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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Morning all, yes I like Foyle, shame it's finished. What era was it?

I get up later and later, thank heavens my timer on the washing machine worked and my washing was waiting to be hung out.

Slghtly overcast here!
Morning all...cold and windy again, hey-ho, it was good while it lasted.
Nice quiet night and I did sleep but it seems to make no difference, I still get up knckrd.

Woofy I don't know what it is with all this narrow sleeve malarkey. Even with my sticks, I can't get my arms into some things these days, they're so tight. I blame the government.
Morning all
Chilly here again and foggyish.Looks unsettled for the week .
Foyle was good .Sad at the end though when Sam asked him where he wanted to go and he said he had no idea.
It's now set shortly after the war Neti ,1946.
Hope you are all ok today .I'd better put some washing on .I tipped my water bottle up last night for a swig when half asleep and the top wasn't screwed on properly .All down my jarmies and had to take the duvet cover off pdq.
I wasn't very pleased in the middle of the night :)
bonjour mes petits chats, voici les chats francais

hahaha, c'est hilarant....POOM! :o)
I just knew it...
Hi All. Enjoyed Foyle...into garden now for me. Laters 'gaters
This is what puzzles me..... they all use the telephone dial, but I remember in the 50's at least at home in Eastbourne, we didn't have a dial phone, we had a lift up and the operator would say "number please" and she would connect us, we were not party line, so how come they are using the dialing system?
Lol...very funny Jno.
Can one of you test this for me please .
When I click on play it doesn't play for me .
Yet all the other slide shows work .
Do you mean the dial phones in Foyle Neti ? I think they had dial phones then
We never had the luxury of a phone ,had to go to the phone box .
Listen for the pips and insert 4d !
The Art of walking? haha...yes, it works for me shaney
I think I'll make one 'The art of walking in a straight line...and other impossibilities'

I've got square eyes now, just found some family history about my grandma on dad's side, and possibly a pic of my great grandad/great great's difficult when people call their sons by the same name. They were farmers/farm workers...I've always wanted to keep chickens, it's obviously in my family eggs. :)
When I click on play it does nothing. Very strange .
They must know I don't walk in a straight line either Robinia
nothing on the walking video for me neither. A pity, I was going to show it to my sedan chair-bearers.
ah well, to view it you need adobe flash, java script and a brownies countryside badge.
I'm happy to say I can see the walking link - it's reallyinteresting and I enjoyed it.
I also love the cats dancing and chatting!! Even though I only understand a word here and there. I took my GCSE when I was 46.. I did it at night school and the teacher said we could take the exam so I did and sat with school children taking theirs at a local school. I managed a grade 1.
By the way I did all along the bottom of my garden. Digging, tidying, cutting back and emptying all the post ready when it's potting time. Just got the sides to do now and the lawns.
Off to watch Man U. v Man C. now on Sky...Have a good night all..

This is an identical phone to ours, see no dial, I wish I understood why we didn't use the dialling system.
Oh dear something bad has happened to one of hija's friends but we do nto know what yet, her friend the guardia civil said he'll come round and tell her at 10pm, and another friend has seen an ambulance coming away from one of her young friend's apartment, who had been mentally disturbed for a while, hope it's not too bad.
Yes her friend aged 26 has died, but we have no idea if it was natural (not very likely) or suicidal. She was a very troubled soul, I saw her last week in the village and she sort of looked at me but I honestly didn't know if it was her or not, she looked haunted, I would have and should have hugged her, but she was known for being violent to her mother. Poor wee thing, her father only died a year ago. This is the same week a year ago that hija's best friend was killed jumping out of a car, awful!
what a strange phone... what did you do with your fingers when making a call, neti, needlepoint?

That's very sad about hija's friend, so young.
That's very sad Neti .Too young .Poor girl.
And here they all are arguing about Mrs T. who had a long life .
I'm really surprised that free speech is being stifled on here .People being reported left right and centre just because they have differing views about her.
Oight Oight .Sleep toight .

Morning all, still waiting to see what actually happened to the poor girl.

Jno, do none of you really recognise that phone, surely Eastbourne can't have been so far behind in the 50's? I think our fingers hands and muscles were all needed to lift the damn thing, it was quite heavy.

Yes shaney everyone has differing views on Mrs T but I do not think there is any need for anyone to be rude and insulting when someone has died, enough to say that they were disliked and disagreeed with etc. She will definitely go down in history and be remembered long after Blair, Major, Brown etc are long gone, so why must people be so childish?

Am still in bed, had better shake a leg, bedcover needs washing as the cat has been sleeping on it, thank heavens I can wash and dry this one in a day.

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