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When my beloved son goes to uni in 2015,do I then have to pay bedroom tax for his bedroom or not?I mean chances are he will come and visit his poor old Mum and Dad,and,of course there is after he has...
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Hello, We live in Hampshire (Aldershot) and have a dream of moving down south as we now have a 3 year old child and would like to provide a seaside sort of lifestyle to our boy. We both work in IT /...
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Im 16 and want to move in with my boyfriend can I do that with out my pedants consent I live un the Uk...
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My mother passed away this morning and I need to inform the DWP the only numbers I can find are either 0845 or 0800 which both cost me 25p per minute on my tariff. Anyone got the 0300 number?
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I'm now a Great Granny to an adorable little boy who was born 6 weeks premature weighing 3.5 pounds. He is doing wonderful and the tiniest little fellow I have ever seen. Its amazing how a little...
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Has anyone has experience of becoming a DHSS appointee for a family member who has become incapacitated? What is involved and how long does it take? (Don't know if I've put this in the right...
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So I have been close friends with this girl for 2 years and I have a crush on her. I've asked her out 2 times but both timers she kinda played it off but we still talked and were close friends after...
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Hi , I'm a student in linguistics and I'm studying people's attitudes toward accents. Could you please spare 5 minutes and help me fill in this survey? It consists of 6 short sentences, all you need...
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I have been in my current relationship for 3 yrs. My boyfriend and I needed help moving so we paid for the help of my daughter and her husband. Us paying them to help us move made it possible for them...
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I have two daughters aged 13 and 11. The eldest has turned evil. She is so horrible to me that it makes me cry. The worst is that she physically attacks her sister all the time and has broken so many...
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Hi, just wondered if anyone has travelled in a taxi with a baby. Does the taxi provide a car seat for the baby or for a child at all. Also when travelling abroad on holiday, if you hire a car, or...
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We went cold turkey on a dummy for my little girl, now 16 months a few weeks ago. For the first few days, although she took a little longer to settle initially at bedtime she slept through the night...
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My Daughter suffered a lower back injury aggrevated by unsuccessful remedial surgery and received Disability Payment.This was being terminated.On appeal she was interviewed.The appeal board confirmed...
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Hi everyone, so we are having issues with my daughter just turned 5 with global developmental delay. A while ago something woke her and she was scared so we let her come in bed with us. However she...
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What does anyone think about this. My parents were at my house today and my bank statement was lying on top of the unit and they went and read it and commented on my spending I was absolutely furious...
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The above group/charity help with speech impairment. But what do the letters stand for?
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i wasn't sure where to post this one. My dad passed away in November. We have had the cremation and are now planning to have his ashes interred at a local gardens of rest. Does anyone know what is...
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Ed's Test puzzle 1 - a store cupboard essential - (anagram) GEBATAS
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Hello again following on from yesterday, does anyone have any experience of having a child that habitually wakes up to come in parents bed and if so, did they eventually grow out of it on their own...

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