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Steak & Kidney Pie

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Robinia | 15:22 Wed 13th Apr 2005 | Food & Drink
537 Answers
I really really fancy a steak & kidney pie. What's the next best thing to home made? Plenty of excuses for not doing my own at the moment! (individual please, not family sad).


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I'm in a quandery/quandary/quandry apart from not knowing how to spell it, I don't know whether to watch Tennis/Football or just sit out in the garden. I know what my biddy friends would say. I've been doing all three today after Tai chi and lunch.

I have to apologise Shaney for not mentioning Mr S to say I hope he feels better soon and gets sorted. Nothing worse than worrying about things and not knowing what it is.

Kit I want my vuvuzela back PDQ!!


I'm out of here..............."SORRY" !!

Goodnight all X
Sorry Jude but my decision is final. If I gave you yours back, I would have to give Vinny his one back too, and if I did, headmistress would-, it's unspeakable what she'd do to him >>>>>>>>>>

Now you're just being silly, Mr N
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hahahaha...neti's gonna hit you with the teflon pan Sweedie. I just 'saw' you in that dress immediately, hahaha. When we were small me & my sister used cut out strings of paper dolls with big dresses & then draw designs on each one like the Come Dancing gowns. All I wanted was wear one of those, all flouncy & sequined <sigh>. I hate the programme now :o)

Just shut ya racket with those horns!! Stupid things, and all that low flying spit....
ewwww.... <shudder>
ha ha ha Kit that is hilarious! If only........ gordon gecko has been very quiet all night but am not saying too much as he's probably getting ready for a full-on attack!

Lovely sunny fresh weather at the mo, but will soon heat up!

Hope all the ailing husbands are feeling better,


♫ ♫ F.A.B.I.O. ...we love fabio ♫ ♫♫
Beautifull morning.
I feel like I have had my summer already.I know I shouldnt wear my vest on the beach shaney,now im covered in brown and white spots..:O)you can keep my vuvuzela kip.I got one free from lidlls and now Im an expert.The shi$ehawks love it..(:O)ENG╬LAND.
Shaney advice please, if you are up to it.

Yesterday I forgot to take my thyroid tablet (which I have to take early am; half and hour before eating anything) so didn't take it that day. Next time shall I take it later in the day or leave it for that day?
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Morning...just a quick visit, having my blue rinse done shortly..

Kit could you please nip over to my sister's with a mop, here's what she replied to the mail I sent (warning: not very complementary to Royals, haha)...and yes she is as crazy as I am

btw I sent your quote with the 'short' dress pic plus this as there was a good(?) selection

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH MOST HILARIOUS THING I'VE SEEN IN WEEKS. Bernadotte of wisborg (brilliant name) looks like she's been exhumed and wrapped in the cemetery chapel curtains. hahahahahahahah There's somebody called TROLL !! hahahahahahahahah should've been mrs dumpy no-legs.. Madeleine of sveeeeeeden obviously the only half decent looking one there, she's in 3 pictures. All that money between them as well, gotta be some sort of joke. Gotta go loo, gonna wet meself hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

Sorry, if it now means 'off with her head' I can supply her address :o)
eek - who's that shouting? Is it one of those venezuela horn things? Well, it's South African weather around these parts and I think I may go out somewhere this afternoon as the streets will be empty.
/*********C O M E O N E N G L A N D *********\

Not quite what I wanted to do but never mind the message is still the same!! :)
- \O , .-.___
- /\ O/ /xx\XXX\
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yours is better than mine jude.(:O)
Did you know kip that in 1888 there was a royal wedding in Bournemouth.That of prince oscar son of Queen Sophia Wilhemina of Sweden and was held outside Sweden because he was marrying a commoner.I got that from the history of Bournemouth.:O)
...and you don't get much commoner than Bournemouth.
More advice needed toothwise this time. I've been quoted for an inplant for my incisor of 180€ is that a good price and are inplants painless and can one chew with them, and do they last?? Or I can have a temporary filling for 45€. What's the best consisdering that money wise it's rather tight!
Oh dear jno,has one been turned away from the royal bath..(:O)
((( well, Lottie gets away with shouting! )))
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Lottie most certainly does not get away with yelling as she will find out before too long...
180E??!! are they nailing it in? I thought it was more like 1800E?
(I dunno where my euro thing is)
yes, I thought implants were much more expensive too - ask woofy, she's got some. I don't know how you get offered a choice between an implant and a temporary filling, though - one's a patch-up job, one's surgery. You didn't get offered a crown/cap as a halfway house?

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