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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Hello Neti, where did you pop up from?
Sounds lovely woofy, even though I have lunched I am hungry again, just eating potato sticks atm. There's fresh strawberries and jelly and choc ices for afters! yum...
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It was lovely. The joints are small and one just does the three of us.
Neti I've heard that Quartet is coming out on DVD within the next week or so and I'm definitely going to get it. I wanted to see it ever since it came out but never had the opportunity.
I watched it again today jude, it is really good, just a nice story with no twists or turns, and has a lot of foregetful people!!
Can't stop eating, have now just eaten two slices of toast with marmalade. Am watching tv in bed, and bed is full of small crumbs of potato sticks and toast, hate it when that happens!!
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Neti you are a big child!
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oight oight all, feel full of beans (or the healthy tasty snack of your choice) in the morning.
Lol...I had some jelly while I watched Endeavour .Orange flavour with a tin of mandarins in it .I love jelly .They were showing Quartet at the library on Village Screen .I had a leaflet about it somewhere, I must have missed it .Bgr.
Oight Oight folks .
Morning all from a very rainy and dark Ibiza. Just seen Mr N off on his trip to Valencia, absolutely peeing down. Back to bed with a cuppa, laters >>>>>
Up again, have done 3 days washing as I was waiting for the rain to stop but doesn't look like it will anytime soon. We are flooded and cesspit cannot take any moe water! Actually it's a soakaway and it can't!

On my 3rd cuppa and 2nd piece of toast, went back to sleep for an hour, up now, to paddle my way to town!
Morning all
Bright and sunny here but chilly .Sorry you've got all that rain Neti .
We've had the odd shower here but nothing spectacular .Steady as you go sploshing .
Morning all...cloudy and cold.
Please send jelly and chicken soup. I can't stop coughing and feel so lousy I don't know what to do with myself. :(

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Its bright here but cold too....sorry you are feeling so rough Robi. am channeling some good health for you. I bought loads of lovely plants yesterday....really should be getting them planted.
thanks woofy...every now and then I get a short reprieve, I hope I'm on the winning side. I wish it was warm enough to have an amble outside but it made me shivery going to the bird table.
hello everyone, bright and chilly here and I am immersed in family history as usual these days (it won't last forever, my aim is to find out everything that's easily findable, write it all up and give it to jno jnr, to stop him wishing he'd asked me more about it when I was alive).

Sounds like Ibiza is set up for the simple life - computers and cesspits, what a perfect pairing.
yes jno, we all do that 'I wish I'd asked so-and-so while they were still here' thing. Mind you, the questions I have asked usually seem to be met with 'don't know's or an awkward silence.

*is that how to spell awkward, it doesn't look right somehow?
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same in my family Robi. There are quite a few things that I know the edges of but know that the people involved did not want to talk about or tell more and I have to respect that.
Snap, big dark family secrets here (well it's me actually) but didn't dare to ask Mother, one just didn't ask these things, Dad tried to explain it but even he wasn't sure who, what, where and why?

Been out for chinese lunch with hija, really nice but way too much so we have brought it home for dinner tonight, yum.

Have log effect plugged in and working again, and will get butano fire up and running soon, I am amazed at the amount of log fires I can see, and we thought summer was here!

All washing is hanging limply under the patio, hate it, but must dry it off a bit before I can tumbledry it. Had to change the sheets and I love a clean fresh bed when Mr N has gone!

Poor Robi, you have been unwell for days now, wish I could help.
I think there are a few skelingtons in our family cupboards .
I never realised my late aunt had been married twice ,once to a bigamist .She didn't tell me until a few years ago .
Robinia ,go to the doctor and get something for that cough .You don't want to end up with a chest infection .If you remember that's what happened to me and it went on and on for weeks and I ended up having to go for a chest xray.
I'm sending you some cyber soup and strawberry jelly .I hope you like it with evap milk !
Mr S just said there is snow in Spain Neti .

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