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Roast in bag?

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netibiza | 15:31 Mon 10th May 2010 | Food & Drink
881 Answers
am going to use one tonight for chicken, can I put the potatoes in with the chicken and will they brown, cos if I have to put them in seperately it's not worth using the bag!


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I love these boathouses!
17:08 Sat 05th Feb 2011
Why is your answer removed Lofty ?

Jude I got 19 SOTD and then nodded off .So much for oogling NYPD detectives :)
I hope your leg feels easier .Sounds like sciatica to me .I had that years ago when I was pregnant and it's never left me alone since .I often get twinges of it right in the bum and down the leg .Do be careful .

That was the first time I've ever used one of those self service thingys .They didn't have many check outs open,long queues and I can't stand in the queues with my hips sometimes .
Anyhoo .it was silly . "Put the item in the bag " says this disembodied voice ..."Put the item in the bag " ...By the time I'd fathomed it all out I felt like chucking the bloody bag at somebody :)
Good luck tomorrow for you both Woofy .
Night all ..sleep tight .
He, he. Gotya Shaney!!
And yes Jude, Sciatica - has been the plague of my life since my teens!!
Lol Shaney. I took my Sis through one of those for the first time on her last visit. She understood not to put the bag down with the groceries but I had to forcibly restrain her from packing each item as I scanned it. She was giving the poor machine a conniption fit.
Well that's 145 quid spent at the pet shop =:0 I bought three different kinds of scratching thingies - cos you never know with cats which ones they're gonna use and they do need a horizontal one and a vertical one - and food and treats and toys, toys, toys. He loses his toys god knows where and keeps looking for them for hours and hours and hours, it's painful to watch lol so now I've really stashed up. You should see him with his squeaky, catnip-infused porcupine toy, you don't know if he's going to kill it or make lurv to it or both - creeepy! Worst trip I've ever seen, he behaved like he was having an epileptic seizure over and over and over again ha ha, good run for my money:))

Self service, I never do that, I just say "these are my walking glasses" and look confused and they give up and do it for me:) They ARE my walking glasses, you know. Doesn't always seem to help, though - the other day at the supermarket I ran my cart into a shelf and some old geezer walked by and asked me if I had taken my driving exam in Azerbaijan... "They don't have any roads" he kindly explained. His wife looked as if she had heard it all a hundred times before ha ha. He wasn't unkind, just trying to be funny.

Good luck Mr W with the appointments. The biddy force is with you. Shaney you would be run down but you still sound very hopeful to me:)) Jude thank you for teaching this Swede it's BTM, not 'bottom' ha ha ha ha I would never have understood what it meant had the others not started talking about sciatica. Honestly, say after me: Bottom! ;-) (and take care xxx)
Badbiddy badge for Lottie! I thought there was something odd cos the avatar was still there...

Are they still going on about him in cb? he's sooo yesterday, lol...he really needs to grow up and get over whatever gave him a bitter streak.

So that's your entertainment taken care of for the duration Kit... :o)

Good luck for tomorrow woofy! x
Thanks for the good wishes...kit we spend more on the dogs than we do on us.
Finally settling to kip...have had a succession of flushes, no point in even trying till I am off boiling point lol
-- answer removed --
Well I'm boiling & it's nowt to do with hormones...two phone calls before 9 am!!!! aaaggghhh!!

I need to cool off....
Oh, good morning...
Hi Biddies,

Woofy, I somehow missed you saying appoint the appointments this week for Mr W. Thinking of you both with lots of love x

Robi, I'll give the doc a week or so and then he won't be able to resist temptation again, especially if lured in by underwear or smutty threads.

I too feel so sorry for the puss cat Swedie when you depart. Regardless of what some people think cats really do like company and interaction with humans. I suppose if people ignore them or shut them out they will cope, but won't be as happy. Animals, in my opinion, are very much what you make them. Our cats and dogs have all acted very much alike and spend their time with us.

I feel sick and tum is all over the place. Had a bad night with crampy calves, ankles and feet and spent a lot of it drinking tea with hot packs on my legs and watching nightime educational programmes on the box. Might well go back for a snooze. Worked too hard yesterday and really was on my feet all day.

See you soon.
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Oh poor lottie, go and have a good rest.

Yes although cats are independant they do need human interaction, but I cannot believe that swedie will just abandon him onto the streets, after all this fussing, it would be cruel.

off to make vag cous cous again, last night Mr N made a sweet lamb stewey thing to go with it, as I said I did not have a clue how to do it!
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that should be *veg*
I am still here Neti. I got caught up in threads!!

I could only think of one word that was anything like vag Neti!! And vag cous cous did not appeal ;o)
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probably tastes of wee lottie!! ha ha. that's why I had to correct myself!!
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Rainy and chilly here again today, but I really don't mind.
wet and chilly here too
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<<Hi woofy >> xx
Chilly here (very chilly indeed) but dry.
...and chilly here too but this is not the chilly pose, it's the pose we strike when She (me) is vacuum cleaning:)

Email, biddies... See ya later, got some laundry to stomp on... and an expensive board to scratch, cos the cat sure as hell ain't scratching it ha ha ha...!
that's cos you want him too...put it "out of his reach" and tell him under no circumstances to lay a paw on it :-)

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