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Steak & Kidney Pie

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Robinia | 15:22 Wed 13th Apr 2005 | Food & Drink
537 Answers
I really really fancy a steak & kidney pie. What's the next best thing to home made? Plenty of excuses for not doing my own at the moment! (individual please, not family sad).


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I have changed my aviator to a carefree hippie cos i don't care that Spain has lost. <<<< sobs quietly into her kaftan! >>>>
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well I'm not flying anyone's flag. I've only caught about 30 secs so far & that noise was dreadful.
Just had a quick word with my son on msn, he's safely in situ. Says it's cold(!) & they did go to the pub for some food & the footy ....oh dear, hope things get better for him he's not a fan :o/. I've had a nosey on google maps & it's a new area where they'll be staying til they get set up. Even tho' it's only about 2 miles to the beach it's not my thing, it's all dry & shrivelled up...I'd be invisible, haha
Oh robi, it'll be a good life once they settle. Awful for you though.

Well I've just tried to make mayonnaise and salad creme cos I've run out, well honestly the kitchen and I are dripping in smelly eggy yuk, it is everywhere, I can't cope but to make it thick I have added instant pot and hey looks ok! Will have to wash the walls and toasted and everything oh and me!!!
hiya robi... for netti.
Oh I used to fancy him - gawd!!!!
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yo Vinny!
neti - so did my mum :o)
Hiya Robi. I'm pleased your son has arrived safely.and you're back with us. I have a friend (I was bridesmaid at her wedding 50 years ago ~ phew!) and she lives in Margaret River about 2 hours drive from Perth, which over there isn't very far if you see what I mean.

Sorry about Spain Neti. I was cheering them on but they didn't her me because of the beeeeezzz
You beggar vinny, I've just got it!!!!! Bah humbug!!!!!☻
Listen everyone, Spain? I do not know what you are on about!!!!!
and yes robi your mother and I may have fancied him at some point but I was only about 12!!!!!
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so was she neti, haha

just kiddin'

Hi Jude...a 2 hour drive might not be far over there but with 3 lively kids it's a lifetime, :o)

right I'm off to demolish some ice cream, my throat's a bit sore & swollen, I think it's part & parcel of hayfever.
I am full of hayfever today Robi. My eyes and nose are streaming!!

Neti. MIL from St Petersburg region, FIL from Minsk. Mr Lottie has been over here since he was 7 (born in Bavaria). A long and very interesting story full of sad things as well.
Stops being nice to Robi

PS is that a British goalkeeper at 3.04...?

PS PS or a Spanish one?
Oh Lottie, I've been to Bavaria too, fischbachau and I loved it. Have friends there.

Well Robi, was she your mother at 12 yrs?? eh? eh? or was she someone who later in life was to become your mother!!! (I'll teach her to insult me!!!) or is it( I'll learn er to insult I?)

Mr N has just informed me that Spain are still in the game, so I'll be changing my aviator yet again when I can be bothered.

The mayonnaise and salad creme went undetected, but I could smell raw eggs and see them everywhere. Have cleaned up and showered, and am back in bed not watching footy!!!
am wartching Tender is the Night by F. Scott. Fitzgerald, but can't stand Mary Steenburgen!
Well I'm not going to be left out here and considering we've got a ruddy great flag draped round the front room I'm draping one on here !
Life is one constant round of yelling, shouting and phone ringing here at the moment .Oooh and aaaargh and ..did you see that ....sigh ....

I'm pleased to hear your son got there OK Robinia and I hope it all goes well for him .
The internet is a wonderful thing .All the years my bro has been out there and we made do with letters ,phone calls and sending cassette tapes and now you can talk face to face on a screen and write instantly :)

Ooooh that Frank Ifield ..I remember him alright ( pardon the pun ).He was on at the Welliington Pier one year when I was a waitress there .Arrogant bugger :)
Arrogant? please tell!!
Gave up on Tender is the night, now watching Christian the Lion, which I recorded off tinternet ages ago, it's so lovely!
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neti you said you were 12 and I said so was my mum - a 12 yr old mother! - it was a joke... tut...she was 33 when she had me.....back to normal... <<<wallop!>>>

Hard to believe we lived without telephones at all shaney, heaven knows how people coped with only a letter about every six weeks or so. Yes, I hope all goes well for them...but preferably not in Australia, lol. To be horribly honest it looks like a soulless place to me. I suppose I'm used to hills and green stuff :o)
To be honest Robi, I have visited and had a good time, by I couldn't live in Oz. The coastal area is lovely but go inland and it's quite hellish. Also the way of life wouldn't be right for me. However, I wish your son and family well, but for your sake I sort of hope they don't like it! I often wonder whether my son will up and go - it wouldn't surprise me!! He was talking about moving to France the other day - that wouldn't be so bad.

Take care of yourself xxx

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