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Steak & Kidney Pie

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Robinia | 15:22 Wed 13th Apr 2005 | Food & Drink
537 Answers
I really really fancy a steak & kidney pie. What's the next best thing to home made? Plenty of excuses for not doing my own at the moment! (individual please, not family sad).


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Nice one Robi. Point across Loud and Clear!!
mornin dudes..!
nice to see you supporting your team and white..perfick.:O)ive changed mine you know what..lovely hot day again>>>>whoosh.
think to come of it...wernt that frank ifield aussie..?
Can you still get them cadburys snacks...I just thought about them?
where does yer lap go when you stand up..?(im just anoying robi with me flag)hehe..!(:O)
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<just ignoring Vincent...I'm not tellin him you can get Snacks, let him go look>

haha, you know I'm just winding you up can make 20 posts all in a row about footy & it wouldn't bother me a's just in one eye & out t'other.

Listening to my Mod mania cd very loud while I move some dust...hell, don't computers attract some? It's like spaghetti at the back of mine & there was quite a cobweb in the corner :o/...I don't move it very often, I'm terrified of pulling a cable out & not knowing where to put it back

Love this song..
No I dont mean them one's(just googled)you use to get about six in a little packet,bisquits covered in chocolate.I thought they were called snacks?Ive got a yearning for them and im not even pregnant..(:O)
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Is that the invisible woman neti?
hello netti...very what about me snack thingys..(:O)
♫They're football crazy. They're football mad.
The football it has taken away
The little bit of sense they had ♫
If I were to walk around here stark naked with a tray of canapes on my head nobody would bat an eyelid :)
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whadya mean not them ones Vinny? what ones?...tut...<the man dunt speak clearly>...yes you can buy the little packs of 6 biscuits, I saw the shortcake ones only recently somewhere
Here Vinnie go and sit down somewhere and eat them quietly :)
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lol shaney...go outside & try walking cleaning the window naked, hahaha
I mean the ones you were thinking off but wouldnt tell me..!(:O)
Yes shaney...can you still buy them,cos you cant round ere..:O(
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I liked 'em when they were wrapped in silver paper with a slip cover over them...and you have no idea what I'm thinkin' about Vinny :o)
silver paper with a slip cover over them...she's had to much sun..!I knows what you is thinking..but I would have to tell everyone then and you would have to shoot me..!(:O) im gonna get some rays...♫♪the sun has got his hat on hip hip hip hooray♫♪
Sorry my main computer just stopped dead! Those are the new sandals I bought myself today to ease my throbbing head! Can't actually stand thongs between the toes but will persevere!

Camera's beggared up, what am I doing wrong today?
I'm glad the sun has got his hat on somewhere Vinny ,it's freezing cold here,drizzling and misty .
Glum faces in the front room ,blue air and the referee should be shot :))

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Steak & Kidney Pie

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