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Roast in bag?

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netibiza | 15:31 Mon 10th May 2010 | Food & Drink
881 Answers
am going to use one tonight for chicken, can I put the potatoes in with the chicken and will they brown, cos if I have to put them in seperately it's not worth using the bag!


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I love these boathouses!
17:08 Sat 05th Feb 2011
tut, the very idea, I'll have you kow mine are the real thing, made by craftsmen (and craftswomen) in Bali int he traditional method.

No spiders there, neti - the outdoor photos look a bit unkempt because it's winter but the interior is like a new pin. jno jnr will be taking his own furniture (which I suppose means he'll be storing it here temporarily yet again unless the dates match perfectly). He's still got to get his credit rating sorted out, though' I presume there's no real problem there.

Glad to hear the Perth fires haven't consumed the homes of anyone important. All started by a spark from an angle-grinder, apparently. I suppose it's all those eucalypts out there - you only have to breathe warmly on them and they're up in a puff of smoke, they're very inflammable.
jno has given him an answer now Robi!!

Nice flat jno. I am not sure I could live in a flat though, although I spent my childhood in one. I couldn't share my garden with anybody. It's my refuge - I shoot invaders!!
When I have to move (and I will have to), I will tolerate a bungalow, but I must have a garden, preferably with high brick walls round it and I don't want any neighbours either!! (unless they are very lovely biddies)
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Hear, hear lottie, my sentiments exactly!!!
Well, we'll just move in together Neti and our menfolk can visit on occasions!!! ;o)
It is getting windier and windier here - I just went outside to let the dog out and we both nearly took off.

Am feeling fed up, Everything I try to do makes my ribs hurt badly. I think perhaps I will just relax into it and give up trying.
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Yes, lazy day lottie, I've had an almost lazy day, haven't been out and only done 1 load of washing (it's in the dryer now) and made 1 curry , 1 veg curry and a mushroom sidedish!
I've done some odds & ends but it's too damned windy to clean up, every time I open the door a load of gubbins blows in...leaves, dust, small mammals, pfannis, old ladies...

I seem to have developed sneezing tourettes, every time I sneeze a string of swear words follow. I wonder if the builder(s) next door can hear me as clearly as I can hear them hammering!!!! I think I'll pump up the volume on youtube...the extended version of Human League's Sound of the Crowd shifted 'em yesterday...let's see if it gets rid of this lot...
Ha, ha Sneezing Tourettes. I like it.

By the way, I know something about Neti............................
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Shut it Lottie.........................
Hi there Come on Lottie spill em!! LOL
Hello windy wobblies
It'sdire here .Blowing a gale enough to knock you flying .I've just struggled out with the wheelie and the gate slammed back on my hand .Ouch .
Glad to here your rellies are Ok Neti .
My bro is about forty miles from there .He said it's been terrible with the tail end of the cyclone and some people had the roofs blown off their houses The power was out and the shops had to shut but they have a generator so at least they could keep the freezer etc going .They lost some trees and he said it was awful noisy with the wind and a bit frightening but they are OK .
Hope you feel a bit better now Jude .I know the feeling when that black dog hits you .

Lovely flat Jno .I like that sort of thing .
I saw the posts from that silly man and was very tempted to tell him to pee o and mind his own beeswax .Have some of 'em nowt better to mither over .Gawd .
Well I'd better go and peel some spuds .Pip pip for now .
oooh, I bet you didn't say 'ouch' either did you shaney?

I know about neti & I answered on that thread...quite sharp for me I thought, I've been watching & learning from jno

I've got some casserole left so I'll be warming that up...I might even fling in the mushrooms I forgot to add yesterday :o/... I'm always doing things like that ...Bit like Kit's weak coffee, haha
Hi Shaney and Jude.

Are we going to share the blackmail money then Robi? What's it worth Neti?

I am bloomin' fed up with this wind today. Just the noise of it is getting me down!!
Hi Lottie hope you're aches and pains go soon. Shaney don't forget UC tonight. I'm rubbish at it at the mo. Can't concentrate - well all the time really :o)
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Blackmail, hah, that's a laugh, I've only got enough for one coffee this whole week. You will not live very well off of my vices, which btw, I do not do now!!!! I am too generous, I bought hija another pair of boots and thusly I am broke!!
Ouch ouch ouch... spent all day cleaning a couple of floors... I really am the slowest worker in the world... and now everything hurts. Poor Lottie with your ribs, it's been more than a year since I had the same problem but I still remember how horrible it was.

The cat is bored, it's raining and snowing so he stayed out for five minutes only. The other day I almost fainted; I've discovered that if I open the balcony door slowly it creaks, he hears that and comes home - well not always but often. He jumps onto the... erm... parapet? Wait, I'll find a balcony and show you... The point of the story is when he heard the door creak he was so eager to get in he misjudged the distance and I heard a LOUD bang as he hit the metal;-(( My heart almost stopped - but five seconds later he made his second attempt and yay it was success!

Okay Robi I'll memorize that list and see if I can work them all into a sentence. 'Infrastructure' is a real challenge but I'll see what I can do. Can't view River Crescent anymore...! There's something I need to download first but I'm really scared of downloading things as it always messes... things... up. But I'm saving it again and I looked at the Sven Göran Eriksson slideshow: "The Swede won't get the chance to sleep here" - ha ha does that not sound slightly malicious...

Love your son's place jno, really nice.
(whispers) add "hon" and "honey" to the list

Busy busy day today, haven't read all the thread but oops kit, oops Shaney and I bet you didn't say bother either :-0
Sneezing tourettes sounds like a lolcats thing.
That is a lovely flat...I couldn't share a garden either...not with my dogs...
Still bothering god about our friends downunder
Night night
I've had a night of folk music and chat watching on the red button to the folk awards and now there's a tribute to Dylan on BBC 2. so I'm sitting listening while I have me cocoa.
I feel a great deal better now and I've had a good day, thanks Biddyfriends, . It was good at school with the kids they can be so amusing sometimes. I now have my regulars to help and they have got to know me as well and are now talking to me as well as reading to me. I'm thinking of going another day as well.

Scores on the doors Shaney - How mnany then? Me- The magnificent sum of 3.

Goodnight all see you tomoz (how about that one Robi) :o)
PS I meant to say I can't view the River Crescent VIDEO anymore - the rest I can./ I absolutely hate 'hon' too, yuk-uk-uk-UK!/Lol Jude your depressions are short:-D

Okay could somebody in England make a creaking sound with their balcony door to see if Vinny wants to come in.

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