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Steak & Kidney Pie

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Robinia | 15:22 Wed 13th Apr 2005 | Food & Drink
537 Answers
I really really fancy a steak & kidney pie. What's the next best thing to home made? Plenty of excuses for not doing my own at the moment! (individual please, not family sad).


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I'm getting excited and nervous at the same time now.....:o) It's the Virgo in me !
How you doin' Vin? lol
Evening biddies, if you're wondering where your Edward and Sophie are, they're at this concert, one of the events leading up to the royal wedding tomorrow. You'll be able to see it on the internet if you want to, I'm not sure if this is the right URL but if you see a live concert here'll probably see everything going on tomorrow as well! (Those of you that don't have to walk around naked with trays on your heads ha ha ha ha.!)

Back later!
Press FULLSKÄRM for big screen.
Just watched The Flight of The Bumble Bee Kit very clever!
PS and amusing :o)
OMG did you see the Chinese ballet dancers!!!
This footy is soooo boring, needs a little goal! Mr n gave up halfway and is watching golf on Sky and I am watching footy on Spanish tv.

There is a huge fat juicy gecko in our bedroom , so I am sleeping in daughter's room till she finished work at 5am.
Kit, is that the ballet where she does it all on the chap's head, isn't it brilliant!
Hi Kit no I'm sorry I missed that. I'm really beginning to wish I'd watched that instead of the Footie.
Even so still not changing me avatar YET :o)
What a load of cobblers..!spose we didnt get beaten.....dont mention the germans..:O)(them spanish refs)
poor ole shaney..Here shaney...some wine.. go and sit down somewhere and drink it quietly (:O)
lovely weather fer tomorrow..I could get use to this sun.maybe I'll just follow the sun.
Evening Vinny, how's your cravings, did you find any cookies:)

What a day, when I went out this afternoon there was a... what's the collective noun for cops - congregation, pack, swarm, intrusion - mischief ha ha? get the idea, there were several cops outside the building. I honestly didn't think much of it, it's happened before. But when I returned back home several hours later, not only were they still here but they had multiplied into seven cops. At this point I thought it wise to ask what was going on, before entering the building. Didn't get them to say much, only that there had been a death in the house. Seven cops... natural causes...? Not hardly.

Yes and on his shoulders and biceps Neti, you've seen it before? I really went GASP. /Keep flying that flag while you can Jude;-) Did you see Roxette? Marie doesn't often perform after her brain tumour surgery many years ago so it was lovely to see her:)

Well if you could see the concert you'll be able to watch the wedding too if you want to, we could biddy-*** the dresses ha ha. The guests start arriving at 13.30 English time. Before that, this guy sings at 13.10, I'll be sure to catch that, love this song. Misheard it for several weeks and thought it went "the heart is a river". Whatevah - good song
Wasn't THAT bad a word.
I'm watching you Vinny :))
Only 13C here tomorrow according Accu .I may have to move to Woolacombe ☼☼

I had to laugh at my neighbour earlier ,he was outside tooting on one of those horn thingies all on his own .
.Silly a rse .
Those pictures are all jumpy for me for some reason KIt :(
I'm going to bed .Goodnight all sleep tight x
Hope you are all having a good night's sleep. I'm having one of those nights. Just made myself some toast and listening to the radio.
It must be going around, I had a bad one reason, just couldn't settle. Hope you feel better today
Morning Woofy. I got up at 5.45. Never mind if I can keep awake today I'll sleep tonight. Have a good day all!
Morning all
Horrible when you can't sleep .I often scribble in the early hours but I had a good sleep last night for a change .I can't nap during the day though .
Don't know what sort of day it's going to be here ,it was raining earlier and the sun keeps trying to get out but failing . .
Not very warm though and windy .Flaming June it ain't ,not round here anyway .
Have a good weekend ....see you later .
Hi Shaney. It's breezy here to and not very warm. But the sun is out and drying my washing. Just hope it doesn't rain on it.
Have a good day all!
I plodded out of bed at 4.30 due to daughter's imminent arrival and then slept with mr N and the huge squashy gecko! I pulled the sheet over my bed and sweated until I slept, then this am discovered that Mr N had slept on the couch leaving me to the tender mercies of the crittar!!

Jude I'll email that chinese ballet to you, I've kept if for ages it is so incredible.

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