Crosswords1 min ago
Family Life
Hi everyone Not sure if this is the correct forum to be in but I'm currently on maternity leave at present and due to return back work. I work shifts which change between earlies (7.30am-3.30pm) and...
... would have been 80 years old today.
happy birthday pops - wherever you are.
mother and I will drink a toast to you at lunch.
i miss you....
hI, Ive got a good friend and I would like to offer her some kind of role at me wedding next spring. I have bridedmaids, readers and witnesses so cant overdo any of those. Has anybody got any ideas...
What does a 10y boy want for a birthday present ? I've trudged the shops and bought owt. £30 should fix it - but what ? He's gonna have the grumps if I dont present him with something other than...
I was bullied at school because I was very small for me age. My husband was bullied because he was a very plump child. My grandson is being bullied because he lives at home with two parents who are...
Your husband is going to Staples to buy glue for your daughter. You specifically ask him when he will be home. He replies that he is going there and back. He arrives home 3 1/2 hrs later and is...
My husband has been living with my 3 children and me for 9 mths now. My 4 year old is rebellious to begin with and 100 times worse when it comes to listening to him. We have different parenting...
I've set up a temporary email account to discuss with you the problems with my acceptance of my grandma's dementia.
My 4 (5 in November) year old son started school last week. Myself and my ex (with whom i get on well) werent made aware til last Friday that he was kicking, punching and generally misbehaving all...
............ I would like to gather some ideas for a 40th birthday celebration ...... nothing too expensive and nothing too wacky!!! Ideas please!!! TIA
I'm caring for someone who has become very anxious. She won't be left alone and also has a growing problem with mobility which means we both are virtual prisoners in our own home. I'm exhausted,...
Obviously it is a very individual thing, but, how old were your children when you stopped them having a dummy? Ours has his for betimes only now (aged 3 and 2 months). But I have been told it can...
Just had a call from mum. My dads aunt has died..and was buried today!! He was just told this morning from his sister who took my gran to the funeral. My gran has dementia. Aunt said she only found...
husband doesn't seem happy at the moment, and i don't really know what to do. I feel like we're not close anymore, and just keep getting on at eachother all the time - the little things that we both...
Some of you were kind enough to try to help with my previous problem concerning my Dad's top up fees. I can see some of you around this morning so I just wanted to let you know that I won the battle....
Hi. My partner is being verbally abused by his 19-year-old daughter. She controls him, demands to be the centre of his life, at her permanent beck and call: insults him, "punishes" him for...
Hi all Just a quick question or two! IF the people at the Child Support agency decide that a non resident parent doesnt have to pay child maintenance for their children because he is not earning...
At what age does your 20 year old son stop talking to you like a piece of poo? Ok, he has problems and is seeing a counsellor as he was sexually abused when he was a young lad but I just can't to see...
My daughter is 17, she has a part time job in a pub, 5 miles away on Sundays, which i have to drive her to and pick her up. My partner (her stepdad) works 6 days a week and gets Sundays off. He wants...
hi everyone. right where to start..... i have been faithful every since i gotten into my relationship 2 years ago. yet i have been cheated on in the past, by an ex it was horrible!!....Back 2 months...