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Steak & Kidney Pie

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Robinia | 15:22 Wed 13th Apr 2005 | Food & Drink
537 Answers
I really really fancy a steak & kidney pie. What's the next best thing to home made? Plenty of excuses for not doing my own at the moment! (individual please, not family sad).


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Oh post it here Neti please!
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Morning all....bloomin chilly here

Gutted about the football I was...well, gutted there was nowt else on the tele, haha. I ended up watching Butler & Wilson Jewellery on QVC.

D'oh, I was wondering why Ed & Sophe hadn't been round this week Sweedie, they could have told me they were off to Stockholm. I s'pect the next big Royal bash we'll have will be William & whatsername's wedding...Kate is it? 'Kween Kate'.... mmmm, silly boy, I need to have a word with him.

Remember my grumpy complaining day? (yes, I know that's every day) The one when I wrote to Procter & Gamble about the Lenor? Well they've sent me a nice apologetic letter & a £4 voucher, haha...I can spend it on Daz, I'm not buying any more softener from them. They sent a brochure too - as if I'd never done any washing, tut. Anyway I'll now be the font/fount of all laundry knowledge in H&G. Got a problem anyone? Disappointed with your excessive wrinkling? Need tips on hanging out your pants? :o)

I think we need a poster up in here :o)
jude, go into youtube and type in Chinese Ballet - swan lake and it will appear, it is truly amazing and beautiful!
sorry everyone, brain's not thinking todday or would have posted it earlier! I like it when the anonymous man comes in from the wings to stand behind them to obviously catch her if nec, and then disappears off again.
Yes that's them, thanks Neti. She did slip slightly yesterday=:0 Did Mr N KNOW the gecko was there??

With and without
Yes of course he knew, he was the one who tol me it was there.

Am sitting here eating cold curry, which I love!!!!
Fantastic Neti Thanks!
H ah Robi, I like the poster, but my gecko is fat and sludgy and grey! Haven't seen it today but they are nocturnal so it'll be zooming round the bedroom tonight whilst I am trying to catch up on Easties and Corrie. There's a front half of a lizard outside the front door as I speak and a blood trail, so must clear it up! Cat's been at it again, and it wouldn't surprise me if she hadn't brought the damned gecko in.. If I see it tonight I'llbe dancing on Mr n's head to get away from it!

OOhh hello dolly sorry I wasn't with it yesterday! You Ok and Mr dolly??
Would you believe we have the heating on ?
This is dire .It's lashing down with rain and blowing a gale fit to bust.We went into town earlier and it was bloomin' freezing .I ran round Aldi's and we came home again toot sweet .
I love that ballet thing Neti ,she's so pretty .

Well done Robinia ...I use Daz's some things for you .. :))

One word from Vinny about Woolie weather and his name vill go on zee list :)
Very warm here again!!

yes shaney her face is so calm and serene, but also the corps de ballet with their oriental faces just suit the ballet so well. How does she do that wavy thing with her legs in the air??
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If it's not bloomin footy in here it's repeats...haha...haven't we done the Chinese ballet before? Errr, we have haven't we?

It's got colder as the day's gone on here too shaney, miz it is, even though the sun's been out it's only been in the low teens.

I'm wondering how my family will cope with the Ozzy bugs & critters. They'll probably be on a plane home if they have an invasion, they found it hard enough to cope with British ones.
If you want to see wavy legs neti you should follow me back from the shops when I've got a trolley load.
"On your head" I'd pay to see that robi!
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More like off my head neti...

erm... laundry will be back with you shortly shaney, I'm just, erm, giving it an extra rinse...
It's not even double figures here Robinia .Freddy the Frog ( my garden thermometer) says 7C.
If you've no washing to do there's some on the way :) It's practically horizontal .It's a toss up as to whether it ends up in Derbys or Lands End .My feet were so cold I went and put my Ugg slippers on and a fleece top ! This is ridiculous for June .

I bet that Vinny sprout has been sat on the beach though :0) I thnk it's nice reet oop north and right darn sarf but all points in between are freezing their bits off .
Oooh tie dyed socks ! hahaa......
I am just going to eat my tea and then I think the best thing I can do is go to bed where it might be warmer. I am freezing!!! We have run out of wood and run out of oil!! It's June for god's sake.

See you tomorrow.
Three nights ago I even wore socks in bed as it was chilly.
Yes folks it's been cold here but I did get me washing dry.

Changing the subject, thought this might interest you

Off to watch the footie now see yer later 'gater(s)
☼☼☼☼☼☼Bloomin sweltering ere all day..I need a cold shower☼☼☼☼☼☼hope youve had nice weather>>>>>>>>>>whoosh..(:O)

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