin cast the first stone'
I cant stand hypocrites myself.
lerler -come back on -please do you must be hurting -probably for all the wrong reasons but hey not all of uis are here to spite ya -took guts to seek help and advice -i'm on
[email protected] and I will chat to you personly away from the board and hope I can help ya through this --please contact me -I have made good pals from peeps such as you -I wont slate ya hun -I will try to help ya xxx
Your shout -I have been there and its better one on one -off on Fri and Sat tho lol -but any other time.
I have good mates on here-hey I'm not Mother Theresa but I am grounded and do have way too much life experience lol xxx