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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Finally back at home, went shopping in the new big supermarket at the other end of the island, then hija and I went out for a coffee, then I had to unpack all shopping, prepare the meat for the freezer, then change the chip pan oil (cos hija is making chips tonight!) and steak, throw away left over stew fromoutside fridge (she didn't eat as promised) then hardboiled some eggs for emergenies, and done 3 loads of washing! Cleared up the cat's vomit x2 cos I fed her liver and she made a pig of herself, now relaxing and waiting for kitchen floor to dry!

Who has time for gardening I ask you!!!
Hi Shaney. That all sounds a good trip. How did you get your Internet to speed up then? Mine is so slow I could swear!!
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for jude...what happens when you plant pants
Shaney that was an early morning, bet you are sitting with your feet up drinking a cuppa now!
Yoohoo Jude
Do you clear your cache and history regularly ?
My internet whizzes along most of the time except ..when it loses the bloody connection .Grrrrr and double Grrrrr. It bombed again earlier .My brother just came round to bring some stuff he forgot to bring this morning and his is running slow too and he's on Virgin .
I'm going to ring Virgin and shout at them before too long :)
I had no internet for days recently .They are more than useless .
Lol ..Neti ...I am doing just that but I've laced the tea with whisky's so cold here and blowing a gale now .
It's just done it again .I have to turn off ,shut everything down ,switch the switch off and and on and then reload it .Pain in the bum .I give up and am going to make an early dinner .
Mr S says ..oh leave it's probably a glitch ..yeah right .
I'll give 'em glitch .Fifty notes a month for intermittent internet .
I'm going to try the ..I'll go somewhere else tack.. if they can't fix it once and for all .
Shaney I tried that (I'll cancel and go somewhere else) not that there too much choice here, and they said OK we'll cancel your subscription now, so I panicked and said no it's OK, and that was the end of that. We pay about £90 per month for calls and internet, we do not make many calls, local calls are supposed to be free, I call England maybe 4 times a month, it's a total rip-off!
I know Neti's sooo annoying .I've logged on again while waiting for spuds etc to be done and now I''m going to make a note of it all .
Times of logging on and duration of internet connection ( until it cuts out ),then I'll baffle 'em with science :)
RºBiñ@ - hope you are feeling better x
Grrr, now my internet is blipping on and off or limited!!!!
morning everyone, and a rather grey morning it is too, though that will make people round here happy as the country is under a drought and has had no rain since before Christmas. Thank you all for the lovely birthday messages. I have been pootling around my ancestors in the land of the dead where even the internet cannot reach, so have been out of contact for a little while.

A Dubonnet sounds very nice but it is only 7am and there may not be any sun to get over the yardarm.
Hi Jno I still have no idea where on earth you are. Keep enjoying yourself wherever it is...
Loved the tree Woofy! That's a bit like my airing rack in the back bedroom in this weather.
Shaney yes I do clear the history regularly but it still seems a bit slow. I am with Orange for BB/Land line. I pay £22.50 per month.
I've had my plumber and his wife and 2 year old son here today and, guess what, they're expecting another baby again. I'm the first to know apart from them of course. I would have loved to have had a grandchild from when they were born to enjoy and watch growing up. Never mind my Plumber's son is such a great boy and he's got to know me really well.
I'm going to watch Casualty now so oight poight every one. Hope the rain goes away tomorrow. I'm going for a walk..Laters 'gaters
Hi jno, hope you have a good day.

I've just caught up with Prisoners wives, I do enjoy it but it upsets me too, I mean that rough family, ooh I would hate to have someone like that near me, but who knows what the truth is, I can hardly bear it.

Yes jude, I am at the time in my life when I would like a grandchild but of course hija is no way near ready, and I do not blame her, but I am getting on a bit!!!! By the time she has a baby she'll be pushing the both of us in prams!!
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Had one of "those" evenings.First thunder so the boys flipped, then the pizza i had for dinner was disgusting and gave me indigestion.Went to bed but the boys are having a must patrol garden night so her I am....not too bothered as we can catch up on kip tomorrow.
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My relatives with kids are in Dubai but i have seen my (well DH's but he was born nearly on my birthday, 30 minutes too early) godson and his big bro grow up, they are 22 and 18 now. They are lovely boys.
Jude, I am in NZ now, so this explains why my birthday card has just fallen off the window sill: we have just had an earthquake, 3.9 on whatever scale they use now, only four miles or so deep and about 10 miles north. It gave the house quite a jolt but there doesn't seem to be any damage. Having just come back from a tour of Christchurch, where a lot of the inner city is still in ruins and most of the houses along the river are lying empty waiting to be demolished, I found this quite unnerving. But hopefully that will be all of it.

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Glad you are ok jno. We finally settled to sleep at 3 am. I don't think I'll get a lot done today.
Good morning all.

jno New Zealand??? I thought you were in Burma? Deary me, all this gadding about and you'll be fit for nothing when you get back to the biddy fold!

Hija was out again but came in a 5am but it always disturbs me cos I worry until I hear her come in. Then when I do wake up in the morning I cannot be sure she actually did come home, so have to peep in her room.

Looks sort of nothing weatherwise, not grey but not sunny either. Mr N still feels snuffly but as he has worked thorughout his cold I sympathise with him.

Just off to make some toast for brekkie.
Morning all...mixed weather but not frozen.
Ah, New Zealand, that explains the vast time difference jno. I'm pleased you found us. Earthquakes aside, if you're enjoying it I'd stay there because there's nothing to shout about here.

Had a wonderful start to the day....not. I had a visual migraine attack, just zigzag lights on the right side but no pain. I've not had one of those for a long time, it's a weird thing. I think I need my head looking at. It's probably a lot to do with the air pressure bobbing up and down, we're back to snow showers in a day or so.
So, just like you woofy , it'll be a minimal effort day for me too I think.

Loving the image of Jude planting pants and waiting for them to

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