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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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Glad your sis has arrived safely Woofy ,it's hooling a blowy here too.
I think we're all going into Stanley Unwin mode :)
I had a trip down memory lane courtesy of Michael Portillo this evening on his railways programme .He was in Wuppertal on the Schwebebahn which I've been on many times .Mr S hails not far from there .
And ,he pootled down the Rhine Blofty .Hope you saw it .It was very good .I think he's in Switzerland next week .Lovely programme .He's so charming .
Oight Oight lovelies sleep toight .
seems to have quieted down for the moment but Shughy still has the clings...he is a huge baby, caught him on my bed this morning play fighting a pillow. He was laying on his back sucking a corner of the pillow case when I walked in. Good job the settee is comfy, can't see me making it up to bed yet.
Morning all...calmed down nicely here after last night's howling bloowey. I've been up since the crack of dark, I didn't dare put the bins out last night. If the brown bin had tipped over I'd probably have opened the door to an avalanche of leaves this morning.

Glad you enjoyed yourself in chocolate box world jno...whatever happened to those boxes, I loved 'em?

I thought you'd enjoy Michael shaney, I fell asleep and missed it again...I'm sure it'll be repeated.

Ta ra Jude, have a safe journey and a lovely time!
Just a quick thanks for your good wishes. Love all all your 'typos' I get tempted to leave mine too....see yer later 'gater(s)
Morning all, I put a post on here early yesterday but it does not seem to have appeared, but I did not forget you all. Julian Clary was excellent, really amusing, loved it.

Yesterday sis and I went to London to see hija and had a marvellous day. Went to the opening of Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park and look who came up for a photo with me, I didn't ask:

Yes Joey Branning from Eastenders, I did tell him that I would have preferred Derek and he laughed and is going to tell him!!

The lights in London are amazing and Marmite has sponsored a lot of them even taking digs at it's own product! We travelled on the buses for a while to have a rest, the people here are amazing and so friendly!

Off for brekkie, back later, hope you are all OK! x
Have a lovely time jude.

There is also a small fun thing in Leicester Square with a snow slide and tyres, so sis, hija and I all had a go, the guys thought it was hilarious cos we were much older than most on there and I couldn't stand up and get out of the tyre so one guy had to pull me. They said they will put us on youtube. There is also a little maze and other things all free cos they are advertising the film "Return of the Guardians", we had a lovely time.
What nice cheery things from all the Biddies this morning. Neti, you sure are having a good time. I wish I had your energy and ability to do so much. Shaney I saw Michael last night. I love his programmes and his style of presenting. A very nice man (I didn't used to think so when he was in politics!)

I have been a bit naughty again in CB!!

Off out again at lunchtime - but just for coffee and cheese scone with friend.

What a night it was, but today it is absolutely still and lovely and sunny. Great country we live in for variety!!

See you later.
Oh Joey B, I like him're quite a social butterfly. I'm more of a social slug.

Good news, Foyle's War is coming back!
A have changed from a social butterfly and am now joining Robi in the social slug status! A coffee and scone at lunch time with a friend and a brief walk in town knocks me up for the day. I couldn't face London any more. I used to love to go down for a couple of days. The reason I am booking cruise holidays is that I can see the world go by without having to expend any energy!! I haven't booked any of the on shore excursions!!!!

That is a lovely photo Neti, but I didn't recognise the fella. He looks nice looking though! You sure do pull them in!!!!
I wish I could be naughtly in CB but I am too scared!
This is us in Leics sq, it was fun and free.

and this is the snow slope where I came down backwards, frit me summat orful. looks far scarier when on iut!
Looks good Neti - nice photos. You all look very happy.

I see you are now showing your 'Celebrity' status to the whole AB world!! ;o)
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Hello all
Lovely quiet sunny day here after a pip snorter of a windy night .
I think we've managed to escape a lot of the heavy rain being right on the edge here . Feel so sorry for the poor people who arer flooded out further afield though .
Lovely pictures shippyshoppy ! I'd love a trip to London .Don't know if could cope now on the tube and busses though but I expect I would if I had to .
My old schoolfriends and I have said that we must meet up next year as we're not getting any younger so you never know ,I might get to be squashed like a sardine on the Northern Line again :)
Hope all biddies are well.
Ooh that's great Robinia ...lovely Michael Kitchen on our screens again.
Just been for a tiny bit of shopping, nuts, raisins, sweets to put in box for shipping, have just eaten tom soup and hot buttered toast, now settling in for the day, way too much excitement for one old woman yesterday. Feet still hurt! Am going to blonde up my hair a tad as the hairdressers have made it really dull and awful, tut cannot trust anyone, always best to do things oneself.
three hours' sleep last night, so I'm wandering around in a daze tripping over things. I hope no biddies are slumbering at my feet.
Just dosed for half an hour in front of tv in a warm room, so glad I am not socialising tonight. Just sipping Piesporter wine, love it, and I agree with Robi I don't care if it's psoh or not, if I like it, then it's OK!
Oh and shaney, the winter wonderland is German and is fabulous,
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I just had a look at it on Google Neti .It looks lovely .

I'm away to my bed before I nod off at Jnos feet .
As the day has gone on I've started to feel a bit ropy .Can't get warm ,feel shivery and achy so I think it's hot water bottle ,hot drink and book for me .
Oight Oight .
Good morning all, cold this morning but dry and no wind which is a huge bonus, had a quick read through the thread, Neti you seem to be having a wonderful time, I can't do social butterfly any more either, used to love London and could deal with it now but not by choice.
Wishing any shivery achey biddies a better day, but have you seen tomorrows forecast? Time to dig in and stay home methinks.....laters all
Hellooo? Is there anybody out there? Horrible dark and foggy morning here...I could just about make out a hunched blackbird outside the window waiting for his breakfast when I opened the curtains. Not a very good night, bloomin foxes are starting their territorial howling and barking and my foot ankle was giving me hell...I'd twisted it during the day and the pain kicked in at tea time...ooooh. Not too bad at the moment but I've had to drop out of butt kicking practise this weekend. :)

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