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Steak & Kidney Pie

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Robinia | 15:22 Wed 13th Apr 2005 | Food & Drink
537 Answers
I really really fancy a steak & kidney pie. What's the next best thing to home made? Plenty of excuses for not doing my own at the moment! (individual please, not family sad).


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Coooeeee - is there anyone there????
I'm here Neti ..messing about while they yell at the tele in the front room :))
Me too, I'm in bed watching last night's Corrie. I want North Korea to win just cos I'm being difficult!!!
Hi All. hope you've had a good day and Robi I hope you are ok too. Thinking about you and Mr Woofy.
I had a good day and after Tai Chi and lunch I rang my sister at 4 to see if she wanted to walk so we went for 2 hours.down by the river to Pride Park and then along the footpaths back home. Lovely evening. Then I came home and did a mushroom fritata (I think that;s right) with chips (a few) and salad.
Now ~ can somebody please help me. Remember when we put symbols on here i.e. musical notes etc. can you tell me how to do it. I know it's a number as I have the list but I don't know how to do it. What do I press when pressing the number.
Thanks to anybody that can tell me.
Have a good night everyone
See yer later 'gater(s)
♫Well jude, I go to start, progs, assessories, system tool and character map, and then Ariel and scroll down, select, and copy and paste! Phew, if there's an easier way I'd like to know!
Thanks Neti will give that a go, nut I'm sure there's a way to do it with numbers.
Godd for your car to pass. Mines due in August. I have it service and tested all in one go by my car mechanic!

Just called in to say I am thinking about Woofy and Mr Woofy and also Robinia. Also hoping that Mr Shaney is OK.

Take care all you Biddies xxxxxx
♫Hey Jude♫ Nothing wrong with the method Neti describes but I think what you are probably referring to is the way Headmistress taught us, which involved using the numeric keypad and the Alt key. Here:

╠╬╬╬╣ I ❤
╠╬╬╬╣ Chocolate (one for jno!)

`·LOVE to the biddies & hippies, nitie nite.
Hello all and thanks for all the good wishes. touching wood all quiet here. After 10 nights in noisy hospital wards (not hosp's fault, the folk were really sick, 2 heart attacks one night) DH spent yesterday in bed sleeping and eating. have taken the dogs out for early morning mayhem, now going to get an hour on the settee.
sending a special hug to Robi
see you tomorrow
Morning all. Our hospitals here in Spain only have 2 bedded wards, and the new one is 1 bed so it is much better, although in the daytime, most of the families come and lounge in the spare seats and it gets jolly crowded and noisy!!

Jude we only have one MOT centre on the island, the local garages cannot do it, so in May I phoned for an appointment for June and was told October, well if we drive without one it means a fine so I was in a right dilemma, cos normally it's only 4 weeks waiting, so I phoned for 4 weeks and the date was getting to November, so one day I phoned just as they were closing and they said 15 Junio, I couldn't believe it, and certainly didn't query it, but I think they were opening later to get all the cars done. Now they have to give you a justificacion to show to the police cos it's not our fault they are so behind!

Thanks for that Kit, will give it a go!

Morning Robi hope you are OK.

and of course dear old DH and woofy x

not forgetting Mr s and lottie - hello

and heelo vinny and waves to jno!
Where is my number lock on my lappy? I've got a caps lock. but that's not working to make symbols.
These alt and numlk things don't work for me. 5 that.s 0eant t6 be a heart
♣ oh yay, it works on desktop computer, thanks swede!!!!♥
Morning all
Dull and cloudy here .This really a non summer at the mo' .
I've been cut ,washed and dried and look a bit more respectable :)
You learn something new every day .I never knew you could do that on a keyboard Kit ,I always go into that accessories thing and cut and past from there .Thanks for that ♥
Hope your hubby continues to improve Woofy and hope you are OK Robinia .

Mr S is taking the tablets under my supervision:)) He's not a man for medication but needs must etc . I just want the appointment with the consultant to come through asap.
Right I'm going to have something to eat .See you all later .Be good .
Helloo everybody.keep yer chin up ladies.
lovely day ere,hope you all get good weather to.later...
Nice here today. Mr N had his MRI scan yesterday and fell asleep, they had to wake him up! Bet he was snoring like mad! I couldn't even get in the damned machine! was so frightened!
☻☺ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ • ◘ ○ ◙ ♂ ♀ ♪ ♫ .... and so on, because I can!! Thanks to Kit! xx
Well thanks to Robi actually, she's the one who taught us a while back:)

Beautiful day here, I think I'll go and check some cast iron cookware out.

☺ ☻ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ • ◘ ○ ♂ ◙ ♀ ..... thanks to Robi, now I can!!!!

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