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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Hello folks
Hope you are all ok .Not a bad day here ,bright and sunny but the old east wind is still a bit on the chilly side .
I've been visiting the sick with a bread pudding .My brother .He seems a lot better than he's sounded all week on the phone .Hope your cold is at bay now Woofy .I suck those Jakemans cherry menthol sweets for a sore throat They do various flavours and are very soothing .
I wish my hair was still thick ,this thyroid problem has thinned it .I have to load it up with mousse .
Yes very sad for my friend .She said the hospital in Spain was very good Neti but it's the aftercare .She's 80 and it was too much for her .He's gone from an active man to a baby ( her words) and he's such a lovely man .Proper south Londoners .Lovely people .She used to work with me at the bakers and we've been friends ever since .They're in Devon now near their children .
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Oh dear Shaney, life is just plain cruel at times. We went to look at the sea today and came home late so I stopped at the chippy for the first time in years. We had skate and chips and it was jolly unhealthy but very nice.

Its lovely to see a bit of sun again, I don't even mind that its still chilly. I don't know Jakemans but will look for them, I always used TCP blackcurrant pastilles bit they are no longer made.

My halogen gizmo arrived toady and its HUGE. I am going to have to do some kitchen rearranging tomorrow but anything to cut down on oven cleaning.
Ooh I love a nice skate wing .Haven't had one for donkeys years .You're making my mouth water !
You can get the bags of Jakemans in Wilkinsons,Savers and Superdrug They're about 70p a bag.
Is it that huge ? I don't have that much workspace :(
But I also loathe cleaning ovens ...decisions ,decisions ......
I want a gizmo, but they are almost as big as my kitchen!!!

Just been out for dinner in a new diner 1950's style, it was lovely to see the old vespa and prams they have for decoration. Food was nice too, we shared a mixed tex-mex starter (when I say shared, hija gobbed most of it) then hija and Mr N had the biggest hamburgers I've ever seen, and I had a huge hotdog and chips, was a job to finish it, but I did, brought half of hija's hamburger home. Then I had a coffee with a hint of mint, I chewed a mint leaf whilst drinking the coffee, very nice, but unheard of over here, so shall spread the word: When will the diet start???
I am defo getting a gizmo as and when.....
Question Author
our tesco and waitrose fish counters both have them (skate wings). but you need a huge frying pan.
I'll have to have a look at the fishmonger on the market next time I venture over the bridge Woofy and see if he's got any wings .Our local Morrisons just seem to have bits of smoked haddock and not much else .Wish we had a Waitrose here.I used to love the one in Surbiton.

Dinner at the Diner eh Neti ? Nothing could be finer ....,♫than to have your ham and eggs in Carolina ♫........
Have a lovely weekend Jude ;-) .Hope Jno and Robinia are ok .

Oight Oight .Sleep toight .
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good morning all. Its a beautiful but chilly day here again. I have reorganised the kitchen to make room for monster gizmo and will give it a try today. A wood pigeon is sat on my bird feeder eating out of the stuffed coconut shell, it works quite well, he drops more than he eats and the little birds sit underneath and hoover up the mess.
Morning folks
Lovely bright sunny day .
Let us know how you get on with the gizmo Woofy.I know it's a cheek but can you give me an approx of the measurements of it please.
Hope everyone is ok today.
Well I looked in here this am at 5.30 and left a post, blaming my cat for my disturbed night, she was on a mission and drove me mad! but after I had posted (on my phone) I had to sign in and it took so long I fell asleep again but I have managed somehow to subscribe to the thread!

Bit overcast here today, big sale of end of season stock going on on main street, which is closed to traffic as they all have stalls down the middle of the road. We did our shopping and I am now relaxing, and may even have a nap, don't feel exotic enough for a siesta.

Hope you are all well and happy!
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Happy to help Shaney. Measurements are a bit ishish and over rather than under
Height 14 inches plus the extender ring when in place adds another 3 inches
Width which includes the handles on the holder is 17 inches
Depth, basically just the diameter of the bowl is 13 inches

Then, of course when you are using it, there needs to be airspace above and all around. I think its staying, have been looking on the net for how to do a chicken and roasties in it because the recipe book that comes with it is recipes not basics.
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Good morning Neti!
Thanks very much Woofy .I'll do some calculations later withe a tape measure and see how I may be able to shuffle things round .
I have seen some books on Amazon about halogen cooking ,you may find something there . Good luck with it .
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I have been searching in amazon, but its quite hard to see what is in the books. I want to buy a kindle version because my space for books is limited...I did just but Paul Hollywood's book on bread though because the on the program the breads looked so good.
There's a forum here Woofy ,you may find something.
I like the Paul Hollywood programme .I don't have the strength in my hands and wrists to knead bread though !
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Thank you Shaney, that is just what i need!!!
I don't knead either, my breadmaker does it.
How's it going Woofy ?
I'm waiting for my roast dinner :0)
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getting my courage up.....
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okay,chicken and spuds are in.....
Well Woofy????

Hija has just made breaded mushrooms with sweet chilli dip and a blue cheese dip: tuna and spinach lasagne, and a carrot, nut and orange sponge cake (it was too moist for my liking) but Mr N loved it all. It's nice when she does it as she washes up and clears away.

Am in bed watching BGT.

Still want to know how you got on woofy. I'd like to see a piccy of the finished chicken to see how brown it goes!

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