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Steak & Kidney Pie

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Robinia | 15:22 Wed 13th Apr 2005 | Food & Drink
537 Answers
I really really fancy a steak & kidney pie. What's the next best thing to home made? Plenty of excuses for not doing my own at the moment! (individual please, not family sad).


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found it! € € € € € € € € ......I'll b€ n€€ding that wh€n I win €uromillions...

I've had a quick google & read you shouldn't be fooled by what seems like a cheap quote, it may not include all the work invilved. So I'd shop around if I were you neti & get a run down of the whole process complete with the price of each step. Of course things just might be very cheap over there
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invilved? oive gone Oirish so oi 'ave...
Robi how do you put the euro sign on when it is next to the 4 like mine is with the dollar sign above it! That's oirish init.
€€€ found it!!! Googled it...
dentistry is cheaper here, and I said no way to an implant, so she said cos the nerve is dead and there's a whopping great hole, she can fill it but can't do it twice so if it falls out and gets infected then it'll be tooth out and inplant in. She's also taking the nerve out included in the 45€. it is everything done for price quoted but more if I want a receipt for the tax man!
It has cost me nothing for an x-ray and a half hour consultation with 2 dentists. they know the crisis has hit and teeth are the ultimate luxury so prices are lower, as is cosmetic surgery but don't need inplants there!!!!!

am getting ready to watch the England Game, Come on England!!!!!!
Have ust phoned my friend who had 4 front top implants and she paid 850€ so seems about right, she went to german dentist and said the pain was horrific!

Hate it when members of the England football team son't sing the National Anthem, but in Rooney's case I guess he's too thick to learn the words!
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Well it's not really national is it, it's about God & the Queen?...I don't like it, it's a bit of a dirge
Yay england won!!!!!! I love Fabio!!!!!
Evening possums, not much to report, all I do is cook slow release carbohydrates, also known as lentils and pulses. I don't have a freezer (kitchenette too small) so when I say it's all I do, it IS all I do, bleurghhh... I like my Indian spices though:)

Ouch, that's one mean sis, Robi, she's worse than me, I stop at the dresses! Honestly I'm able to appreciate almost any kind of "clothes behaviour" as long as it looks as if the person inside has dressed for themselves and feels comfortable - but some people on there look like they're the victims of drive-by dressing ha ha and that's when I turn nasty. Myself, I wear the same very simple clothes till they fall off my body - the other day I noticed in the mirror that my bra was visible through my most beloved cerise linen shirt =:0 (Yes I did throw it away at that point, after saying thank you for your service.) Robi, tell your sis you showed me her photo and this was my reaction ha ha ha ha ha

No I don't believe I knew about that wedding Vinny, I'm not normally fascinated by royalty, it's really just that I like our crown princess and a couple of others down history, like for instance our radical, anti-fascist painting prince Eugen who created such a beautiful home for himself and his art. I wouldn't mind living there and seeing the ships go by outside my window... (Just googled and it turns the prince who married in Bournemouth was one of Eugen's brothers.) This is Waldemarsudde, where "the painting prince" lived
mmm, well, I usually prefer not to hire workmen who don't pay their taxes - if they cheat the government, what are they doing to me? - and that goes double for dentists.


But seriously, neti, is there no option of root canal work plus a crown like wot I've had dozens of times? Implants are a last resort in this part of the world.

For the love of Mike, where is all this fluff coming from? It's still falling like confetti and it's been what, three weeks now. Do trees go on producing this stuff forever? I've hardly ever seen it in previous years. And I still can't see where it's actually blowing in from.
I would not in a million years have root canal, and in all honesty I do trust this dentist, been going there for years when necessary and they only do the work you ask for, none of this saying everything else needs doing. Had so much butchery in England which is the reason I don't trust them.
We are still getting fluff JNO. Still some coming from the willows and now from the clematis montana!!

My hayfever has been awful today, despite Claritin, sunglasses, etc. However, have had a lovely time eating and drinking in Norwich and looking at clothes in BHS that I was wearing in the 60's. Should have kept them, except it is a long time since I have been a size 10/12 and perhaps they wouldn't really look so good on an OAP.

However, my good friend and didn't buy any handbags!!! We looked and looked but didn't buy.

Now I am kn... kn.... knack..... ered!!

