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Since when did it become customary to have photographs of the deceased on the Order of Service at the funeral and sometimes placed on the coffin?
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My daughter has cut open her forehead at school today, she has had to have it glued together, its is about 1cm long, quite deep and looked bit jagged to me. They have said she will have a small scar,...
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Hi can anyone help me with these, the answers are all trees 11. Two for retail sale, mourn or grieve 59 Head covering with n in,up and above and small leaf salad -s 76 greengage,apples and...
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help!!!!!!!!!! I have a 13 year old step daughter. She came to live with my wife and myself 7 years ago. She arrived with her two sisters after a court case where her biological father and step Mother...
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My fiance says that i should be over my childhood/teenage abuse. i just turned 22 in sept. i moved out of my parents house a few months before i turned 18. my mother has depression/anxiety and my dad...
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Called into see sick brother whom I haven't seen for a while. A very proud and independent man who reared his 4 sons on his own. He came to the door couldn't breathe and my sister and I asked him...
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Disturbing or funny? I genuinely can't make up my mind about this one. I can clearly see the baby's not in distress, but it...
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Just a perky Q.. when mum popped her clogs we (the daughters/in-law) each got a ring. My sister had hers cleaned and asked for a valuation, which they did for nothing. Can I take My ring purely for a...
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As the title says... how do you get through to someone addicted to the Internet. I'm thinking of a middle age man. Ruined lives and relationships a plenty all in the name of Internet Addiction....
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Does anyone know what the first works of the bible are and/or why no one can find it on the www when so many ask?
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If you are not happy with your childs school with how they have handled a bullying issue how do you make a complaint to OFSTED? Thanks...
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Just cruising through old postings (not so old) and congrats for getting a new love. Really happy for you. Why, cos you deserve it!!!!
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Up till a couple of weeks ago my little girl was really easy going. However, since she realised she can take me for a walk with me holding her hand, she turns into a devil when I try to let go. Omg,...
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Hi everyone, my separation has been coming for s while and I finally told my husband to leave 3 weeks ago. He has depresion and anxiety has done for ovr 6 years now. He was mentally abusive thoi he...
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Boy #1 is in year 9 and for some time has been reluctant to go to school. Things came to a head about 6 weeks ago when he came in and told me he had been in a fight (other boy had been on his case for...
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So few weeks ago my daughter came back from her dads with spots, I thought it may be chicken pox, took her doctors they said it was virus, Next time she went to her dads, came back with spots again. I...
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What will we be required to do in the U.K before we go? Do we have to notify anyone and in how much advance? Thanks....
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I don't normally ask this, but by brother accidentally threw away the paper before I could input them. So anyone got a spare set of Daily Mail rewards numbers for Monday 11th November please? Many...
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hes 3 years older that me and i've known him for just over 3 years. we used to hate eachother but recently hes been really nice. main story: hes was going out with this girl that im close with (also 3...
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how do father check their csa accounts online to check and see if they are paying the right amont

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