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Has anyone seen Daffy yet or heard any news about her daughter? Due date was last week, i hope i didnt miss the birth announcement.
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what were your first symptoms that made you no you were pregnant? cheers chelsea
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Hi all Im starting to wash a few bits for the baby, mainly babygros etc. for hospital back which i want ready. I was wondering does everything need washing beforehand besides clothes and towels i.e...
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Ive finally remembered to buy some raspberry leaf tea, just wanted to know how often I should have a cup, I was thinking a couple of cups a day? This next one is mainly for warpig as I know shes only...
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my sister in law is about to give birth but still hasnt chosen a name she would like something different but not that different that the child will be teased at school. just wondering what ideas...
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Good evening all. Mr MB and I were chatting earlier and I asked if he thought I looked 'fat' aside from my bump obviously, and he said yes. I have to say I agree. I've always told him to be honest...
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patto 9
does anyone know when the earliest time is to take a pregnancy test please! x
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Yes its going to be another one of those questions lol I have been experiencing really bad chest pains when I walk anywhere. Im ok walking around the house but when it comes to walking to and from my...
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Right, here goes...We have just found out Im pregnant with child #2 and to be honest we are in a bit of shock, which may explain my noodle head at the moment!!! What Im after is does anyone know how...
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Morning all, hope your all well. Hope your feeling better now Psychick and Nat I hope the nasal congestion has eased. Well, his hiccups are becoming alot stonger now, obviously I guess due to him...
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Hey all, wonder if you can help bit of a long story but hope you can hang in there to give me your opinion........ I stopped taking my pill approx month and half ago (have been taking it regularly for...
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Is it alright to play badminton during pregnancy?
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Afternoon all, Sorry to always pose the questions and not offer much advice, but as it's my first time i don't feel 'qualified' yet! i'm almost 32 weeks now and still at work and intend on working as...
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I seem to be having a really off day today which is a shame because I was finally feeling the benefots of being on maternity leave and was getting a little more energy and go in me. I wanted to get a...
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i recall this happening last time but Im sure it was much later and was when baby was starting to engage so im trying to work out if baby is getting ready to engage or if its something else anyway,...
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Is there a book available that will explain to a toddler whats happening to mummy and why she has a big tummy etc and what happens when baby arrives?
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when you give birth do the nurses and midwives tell you how to care for your baby? I mean, following on from Nats post about bottles, I have a steriliser because I know I need one, just like I have...
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Hi everyone, havent been about for AGES!!! Who's given birth since i was last on - about 4 months ago i think!! How is everyone coping? Hope everyone's doing fine xxxxx
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Im really trying to fight the urge to buy a new pram for new baby. Little CRX will be 2 and 3/4 when its born and hes ok to walk most of time but occasionally when hes refused his nap will be too...
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Hi all. Last night I had my 1st session on Hypnobirthing and think its fab?! I'm a real wimp when it come to pain so I decided to explore some options to make the whole experience more positive. Has...

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