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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Lol Robi. I've looked and looked for anything covering the glass. The inside is black not white and the glass door has the wave protecting metal thing on the inside with very tiny holes in it - you can see the light through them but not what's cooking or how it's doing. Especially if it boiled over.
The one I took back was a better design but the enamel was peeling off on the inside.

Anyway Good Morning everyone. I did manage to get back to bed for half a dose but got up at 7 and I feel fine.

I hope you all have a good day - I'm off to see Carlos.. Laters 'gater(s)
Beautiful, sunny and warm day here.

I had put a watch (Phillipe Charriol) up for sale for 40€ only to have a jeweller tell me it is worth 500€, almost sold it at the cheap price, glad I didn't.

Wore very conservative clothes today, looked like any old woman I did, never again!
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good morning (just about). We are enjoying a quiet morning. We had ikea cinnamon buns for breakfast. I've done the plastic cover thing too....
well would you believe it, the sun's come out! I could have done some washing, tut. Not getting much done at all, I'm so tired I can't think so all I'm doing is skimming the surface, nothing's being done properly.

oh look out, here comes shaney back from the library...are those medical encyclopedias? Can you look up ailment no.376 please and see if there's any hope for me...or shall I just make an appointment with a vet?

Wish we had a proper library, the local one has about 50 books in English all of which I have read.

Hija had another smear today and all signs of the SIL has gone, so it's such a relief that she is clear, apparently she's been clear for at least 2 yrs now. I've told her that she should start the mammograms soon as we have it in the family, but she thinks the machine will squash her implants!!!!
Many of us locals have offered to donate books to the library, but Spain insists on invoices and shipping details, I ask you!!!
Spain is now after taxing our British savings.... they'll be nothing left for us when we are old. What is the point of trying to look after things and be legal when they hit you with all this?????
Hello again
It got out lovely here too earlier whilst I was collecting a medical dicaberry .
But now you can't see an inch in front of your nose out there .Sea fret .

Hmmm ....let me see ailment 376 appears to be trigger finger ....caused by too much internet shopping .
It says ..too much mouse clicking can cause the finger to go into spasm and this has the effect of making you unable to fiddle your bank card back into the slot in your purse :=0ooooooo)

That's good news for you and your daughter Neti .
You can get lots of bargains on Amazon with books Neti .I got a couple recently for 1p plus 2.80 postage .And they were sent from America .

Just eaten a verty normal cottage pie with carrots and peas, baked beans, what a normal day I am having atm.

Thanks shaney, last time I wanted something from amazon which cost about £4, they said they wouldn't deliver!! If I go round the bars there will be plenty of books for free, but I just do not use these bars. I'll ferret some out soon.
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Shaney do you get to pick your ailments or can you have all of them?
We had a good day today, pottering and we went out shopping. Visibility is down to less than 200m tomorrow morning with icy roads so no early walk again...getting really ticked off with this weather.
Hi All. What a long day. First hospital and Carlos gave me an injection. Then I have too go back in 6 weeks to see how I'm doing.
Then I took the microwave back and got my money back so now I'm on the lookout for another one. Then I was just about to do my Pasta lunch when Fuschia rang about l.45 to see if I fancied a walk to Asda and back. 1 hour at the most. Well we walked for 3 and a quarter hours. Robi if I tell you we walked from Asda to Lidl at Chad then down Meadow Lane over the A52 bridge to The Wyvern then to Starbucks for a cuppa on Pride Park then over to Ascot Drive and up to where we are, you can guess about how far it was.
I hadn't had anything to eat since 8 this morning. Was I cream-crackered.
I doubt I'll be making tea at 3 tomorrow morning:) We were really lucky with the weather Sunny and not ever so cold.
It's funny you should say trigger finger Shaney cos I think that's what I've got.
I'm happy about Hija Neti. I bet you do worry. I think mums worry about ther daughters more than their sons with things like that.
I'm off now to watch UC SoTDs. I hope I do better than 6. I know I definitely wont get as many as Shaney does - she's a smarty-pants!!

See yer later 'gater(s)
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That is good news about hija. I've just had my "invitation" I know I should go and it will be the last one but i really do not want to. I couldn't walk for 3 hours any more, the knees won't let me.
I forgot to tell you, I think I am getting too many deliveries from M and S.The courier turned up today with two dog treats! I opened the top half of my side gate and the dogs got a fuss and a biscuit each, good service or what?
I don't bother with the invitations anymore, way too old and well behaved! but I do the mammo things still, especially as sister has terminal breast cancer!

Woofy do your dogs ever eat dog food, I think they eat better that I do!

Oh jude I remember your walking, BPR BPR Lupus, BPR. I'll sit the next one out, or I'll get the bus!!!!

Hope your wrist is better now.
Oooh Dr Carter doing the full monty! ( absolute heaven!!)
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Yes they do get dog food Neti....its just that I do sharesies at mealtimes as well. It makes the day more interesting for them. But yes they are very very indulged. If you think I am bad, you should see it when my sister is here. She likes maltloaf for breakfast so she makes them their own slice of toast!!
Mammos I can live with but the smear is painful and I am not brave about pain...I swear a lot.
Weather here is still dire, I think whoever is in charge of it has got ADHD lets make it rain, no, hail, no, sun, no, windy, aaand rain again hey macarena!
Evening all
That's a long hike Jude .It would take me about two days to walk that far .I'd have to keep sitting down every five minutes .I hope the jab eases things off for you .I didn't watch UC .I'll have to look on catch up .I nodded off .
I haven't watched The Lady Vanishes yet either .I did flick through Our Queen though but it was more of the same .
You can have any ailment Woofy from A to Z .Mine starts with A for Arthritis and ends with Z for Zombieitis which affects me mostly in the mornings :)
Oight Oight folks ,sleep well .
Good day folks!

haha shaney zombietis, I'm starting to get that at times. I'm starting to get very tired about mid afternoon, but you all know me ([i]violins playing faintly in the distance]i]) I struggle on!

Off to sell a new electric fryer today, I didn't know I had all this rubbish, but I bought the fryer , it's an individual one, for when hija had her flat, couldn't bring it back from England in June so stuffed it in my box in December and have no use for it now. A toaster tomorrow! as I have 3 0f them!
dear, dear, don't get carried away, neti
Good day jno, haha, I do not need such cheap tactics to sell my wares!!

How ya doin' (said in an ozzie accent! yes I know!!)
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hello all, well I am on S for stomach today....deeply unpleasant. OH well I guess its good for weight loss. The good news is that we are forecast normal weather for tomorrow morning so me and the boys will be off out.
Neti I like ebaying...its fun to see the stuff make money.

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