Neti. I have had loads of root canal treatment and apart from the discomfort of keeping my mouth open for about an hour, it hasn't been dreadful and I have never been hurt. However, my jaw has ached for days afterwards, probably due to the fact that it has been dislocated and now I have arthritis in it!!
'nuff said!!
All the way to Norwich and all I come back with is two balls of knitting wool :)
Lovely day though and a nice Italian meal .Ummed and arred over handbags for ages but resisted .I missed the bus Lofty ! So didn' get back until about 6.30 and had to slog up the hill .It's my own fault,my legs really ached so I sat on the seats for a while up by the market and just arrived in time to see it disappearing into the distance .

Neti I take my thyroid medication first thing but always before food but still take even if it's mid morning before I get round to it ..I have been known to take it twice ,then spend the rest of the day bouncing off the walls so now Mr S doles it out .

Crikey some of those dresses are unbelievable .I do like Queen Margrethe of Denmark though .She always has a smile and seems to be a jolly sort of person . I think I'm right in saying that she's a very accomplished artist .
Well done England .
I'm now suffering lots of shouting from the front room .Vuvuzelas are banned though .They were eyeing them up in a shop the other day but I marched them straight past :)
I've got more root canals than Venice and most haven't hurt at all, though on one the anaesthetic didn't work - he warned that it might not, so I was ready for it. It was painful, though. However, you'll have to ask woofgang whether implants hurt more.

Lottie, no wonder your hayfever is bad if you're smothered in fluff like I am, it's like living in a kapok mattress. It certainly shows you where all the cobwebs are, as it sticks to them like glue.

Went out and visited Ham House in Richmond (sur le Thames, not dans Yorkshire) today as I expected the roads to be empty in the afternoon, and so they were. Apparently there was some sport on. There are lots of stately homes in faraway Norfolk I'd like to see, all I need is the snowshoes and huskies.
evening all...yes I support the vuvu ban wholeheartedly....some fools near us were partying at 2am this morning which made the dogs bark which meant I had to shut the windows and swelter.
My implant experiences were not painful apart from the jaw ache from keeping it open. One has been 100% successful, the other not but not the dentists fault, I kept putting it off and have poor bone density there. Once Mr W is back and bouncing i will get it sorted.
Kit I loved your fashion comments...Trinny and Susanna deffo have competition.
Anyway touching wood we are travelling in the right direction. Mr W's kidney function is improving, his diet is small in quantity but normal and the specialist is ready to begin the next round of cameras in every orifice to determine cause...saying lots of positive stuff because so far they can find nothing. Sis comes back a week tomorrow (planned long before crisis hit) We had planned to go to London for the day as I got an invite for two to a QVC craft event (loads of freebies) but we'll see...may just potter locally although Mr W is adamant that we go, anyone would think he wanted some peace and quiet and not to be fussed over (rolls eyes).
I have a new garden shed!! Once its tidy and organised i will post a pic....must be the epitome of biddydom, getting all excited over a shed...but it is lovely :-)
take care all
night night
Why thank you Woofy. I could be very sarcastic when I was young. I choose not to be now, but I guess I've still got it then:) We have a crime fiction writer - yes yet another one - called Håkan Nesser who has said about sarcasm and irony that he never uses it, as, when you do, you reduce yourself to a commentator of life. How true. So that was just a temporary relapse:)

Two balls of knitting wool, a friend and an Italian meal - what more can you ask, Shaney, sounds like a lovely day to me:) Yes Margrethe seems like good fun, I like her too. Haven't seen much of her work so I don't know what I'd think of it but she is for sure a genuine artist in the sense that her art is vital to her and always has been. I found a clip from the opening of an exhibition of her work: Tolkien illustrations, paintings, costumes for the theatre, television and clerical contexts - you name it. Some of what you see here is from her childhood, some is not drawings but sketches for costumes, like for instance the man with the fish hat - boy do I want one of those
I've been to Ham House .Many years ago we stayed at the Richmond Hill Hotel while we were looking for a property to buy when they moved us to the big city .Very nice it was too and all on expenses :)

There are some very naice stately homes round here Jno and my nephew can oblige with the husky .His name's Taz and he's very partial to ginger biscuits .He'll walk for miles ..and miles .....and miles :) He takes him on the train to Norwich and then walks him back here over the marshes .They're both very fit !

Lovely clip Kit ,she's very nice and unassuming .I think she's a bit shy .

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