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Steak & Kidney Pie

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Robinia | 15:22 Wed 13th Apr 2005 | Food & Drink
537 Answers
I really really fancy a steak & kidney pie. What's the next best thing to home made? Plenty of excuses for not doing my own at the moment! (individual please, not family sad).


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Hi Neti sorry I must have posted almost the same time x
Hi everyone
Hope you are all OK .I'm logging out of here .It just doesn't work .
Is it me or is it AB ? The minute I log onto it it sends my machine haywire .
Grr..mumble mumble
Toodlepip for now xx
Hello everyone ,so terribly sorry to hear about your husband woofy and so glad you have your sister to share your burden with ,hope he's back to full health soon .Mr.D has had trouble with kidney stones etc for the last 35 yrs but he's still battling on .
Robi ,not been on the last thread at all so didn;t know about your son ,you'll miss them terribly and they will most likely be homesick for quite a while but once you've all settled down it will be worth it .Who knows you may even get over here to Brisbane and you can stay with us -looking forward to it :))
Enjoy your cruise jno ,the weather may change for the better -after all it is flaming June ,isn't it !
Do hope your friend/neighbour is ok neti ,what a terrible shock .
Have you thought about Solar Power for your electricity ? lots of people here have Solar panels installed on their roof -cuts your electric bill also any excess electricity can be sold back to the authorities .
To everyone else who is having problems I wish you all well and get better soon .I won't dwell on my problems they'll go away when they are ready meanwhile we keep on breathing !
Love Dolly xxx
testing !
Hi dolly, we had solar power once and it was too hot to use the water in the summer and didn't warm enough for the winter, that was in the 80's so may have changed now. Nah, I'll stick to the old gas bottle !
Gosh I am actually watching footy, the italian match! something is wrong with this site defo!
Hi all had a fairly busy day today. Shopping am. school pm. and 'you know what' tonight
Robi hope you are ok.

Have a peaceful night.
Bye for now x
quick hello. DH is HOME!!!!!
His kidney function is stabilising nicely and he's going to get the rest of what needs to be done nearer home. Once he is stronger and the kidney function normal, they will sort out any underlying cause. He'll need to go back into hospital for that but hopefully a local one Not out of the woods yet but huge step forward. I will pop on later in the week
Well done woofy and DH. Keep up the good recovery x

Hope everyone else is Ok.
Thats's Great Woofy. All the best to you and your familyx

Off to Tai Chi in a while then lunch with my friends.

take care all!
Morning all
That's great news Woofy .I hope he will soon be feeling A1 again .Lots of love to you both x
No earth shattering news from Shaneytowers .Chilly today .North east wind howling through my estate but it's nice and sunny .
Computer still jerking along :)
Thinking of you today Robina,be brave xx
Toodlepip for now all ,take care .
Raining here today!
Afternoon cyber survivors. *jots down fun expression "jerking along at half cock" in personal dictionary - thank you Shaney - if you disappear I'll look for you in the dungeon;-)* I too have more problems with this site than with any other site ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ < dunno what he means but he looks like I feel when AB is playing up.

Woofy that is such good news:))) You'll see, you'll get him back as good as new. And you too with your Mr S, Shaney.

I found some sensible shoes yesterday - Adidas - so that's the end of my shoe hunting tales on here. Tomorrow begins the tale of my cast iron casserole hunt - I like cast iron a lot and I really am trying to eat more "slow" carbohydrates and proteins so I'll be making more Indian dal and such than I have before and for that I want good cookware.

Been busy but yes been thinking of you all day Robi. Here's a little ballad I've chosen for you. It's deeply rooted in Scandinavian tradition, the text, at least, goes back to possibly the fourteenth century. (It's Robyn singing - that girl can do anything.) The lyrics express a wish that those who long for each other may come together so I thought it appropriate for you today even though it's a luurv-love song, originally.

line by line translation http://www.evatoller....agvetendejligrosa.txt
Sorry, sixteenth century!
Raining all day here and so cold, am back in tracksuit and slippers - brrrr!
A bit chilly here too Neti. Any news of your friend who was in the accident?
Well the hospital has stopped giving out news (given with family's permisson) and insist that someone is there, so one of her best friend's has flown over to Valencia today.
Hmm. So will there be any means for you of getting updates as often as you would like too?

(Going to call a friend now, we have been known to talk for five hours so no search party if I don't return:)
Oh yes, its a very small town I call it a village and we'll all know.
Yay my car has passed it's revision, MOT to you lot! I seriously had my doubts, but beautiful daughter flirts with the nmechanics and so no prob! Now when I go I can't hear them in the pit, they get fed up and start yanking things, but it still passes but I can't stand the strain!!!!

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