I've got a gadget that microwaves your egg to the consistency you want. The timings for it are hit and miss though. It's shaped like an egg with feet. You put water into it up to a line, prick the egg (I forget which end, supposedly important) and set it away. When it worked it was fine. It's at the back of the kitchen cupboard now!
the kettle you say? How so, usually when i boil an egg in a sauce pan, i have the pan at constant boil for 5 min, would i need to have the kettle on constant boil for 5 min, or boil it, leave it, maybe boil it again? What was your timings like Zebo?
I imagine you do it to taste Tilly but I like really runny eggs but the white can't be all watery though, 'tis the cause of massive rows in our house and me being told to ' do your own f'kin egg then!'