You are most welcome. One of the painful lessons I've learned as a parent, is that all we can do is 'lay it out' for our children - if you do this, the consequence is this, and so on, and then pray that they have listened to you. Sometimes i ask them about what they are doing, just so i can hear myself ask, so i know i have given them the opportunity to discuss something if they want. i always make it very clear that i will listen to them and not judge them, and as i said before, everything i say and do is based on love and protection. As you and i know, the truth of this notion only really becomes apparent when we are on 'the other side' - parents oursleves. My eldest daughter, who was a teenager from hell, is nearly 30 with an 8 year old daughter of her own, who is going to be as bad as she was, and she now realises why we said and did what we said and did, but obviously, that's epxerience, adulthoo,d and parenthood. You will be OK because you care, and you want to be there for your daughter, and she will appreciate that - just not every day. Tell her you love her every day, none of us can ever hear too much of that.