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Steak & Kidney Pie

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Robinia | 15:22 Wed 13th Apr 2005 | Food & Drink
537 Answers
I really really fancy a steak & kidney pie. What's the next best thing to home made? Plenty of excuses for not doing my own at the moment! (individual please, not family sad).


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erm, bit shaky today are we neti? or have you had the blow torch on it?
That's NOT a suggestion btw!
My usual trick is to drop my change Jude
OH COME ON YOU LOT!!!! I want gasps of horror, and "How brave you are neti" PLEASE!!!!
Shaky? I was standing on the bed, and I do not do heights of any sort and standing on a bed is high!! Plus I was terrified it would suddenly rush at me!!!
Haven't got time to read the thread but join in my conga celebration...DH has put on weight!!!!!
Is it one of these geckos, neti?


Woofgang, pleased to hear your husband has put on weight, though personally I don't think it's much of an accomplishment as I do it all the time, and do I see any conga lines? Come to that, do I even see my feet?
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ewww jno!
Great news woofy but I'll just sit here with my seedy baps :o) if it's all the same... I don't want to burn off the gram or two that I've gained
Well done DH, and is he feeling beter in himself? Great news!
yes jno very similar but mine is much much bigger!
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Well they grow bloomin quickly then netinochio, it was 2 & half inches long a few hrs ago...I know we're old but we don't forget things that soon
Neti, When I went to Borneo I slept in a room with at least two of them every night, and they were biggies!! To be honest they don't worry me very much, except that they are prone to dropping off the walls onto the floor (or bed).
Really good news about Mr Woofy!! Can I join in the conga.

Oh dear Neti ..poor little thing . I think he's probably more frightened of you than you are of him :)
Scoop him up and shove him outside .I do this all the time with bees that come in the sunroom .My Mum used to pick up bees in her hand and put them out .She never got stung .When you have to wring poor birds necks that's the time to be squeemy :) Yuk .

Herzlich Willkommen zu Hause Jno. Hoffentlich hast du eine schöne Zeit gehabt am Rheinfahrt .Did you hear the Rhein maidens singing :) Looking forward to some photos .

I've felt a bit gippy yesterday and last night ,funny tum and a headache,felt really sickly . OK now though I hope .
Lovely day here ,quite a change from that awful weekend .
Pleased to hear Mr W is doing well .
I wish mine would put some weight on .In spite of eating for England ( pickled herrings and black bread for breakfast.....bleugh ) he doesn't .
I just want them to hurry up and have a look at him .

I've just had a look at the Wooly webcam've got your vest on back to front Vinny
.....................whoooooosh >>>>>>>>>
Aaaw .look at this this ..someone just sent me this in an email
Cake and Lunch!!!!!! Yippppeeeeeee
Oh dear pòor mr s, hope he gets better soon. Mind you pickled herrings would make me feel yuk, Mr N byw loves them! How sweet is that polar bear thingy!

The gecko is too high up on the ceiling, none of us can reach and if we positioned a ladder, it will have zoomed off somewhere else!

Yay Rafael Nadal has won his tennis match!
Evening all, has this ever happened to you: You decide to do some de-cluttering (Robi's word), you bring loads and loads of things out off the shelves, you throw away vast amounts of... clutter, and you start putting the few remaining things back on the shelves AND THERE ISN'T ROOM! There just isn't any room! How does that happen. Reader's Digest should write an Unexplained Mysteries book about it.

Neti that gecko photo looks reminds me one of those photos the tabloids love to publish every summer with the caption This is what malign melanoma looks like=:0 Neti is right though biddies, they really won't budge. Their adhesion powers have long been the subject of scientific studies. There is only one thing to do: Glue a teflon frying pan to your ceiling and hope he tries to crawl into it, cos they can't cling to teflon. And wait underneath with a safety net. (Oh and when you're done, leave the teflon pan where it is cos teflon and other non-sticks sure as hell ain't healthy as cookware!)

ATTENTION and CORRECTION Robi: If you ever get married again YOU wear that dress ha ha ha ha ha ha! (Did your sis like it?)

Welcome home jno, I trust you learnt how to yodle:)

*does the conga for Mr W and prepares to do one for Mr S in the near future* Sweet polar bear, Shaney:) And when he was done playing with the dogs he tried to hitch a ride with our Jude, but that didn't go too well...
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I hope that's not the flu-ish lurgy that seems to be going around's been 10 days & me & my sister still don't feel right...not that I know what feeling right is anyway :o)

I don't think she's seen the dress yet Kit but I'll wear it if you'll be my matron of honour in the dress I bought from ebay (on the left - as if I need to say)
You're loving it aren't you?
Well that's the answer to your problem neti! Just coat all the walls in teflon & you can lie in bed & listen to the thud, thud, thud as they fall to the floor in their 'who can stick the longest?' contests.
Ha Ha Swedie and Robi, I was gonna say I'll paint the whole house with teflon, cos nothing sticks to teflon does it? Am off quickly to watch Corrie from sunday and yesterday's EE, before Gordon Gecko starts his rampage.
OMG Robi that is weird...! I have a childhood memory, a most prosaic one so I don't know why I should remember but I do: I was playing with a much older girl on just one occasion, she was the daughter of somebody we visited. The reason I remember is probably cos she was a "big" girl, five years or so older than me. Anyhoo, we were drawing and she suggested we both draw a dress that we would never ever ever be seen in. You won't believe this: I drew that one, the one to the left on your picture! Not the colours but the design, to a T! Spoooky! Stop picking my brain! ;-)

No wayz Jude, no wayz Vinny, you ain't getting it back no matter what
So peaceful here at Shaneytowers this evening .Nobody is watching that game of 22 men kicking a ball around and no tooting horns to be heard .They're gearing up for tomorrow :)

How are things in Geckoland Neti :)) Is he watching Corrie too ?

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