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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Hi All another busy cleaning day for me. The car had a clean and valleting (sp!!) It hasn't been cleaned properly for months.
I always have Yeo Valley natural yoghurt without fruit or anything in and I usually have it with a banana. I think I'll go and have one now while I'm watching the footie. David Beckham is playing tonight for Paris St. Germain.
Sorry it's a quick not but will catch up again tomorrow. Oight Oight Everybiddy.
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Shaney, its dead easy. I whizz a pot in as I am going to bed and get up to fresh yoghurt. The other good thing is that it keeps for about a month or more in the fridge when it gets a chance. You just fill the kettle and stick it on, while its boiling mix up the yoghurt mixture with cold tap water, put the lid on, the kettle has boiled by now, fill up the thermos outer bit, dump the yoghurt pot in , thermos lid on, walk away.
Am watching Scott and Bailey but am very confused, who got murdered and when? and did Suranne marry that irish chap who lives with her, and was it a mistake? Must pay more attention!
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getting a cold now :-(
oh that'll be mine, woofy, I sneezed on my keyboard, sorry.

Am just settling down under the weight of a Waitrose lasagne - not Blooming Hestonthal, another line; I don't know how many they plan to market at once. But it is nice and warming.
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ha ha I have a computer virus!!
It was a retrospective from the last series Neti (if you can remember that far back ) I was having to rack my brains .At the end of the last series she was going to meet her mother ( who had abandoned them as children) ,she was getting married ,and she was also under investigation about the murder of her former lover the lawyer and her brother had been arrested for his murder. We've now found out what happened .

Do those sachets of mix have milk powder in them in Woofy ?
Oooh not another one with a cold ..please don't sneeze towards the east :)
Oight Oight .
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Yes shaney the mix is complete, it's all made in New Zealand. All you do is add water.
Thank you shaney, now I am completely confused. I remember the lover now.

Lovely morning here, no sneezing please, I do not want another illness.

Hope Robi is OK today. Poor woofy, no more early morning romps!

That was a lovley picture of that ship Shaney, did you take it?
Why have I recently started typing lovely, wrong, it's the fingers, not the brain.
Morning I is. A peaceful night and had some sleep but it's dull and rain's forecast so I 'spect a new range of ailments will flare up. Can't recall when it last rained without sleet thrown in.

That's a lovely photo shaney, you're lucky to see ships like that, such a lot of work has gone into them.
I've just remembered one of my neighbours has easiyo, used to go on about it all the time, she bought it from QVC. You're doing a great promo job woofy, you should ask them for a job. :) Hope your cold disappears pdq.

neti there's one word I misspell every single time I type it but I can't remeber what it is at the moment.
maybe it's hte definite article?
Morning all
Grey and dull but fairly mild .It's been raining .
Hope you are all Ok .
I'm sorry you're confused Neti watching I'm sure it'll all fall into place .
It's up to date now ,what we didn't see in the last series has now happened .
Lover dead,murdered by brother who is now banged up ,and the awful boob flashing mother is on the scene .
I didn't take the picture of the ship .It was on our local daily photo website .

Thanks Woofy .I must be really getting on your nerves by now but milk powder is something I can't tolerate .I hoped it would be something I could make those probiotic ones in .

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On the easy yo website it says that you can use th kit to make yoghurt from soya milk. Do you find milk powder indigestible or is it the idea? The made yoghurt tastes just like yoghurt, not like powdered milk.
I've just seen this on son's FB page....haha, best laugh I've had for days

haha yes Robi, I am always taking photos of my dinner in restaurants, no idea why, but when eating bull meat and different things, I think it is more interesting than stk and kid pie!!
Why has tinypic changed, it's horrid now seeing all that gubbins instead of just the picture??
Lol Robinia ..shall I send you a pic of my chs roll ..hahaa

I can't digest milk powdery stuff Woofy .Things like instant Horlicks etc play me up .I don't like soya milk and only have a tiny splash of skimmed milk in tea .
I do,however , like oat or almond milk and can tolerate those .I'm becoming a pain in the bum with this . I'll dither and end up not buying one .
here you are. neti, rest your eyes
exactly jno, but that is after you have meddled with it,I want it like that in the first place!

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