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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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never had such a phone, neti - if I'd had one I'd probably have thought it was a manufacturing error produced on a day when the hole-borer was off sick, and just used it as a doorstop.

Why has it got a dial if you can't dial?
Morning all, very cold and windy here.

That's so sad neti, I've said many times that the years inbetween 26 and 30 yrs old can be a very strange time.
I don't recall seeing a phone like that, we had to go to the end of the road and use the telephone box anyway....youhadtotalkreallyquicklybeforethepipswent.

The best thing I heard Mrs T say was about clothes. She said if you have to go somewhere that you're nervous about wear something you've worn before and been happy in. My doctor seemed quite surprised the day I turned up in a French maid's outfit.

lol Robinia, it wasn't the Maid of Orleans, was it?

I can see he might have trouble sticking his needle in.

Goodness, it seems someone's got a job in Ibiza going...
Back from florist sizing and pricing wreathes, jolly expensive I must say! It's all a huge mystery, hija's policeman friend who attended the scene said it was the worst experience of his life but his seniors are saying it was a heart attack, she was surrounded by bottles of pills, others say she was talking to a neighbour and died, everyone is blaming themselves and no one could have helped her. She was released from hospital on Sunday, she had mental problems, being autopsied now.
Hope all my sad news isn't keeping the ole bids away, it's just my way of unloading the sadness, skip through it.
Hello all
Brightish day here but it's still bloomin' chilly .When are we going to get some warm weather .
Hope you are all Ok today .Unload all you like Neti ,it's very sad for you .
I see the Thatcher debate is still rumbling on .
Just been browing round Holland and Barrett .Have any of you got one of those Easy Yo yogurt thingies ? I'm debating about buying one .You can buy the packets of mix for it and it must work out cheaper than Actimel in the long run .I eat a lot of yogurt .
Yogurt, urgh, no! Back in the day we had a yogurt machine, which was 6 glass pots in a tray thingy and we had to put culture in and milk I think, not too sure, but 2x was enough!
blimey, where did you get culture in Eastbourne?
jno, it was in hippyland - san Carlos, Ibiza in the 70's ! d'oh
Hello All. Neti - what a sad event for you all there. So young as well.
I'm not keeping away because of that. You go on as much as you want
You let me rant on when I've got something to go on about.
I'm fed up of reading bad things about Margaret Thatcher. I didn't agree with her on lots ofthings but she was a hard working lady with a family who never wavered from what she believed in. When I say bad things I mean all the sneering remarks and nasty things being said. You can say you disagree with someone without being so insulting. That's my rant for today.

I've been to Tai Chi this morning and then lunch with the 'Ladies what lunch' Then toPridePark for more tickets.

I'm off now. I hope you are all ok and you have agood night.
So agree with you jude, she did things I liked (over here in Ibiza when she was Education minister) and she did 'orrible things in 79 when we moved back and bought a house, but all this dancing and nasty remarks are just so childish and unnescessary. End of my rant re Mrs T.

Hija and 3 others are going to see her friend's mother tonight, apparently the poor girl was on her own as her mum was on mainland looking after granny, awful with all her mental probs. Mother flew back immediately of course, said she will be pleased to see all the friends again, and I have to say this poor girl had so many friends, I was proud of hija who only emailed her 3 weeks ago asking if she was OK and did she want to go out with them and that she loved her, and the girl replied that she was having probs and that she would work through them with her trick cyclist (no way can I spell that) and that she loved them aswell, and would be back with them soon. ( I have to mention here that the Spanish do love rather a lot!)
Have just made s/sour chicken, and had to make my own sauce as didn't have any, it was fine, just a tad vinegary which we like, hija doesn't and rice, so hija is making dinner tomorrow, yay!!
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Hello all, Neti I am sorry to hear your news, the young shouldn't die. I haven't really read back except about the phone, I think that London was ahead of the rest of the uk in getting automated exchanges where you dialled yourself. We didn't have one (phone) I well remember as a kid pressing button b in every phone box and the magic when, very rarely, pennies fell out or you found one on the floor that someone had dropped.
As soon as they read fla off the girls hand in Endevour, sis and I said together "Flaxman, that's a Chelsea phone number!" It's amazing what sticks. Sis and I have been gadding and gallivanting so I haven't been on here a lot.
Anyway I will read more tomorrow, oight oight all.
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Ps I agree about Maggie and the rudeness, I also think its too soon to judge her.
Good morning, from a sunny but rather windy Ibiza, the wind that is not me!

From what I gather the poor girl died of natural causes, a neighbour was looking after her, the girl had a siesta and was very confused when she woke up and was on the loo when her legs went and the neighbour rushed to help her and she died, she was on a lot of medical drugs, so maybe we'll never know. Her friends seem to think she was a pill popper on the side though.

Woke up at 1.30 thanks to a yeowling cat trying to get in, and from then on she proceeded to take every part of my side of the bed so I just couldn't settle til just after 5am. I try not to disturb the cat as she then causes havoc all night.
Morning quite pleasant at the moment.

It's always unreal when a young person dies, a good friend lost her 27 yr old son to cancer not so long ago and Ozzy son lost one of his best mates at 27 too. Strangely enough ozzy had often said that drink would kill him and indirectly it did, he stepped in front of a car when drunk. I remember how I felt when I found out that one of my old boyfriends died at 26 from cancer. Your daughter will come to terms with it neti but it might take a while.

I am so tired I swear I could cry, the way that little kids do when they're irritable. Next door obviously had a footy get together last night and were very noisy until it was done so it took me a long time to calm down. They were only enjoying themselves and I'm a grumpy ole fart, I know, but I just don't seem to tolerate noise any more. And just before I went to bed I had a spontaneous nose bleed, I was washing my face and the water went pink...I thought I'd been overdoing the rouge.

jno I wear the 'Joanie' when I go for mammograms, it plays havoc with the equipment.
Oh blimey Robi, you are in a state. I agree about noise though, It's Ok when I make it but hate hearing others. Luckily we are detached but can hear door slamming from the cheap flats at the back. The spansih are a noisy lot at the best of times!

Lovely beautiful day here today, just met an old friend for coffee, she was a friend of a friend and she always looked so stern she really frightened me, and then when hija worked for Thomson's I said beware of her, but she was the nicest one there, so now we are gresat friends, isn't it funny how things work out?
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very quick comment, yes i have got an easyyo. The greek is yummy and also makes nice cheese and the "and cream" varieties are super dooper also the yoghurt jelly
Thanks Woofy .I'm dithering now though .It looks complicated !
I really want the bio yogurt .I can't eat those Müller yogs for example .
I'll give it some more thought .
Anyway yoohoo all ,it's not a bad day ,quite mild actually but a bit dull ,rain later so my joints tell me .I hope you are alright now Robinia .
I wanted to go into town but the funfair is on and I can't stand the racket ,so I'll sit on the grumpy step with you :)
We've had this lovely ship sail in here today from Bremerhaven ..built in 1909 .

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