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Is She A Good Friend?

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abbeylee90 | 16:59 Sun 14th Jul 2024 | Family & Relationships
91 Answers

One of my closest  friends of 12 years  ever since she moved in with her partner she hasn't bothered with me unless it is through other friends one of of my other closest friends she use to slag her off now they like best mates but she makes no effort with me like she use to even said she can't make plans in advance because of money but can with my friend.



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If we do go out which top? Either with jeans or shorts

Perhaps start a new what to wear thread. It's got nothing to do with your friend's attitude to your relationship

Abbey, is Family and Relationships the best category for one of your 'Which outfit?' queries? Wouldn't it be better somewhere else? I can't remember where you post these, but I know there have been loads! 

Good evening, 

I am really impressed that you can go out, buy new clothes and live your lifestyle on £130 tops a week.

Please tell me how you manage it?

^^^  Yes, it used to be called'living beyond your means' and it really isn't a good thing to do.  We understand that you are getting nearly free (or free?) accommodation with your Mum and Dad. But how can you afford to go out so much?  You know how awful it was when you owed money before, please don't get back into that situation.

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I'll make a new thread 

To my mind these are all awful. Abbey why not try one post to show you have a mind of your own. "This is what I am wearing tonight"

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I'm seeing on 24th with my friend

Abbey, are you adopting a version of shorthand for all your posts now? That sentence is a ... shade unclear.  Did you mean 'I'm seeing her[the person who's no longer a good friend] on the 24th with another friend'?

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The friend I'm on about on this thread 

Abbey, it's still not clear what you are saying. Are you saying you saying you are seeing the friend (the one this thread is about) and another friend at the same time.

If so, it seems nothing has changed as you said originally "she hasn't bothered with me unless it is through other friends".


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Yes this friend I'm on about in this thread hasn't bothered with me I'm seeing her with my friend next Saturday


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She does my head in asked in the group what are the plans for Saturday and she read and ignored.

Abbey, I'm confused - did you all go out on Saturday, 24th?  Had you responded to the group chat, and then found yourself ignored?

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Yes we went out 24th but then said about going out tomorrow and now my other friend has just messaged to say she can't go as it her dad birthday but this friend didn't reply at all

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Was meant to go out with her tonight but I'm not as my other friend said she couldn't make it as it her dad birthday but she never responded in the group to say what the plans were but my other friend now asks am I coming?

Abbey, hope you get it all sorted out satisfactorily.

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Maybe but she got this new friend 

//Was meant to go out with her tonight but I'm not as my other friend said she couldn't make it as it her dad birthday but she never responded in the group to say what the plans were but my other friend now asks am I coming?//

It's all very confusing - you don't make things easy to follow- so maybe I've misunderstood... but why can't you just take up the offer to meet up tonight with whoever it is who's asked you to come

Abbey,your posts tonight have been wandering into 'garbled' territory - I think people will find it hard to help, try to help, when it's hard to decipher! 

PS Are your friends not allowed to make new friends?

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