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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Lol Jude ..I'm sure Mr S will still be able to find a football match that's going on somewhere in the world .
Oh dear Woofy ,do take care .My poor old bro is down in the dumps .He's got bronchitis .He's been mooching in his dressing gown all week and only felt well enough to get dressed today .
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I have had a moochy morning and am feeling the better for it thank you. Its nothing near as bad as bronchitis, just stupid in the head (what else is new) bunged up, sore and grumpy. Thank you for the good wishes. My Sis has sent chocolate so i am very spoiled
Yohoo, here I am, oh no one missing me???

Got up early today to get the 10am bus to ibiza and the 10.30am, bus to the hospital cos my coffee friend has been there for over a week having tests on all sorts of things cos she couldn't breathe but no solution yet, I found it totally depressing and boring so didn't stay long, they only have 2 bedded wards which is nice but as one walks down the corridor all the doors are open and all the old fold are hacking and spluttering, made me feel quite ill! Had to walk back down to Ibiza city as the bus goes the long way round and takes an hour! My feet actually didn't hurt so met hija and we had a lovely breakfast fresh squeezed oj, grilled baguette with olive oil and fresh tomato smashed on it, and a coffee, all for 3,50€ each, really nice and it was in a calm area and the sun was shining, really pleasant. The we dawdled round the (cheap) shops ooohing and ahhing and got the bus back. I have made an app for hair cut as I look like every other oap at the mo, can't be doing with that. Went to mobile phone shop where they know me by name and decided to squeeze Mr N for a new one, but hija inexplicably decided to give me my beloved zte skate back, she decided that my white Alcatel android looks good and looks like a Samsung S11, I am delighted, but still want a new one!

Have washed front door net curtains, we are half glazed and I like to cover up, even though we have the two doors wide open all day!

Have tried to install AB on phone but won't let me sigh in, will keep trying.

Hope you are all OK. Is Mr S OK now with the food posioning I mean?
Last weekend hija and friends were partying after the beach and the girl driver got stopped on way home for dd, and fined 250€. Next thing we know (and we are not supposed to know) is Mr N went to her office and gave her an envelope with 200€ in, he bever said a word just left! She feels bad cos she was drinking not being forced and wants to give it back, but I've said no cos that will upset him, and may stop any other kind acts in the future. He knows she hasn't a dad, and he respects anyone who works, so I am getting smashed and going out driving and maybe I'll get some money!
You do live an exciting life Neti :)
Can you put me up for a fortnight ?
Exciting??? I haven't been out partying for months and months and months and at the mo I can't be bothered! I really need to get a grip and start dieting (or my version of it) and exercising, am defo getting a swim ring round the middle. I need to get tanned too as white wrinkly limbs are a no no, and it's getting too warm for full length jeans.
That is: the hospital doesn't only have two bedded wards, it had lots of wards with 2 beds and a bathroom.
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Just heard some sad news about a very good friend of mine (not medical) so god bothering, good thoughts and cosmic ordering for him would be appreciated. He's a lovely man, an old friend of DH's.
I'll pray for your friend woofy.
Am stuffed, hija has made a delicious meatloaf with bearnaise(sp!) sauce, and apple piue and cvustard to follow, I do not do custard, yuk, so I had 2 mini apple pasties, really nice.

Now Mr N remembers meatloaf from his school days, but cannot remember what it was called then, certainly wasn't meatloaf?, any ideas ?
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thanks Neti, was it rissoles?known at my (very posh) school as something similar that won't pass the swear was popularly supposed that it was the main ingredient of the rissoles...I should add that oxtail stew was known as cow bum, we were a sweet and innocent band.
I haven't stopped all day except to eat my lunch and dinner. I will find tune ti think the best for your friend Woofy.
Oight Oight Biddy friends everywhere. I'm in bed doing this on my phone so please excuses mistakes. Sleep tight.
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oight oight all.
Not you too Woofy ? I had some sad news this evening as well .
An old friend of mine rang and we had a long chat . Her husband has had a massive brain haemorrhage.
They retired to Spain some years ago but she can't cope with him out there alone and they've had to come home .They are getting on and she's happier now she's near her family .
Best cosmic wishes for your friend .
It's been a gloomy day all round .Watching the news is enough to depress you to bits .Let's hope for a brighter day tomorrow .Oight Oight .
Good Morning my lovelies.

Mr N and I went out at 9 am (8 am your time) to look at some trellis I want to buy but at 50€ per sheet I have changed my mind, so we continued on to Ibiza Town where I bought some lovely platform sandals, they are not wedge shaped they are straight platform all the way along so hopefully I'll be able to wear them! Off for coffee now, see you lates.

Love and thoguhts go to both your dear friends. Yes shaney a lot of folk move back to England when these things happen, I can certainly understand it.
Good morning All. Thinking of your friend too Shaney.
I haven't been on a 'treat myself' Shopping spree for a while Neti. I'll have to give it a go soon. I wish is waswarm enough to where sandals. I have a pair I really likeand have only worn them about 4 times.
Have a good weekend all mine is goingto be a bit busy.
See yer later 'gaters
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good morning Shaney, so sorry to hear about your friends, I will add them to my prayers. Cold is receding again today, I wish the sore throat would recede but i suspect its cos I sleep with my mouth ajar as hot tea sorts it.
Back from hairdressers, really short back and sides, with long layer top, love it, she is so good, just a tiny punkish girl, but she knows her stuff, says I remind her of a young (take note young!) Brigette bardot, as long as I don't look like the older one! Repainted my toenails deep purple so can stagger around in my new sandals.

Lovely weather here, must get sunbathing.
Maybe she said "old" and I misinterpreted, but she loves my thick hair.
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would give a lot for thick hair, I have a bald spot and its getting worse.
Have been over in news discussing that JW in can people not see how important it is to be free to choose regardless of what old tosh you base your choice on?

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