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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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I enjoyed the HP books but can't get into Merlin. Headache still thundering.
I suppose I'm just a big kid at heart. And watching Merlin stops me thinking about anything bothering me for a little while, I expect. :)
Hope you all have a good night. Sore throats and headaches and aching other things. Not to mention B****y wrists. It still gives me jip and I have to take paracetamols at bedtime. My eye is fine except it itches a bit but I'm resisting the temptation. Thanks for the advice Woofy. I've never dusted, polished and washed as many nools and crannies all in 2 days.

Oight Oight all see you tomorrow. Sleep well.
Nools!? Nooks me thinks!!
jude if all you take is paracetamol at bedtime that's pretty good going. Headache finally subsiding but some fool has started in with the one has noticed so far though.
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Evening all
Busy ish day .Got lots of lovely grub at the market and I drifted by the handmade bag stall and a bag just flew up into my hand .Fancy that :0)
Had poached eggs on tst at a transport cafe called Posh Pigs .
Came home,made a pie for Picky and some sausage rolls .We've played cards this evening as there was nothing on TV .I can't get into Merlin ,HP or any fantasy stuff either .I like a good murder or a saga :)

Tut Robinia what have I told you about stuffing chs on tst in sideways :)
You can do the Heimlich thing on yourself ,but i like the bit where it says ..go into the street and flag down a passer by whilst clutching your throat
You'd get some funny looks round here !
I hope you soon feel better though xx.
Dead on my feet now so it's Oight Oight from me xx
bit of excitement... loud noise in the hall, went out to see what it was, and found him upstairs lying flat on his back looking vacantly at the ceiling. I thought he might be dead or drunk, but neither apparently. After we'd slapped him a bit and heaved him upright he started to come to, so we manoeuvred him upstairs to his flat and his bedroom. He was more or less compos mentis after 5 minutes. It sounds as though he came home perfectly normally from visiting a friend, locked the door behind him, then just collapsed. He can't remember anything about it, though.

Anyway, he's going to see his doctor next week so we've told him to mention this, because even if he's recovered it would be nice to know what happened, and also to ask his friend to confirm his version of events or remind him of anything he might have forgotten. As an acknowledged expert on brains switching off without reason, I think I was able to reassure him.
Morning all...oooooh, it's the first frozen morning! Beautiful blue sky, crisp white grass.

Let's have a squint at your bag then shaney...
Do Posh Pigs know you've been pilfering? :)
I used to love calling in transport cafes...there was a great one somewhere between here and Birmingham, hunky drivers, man size mug of builder's tea and the biggest wedges of cake you ever saw.

Oh poor man least he was home, had he been driving? (Did he think he'd died and gone to heaven when he saw you :)) If he'd been outdoors he'd probably have been whisked off and checked out at the hospital...I've often thought you're better off having a dizzy fit in a shop than suffering hell in your own home, at least somebody does something.

Great Merlin Jude...I've never liked that Gwen, I don't care if she has had a spell on her, off with her head! :)
I don't normally like fantasy stuff but I've always loved all versions of Merlin. I've got the Sam Neill one on dvd, I might watch it later.

Gosh jno, that must have been rather scary for you.

Hope you are feeling better Robi, and jude. I am also very scared of choking, bacon with stringy bits always sets me off!

I was in bed at 9.30 last night as sister's granddaughter was here and wouldn't sleep on her own, but I slept all night so must have needed it. Stuffed myself on sticky ribs, really can't keep this eating up, I am gaining weight as I speak.

Lovely sunny but chilly today, we are going out and about in the fresh air.

I don't like middle earth and merlin etc, tried to watch HP but in spanish it really wasn't the same so I gave up! Twas even worse in Catalan, er mi onny gran ger, was the girl's name!!
not as scary as it was for him, neti. I've spoken to him this morning and he's okay but still can't rememebr anything.

Bright clear day today, I'm sure that's an omen of something. Probably a warning not to leave the house.
good morning all...golly jno good job for your neighbour that you were around.
Its frosty here too. We had a lovely walk but a bit chilly, glad of my new warm coat. Its a strange thing with handbags, the way they jump into your hand or into the basket on a website...
going to do some crafting today and just potter.
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Hello all
Good job you were around at the time Jno .I hope he'll be ok .
Ooh it wasn't a handbag Woofy .It was just one of those little cloth shopping bags that I've become attached to lately .I'm turning into an old bag lady !
I wish I could make something like that but I need a childrens picture book to guide me .
A= Absolutely no idea
B= Bggr it .
C= Can't work out how to thread the machine without help from a child .
D= Dumps machine back under the stairs .
Lovely day here ,bright sunshine ,lovely crisp autumn day .
Hope you are all OK .
Shaney!! my soul mate!! I have a shopping bag collection as well!! Most of mine live in the car but I have some that fold down small which I carry in my handbag. Sis and I are really sad creatures in that we also have seasonal shopping bags. The flowery ones get put away around now and the christmas ones come out!!
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It's the second one I've bought there .She's a lovely lady to talk to and she does other hand made things ,peg bags ,cushion covers etc .I can't walk past the stall !
She does the bags in tiny format too,for children.
They're so sweet I can't resist them .
That's a lovely shopper shaney...I'd like the handles a bit longer so I could have it on my long as it wasn't filled with 'taters :)
oh, I sister's asked me if I fancy spending xmas here with them

seriously? wow Robi!
I'm back.

Wow Robi are you serious, I would kill to spend xmas there (or anywhere in England come to that)

Have just been to a huge store called The Range and it's xmas decs are fabulous, I have spent a fortune on things for home, streamers and glass angels, dread to think what Mr N will say, and lovely crackers with real good things inside for £4.99, I cannot believe it.

am going to buy Mr N a soup maker for xmas, he loves soups, and I am treating myself to a slow cooker so am now looking up shipping companies to deliver them for me.

I would so love to be here for xmas, I could cry.

I'm sorry biddies but I do not get excited by shopping bags. Our local town hall gives us red reusable ones (like I gave you jude with the things in for the biddies) and that will do me. I get excited about shopping!!

Chilly out but a lovely day. Just eaten some hot buttered crumpets, and we are currying tonight, yum!
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ooh I say Robina ..I'd be off like a shot .In fact I would hide there for the rest of the year in a cupboard :)
Ooh Neti ..The Range is a dangerous place yer know :) We've got a big one near Norwich .I love it .I'll probably go for a breeze round before Christmas .I'll need all the shopping bags I can get once I'm in there :)
golleeee, that looks nice, Robinia. Can't imagine what Big Polgarron must look like. Will you be expected to wash up after Christmas dinner?
Hi all.Neti I use that bag lots of times it is always in my hand bag. I'd love to know what it says on it something about 'who's the boss'. I think. Now I've said that I've just looked in my bag and it's not there. Will have a look round in a bit.
Yes Robi I thought Merlin was extra good last night. One of my Tai Chi friends totally believes there was a sourcerer called Merlin and says the stories are nothing like they should be. Don't ask me what she's on about cos I have no idea!!
Just having a relaxing day as usual on a Sunday. Not in any real pain anywhere. Frost's on the telly in the back ground and I don't know what he's on about either!!
I think I'll go back to my crosswords with a cuppa tea so see yer llater

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