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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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yes shaney, I want to see a full day's gallery please and all professionally presented, doileys, clean tablecloth, napkins.... :)

That looks the same as my link jno. I thought it might be this site causing it but I sent a pic to my sister using tinypic and it did the same in an email.

hhmmm, how come neti can see a tidied up version then?
I don't understand it either Lol!!
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shaney that's a shame. its a pity you haven't got a neighbour who could let you try some of the made yoghurt, no point in buying the kit if you found it indigestible. Its not like the instant milk hot drinks stuff and you'd probably be ok if you can digest normal yoghurt but of course you can't be sure. You could get one of qvc and send it back of you didn't like it but you'd still be out the p and p to buy it and return it.
Cold has taken hold and I am feeling urgh
Can't you see jno's link, it is just the picture (oh all right then, the words!) and nothing else surrounding it!
that's funny, I've clilcked on it twice and once got just the pic and once got all the gubbins around it too. Very mysterious. It might be down to the link given to the original poster, if that wasn't Robi.
hhhm, well I googled and it seems others have the same problem with no direct links and it's been suggested it's firefox.
Well, I can still see it in all it's glory and no gubbins!
I could see it Ok Robinia from your tinypic link and I'm on Firefox .
On Google images lately I get pics coming up on that black background .
It slows my computer down sometimes so I scroll down and go to basic images and I get this
Hello everybody. I couldn't see anything on that link just writing. Was there a picture. Steadier's birthday today (52). I feel really old now.
Hope you're all ok. Aches and pains at a minimumum. Off to watch guess what again now
laters 'gaters Oight Oight Oight
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hello of those strange todays today. Was feeling spacey with the cold, took sis to coach station, came home took paracetamol, had a snooze then my 21 yo godson phoned (he lives just up the road) to say he was putting an ikea bed together and was stuck so HELP!!!! please. he had phoned his mum at work who collapsed laughing then phoned his big brother ditto. So I wandered round with my tool kit and got him sorted, had a coffee with his mum when she got in from work, got home to find that the tortoises had finally woken up, so got them up and into my garden shed which is heated and lit for them and gets loads of sun. I am now drinking too much champagne (Lidl's 12 quid a bottle) with passion fruit and elderflower syrup in it to wash down the paracetamol which is probably why i feel strange. I hate colds.
woofy you should be resting, you'll make it worse.

Just watched "Hitchcock" what a good film, really enjoyed it.
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Neti you are right, tomorrow is a day of rest.
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there was a thread earlier asking after Lottie.....I hope she's okay?
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throat and nose are getting sorerer. Decided to finish the chapagne.
I think Lottie is taking a break from AB for a while, I emailed her a while back.
Hi woofy, hope you are feeling better after all that champers!

I really must stop eating so much, hija is cooking lunches and dinners and I am piling on the weight, I look the same but feel uncomfy. I need zumba classes again but they have closed due to lack of interest, mind you they cosy 10€ hr so was a rip-off. Have started gentle walking, but my feet get so sore! At least it is sunny!

Hope you are all feeling OK?
neti, in my regrettable experience the fatter you get the sorer your feet feel when you put all that weight on them.
woofy, I stand corrected, I don't think that's my cold you've got as most of it is still here

cough cough splutter cough
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so long as Lottie is okay.
Its an odd thing when i have a cold, I don't feel the effect of alcohol at all. I wouldn't drive or do anything silly, bit I chugged a whole bottle of champagne last night and still felt completely sober. Its not like I am so pickled in it that it has no effect as a bottle of any wine normally lasts me a week and then i probably won't immediately open another.
Anyway anyone who wants some of this cold is welcome. I went to sleep at 5 am on friday having got up at 8am on thursday, I just feel miserable headachey and restless.
That's it....moan over

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