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My partner and I are able to conceive naturally,but as the years have gone by ,my partners eggs are of poor quality We have had an unsuccesful attempt at I.V.F. egg sharing wherebye only one of the...
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Hi everyone! I stopped using contraception around 5 weeks ago which was implanon and since then I have not had a period and didn't have any for the 4 yrs I have been on it either. I am using the...
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I Love Snow
Going to see the Doctor on Thursday where they are now giving me a choice of what to have. My first thought was to op for the section as at least its over with and theres no waiting for days, or is...
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I only wanted to change my internet provider back in April and it has taken this long to do it!!! Nearly 27 weeks now and i am huge, its all belly, i havent put on weight anywhere else so it looks...
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Okay my period came on the 1st of the month and now it is the 30th could i be pregant or should i wait until the first of the month to find out and when the first come and it haven't come on is that...
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Hi, Afriend has asked me this and I'm embarrsed to say I can't answer her! Can anyone please help? How do you work out your ovulating time (most likely to conceive) if you have irregular periods...
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Hello all! I'm not sure this is the right section but I have another question about periods - I gave birth nearly 7wks ago, bled for about 3-3 1/2 wks after giving birth then stopped for week-ish then...
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I was talking to a work colleague today who is having problems getting pregnant. She is going to start taking Clomid after Christmas and I didn't know what it was until I looked it up on the internet....
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if you are not married and pregnet should you put the fathers name on the birth certificate and would it be best to give the baby the moms lasts name?
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I read an article on the guardian website the other day about half of all gynacaelogy doctors would opt for a caeserian rather than a natural birth due to risks. there was this horrible quote by a dr...
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Ive heard of cats sensing this but do u think dogs do. My dog has been quite protective lately........just coinsedence ?
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Hi, don't know if anyone can help me on this one, i've already searched the net and couldn't find an answer.... I was 9wk pregnant and had a miscarriage over 2 weeks ago, this was all confirmed with...
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hi all i just thought i would share some happy news with you all. my cousin has just given birth to a lovely baby girl weighing 7 lb 2. they have called her alexi !!!!!!
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whats the average healing time for an episiotomy? Mine was equal to a 2nd degree tear, but due to blood clots some of the external stitches burst, this bit has now almost healed but the internal part...
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Hi All So ive been going to my regular midwife appointments and each time I do a urine test they come back positive. I have also been experiencing varying degrees of pain in my lower adomen (for those...
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I had a baby 5 1/2 weeks ago stopped bleeding after about 3 weeks and started again at aprox 5 weeks post natal. Is this still lochia or is it a period?
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Does anyone have any advice, I had hcg levels done Saturday as I was having some windy type pains, they came back as 841, had repeat bloods today after a tiny bleed that has stopped altogether now and...
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If I was high risk at the age of 32 (1st pregnancy) and had an Amnio test (was all fine)....What are the chances of me being high risk now at 38. Will I be higher risk than before. I ask this as I am...
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My boyfriends mum is a twin and my dad is a twin. If and when we try for a baby is it likely we will end up with twins or is that all an old wives tale??
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I've been trying for a baby with partner for the last 6 monthes. So far I've had no luck. Recently I've been experiencing some symptoms.. I had a bit of heartburn a couple of weeks ago that lasted for...

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