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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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good morning all, minus 2 here. Dogs have been going frost crazy!
Morning...disgruntled of Derby signing in's minus something here too and the bird baths are more frozen than yesterday.
Was woken up by something about 5am...just drifting off and some £$*%& blasted his car horn before 6 again. One more time and he gets what for. Then I knocked a glass of water flying all over the bedside base & lamp switch copped it, hope they still work. Went outside, saw I'd forgotten (yet again) to drag a big shallow planter of echiverias inside last night...fetched a plant dolly and I STILL pulled my back moving it....grrrrrr.
Beam me up...Is it the thirteenth? Oh no, it's the 30th...

Happy Birthday Vinny!! - if you're looking in - Have a great day, hope the weather's not been too bad down there.x
I'm sure weather down west is as temperate as ever, and Vinny is basking in it

Now why would someone prune a tree over the road and feed it inch by inch into a grinder at 8.30? Don't trees have some sort of right to be left alone till the sun is over the yeardarm?
Save up all your empty pimms bottles jno and drop them from the bedroom window one by one into your recycling bin...anytime between 6am and 7am is good.
Ha, ha jno. Our Troll neighbour does exactly that. Feeds his chopped down branches twig by twig into his minute garden grinder one at a time, leaving the damn machine running whilst he brings the twigs down from the top of his garden one by one!!! He is moving, hip, hip, hooray.

A beautiful day here. Icy cold but very sunny and uplifting. I watched the sleep programme part 12 last night and the Beeb, and for some unknown reason couldn't get to sleep for hours. Last time I looked at the clock it was about 3.00am, I then slept soundly for a few hours. I wish the sleep programme had covered nighmares and anxiety dreams and night terrors!!
Happy Birthday Vinny! Enjoy wherever you might be!
the Ed says the long links problem is solved

I haven't had the problem myself, it may be to do with my 6 foot long PC monitor which I installed in case I wanted to look at pictures of snakes.
My lines are still being cut off jno. Now giving Ed. a hard time on that thread :o)
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Hello all
Very cold here too but at least it's dry .Oooh nooo Robinia what a bad start to the day .Hair Frizz is creeping up on Accuweather too .Just thought I'd let you know :)
I'm going to watch the sleep prog on catch up later as I watched Michael travelling round Switzerland last night instead .There was an article in the EDP about the man in the sleep programme Lofty .

Yo Vinny ..Happy Birthday .Have a good one ,soon be time to put your sprouts on xx
hahaha, lol @ the frizz report shaney....oh joy! It's an excellent day for driving...I'm not sure the Derbyshire police are going to see it that way when they see me coming.
oh well done jno, that'll teach em to be noisy
good day for driving, are you sure that isn't under Golf? I think it's a day for puttering, myself.

Been to have a blood test. I wondered why I couldn't get them on the phone to check their opening hours, but it turns out it's not a Hospital any more it's a Health and Care Centre and all previous websites and phone numbers are null and void.
What's been happening in la la land this afternoon?
It's been a good day for nattering (on the phone).
My doc's just changed back from one of those 08 numbers to a normal local the receptionists haven't changed for the better.
Happy birthday Vinnie.

More shopping for hija this am, then fish n'chips lunch which was very nice, then popped hija onto London train, she and I are full of cold. She moves into a shared flat this evening, so hopefully she'll be happier.

Off to older sister's tonight for a chinese and to catch up on Antiques road show with adopted bro Ronnie. I am so cold! Don't think I want to live here after all. Phoned Mr N at 7.30 this am, as I hadn't heard from him, he says it is cold there too and he was late in getting up. Hija has sent him a loo roll with sudoko on it!! I got a lovely pair of brown boots from Primark.
ha, we told you you wouldn't want to live here neti...if it's this cold now what will January be like?

I'd like to give it all a miss but I'm putting up my advent xmas I won't give a flying reindeer what day it is....
Well that's that sorted then. I thought it was my computer when I couldn't see the end of the lines.
I've been out for lunch today to a garden centre near Derby. It's in a village called Findern and it's fabulous. Not just gardening stuff which is good. They also have a lovely restaurant and the shopping area has loads of christmas things. There is also a clothes area where you can buy all sorts of casual clothes. I've made my mind up to go back one day next week for a real good look round. Today was a 'catch-up' day with my friend and we sat for a couple of hours in the restaurant instead of shopping.
I finished my actual present buying yesterday when I had been to the hospital workshop. So all I have to do now is write my cards expecially the overseas ones.
I had a good rest for a few days away. We went to see Skyfall. I'm not really a great Bond fan but I did enjoy it. It was a whirlwind of special effects and fights between the 'goodies'and the 'baddies' and the 2½ hours flew by.
I also had 2 days Christmas shopping there as well which was fun.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good weekend and you keep warm. My house was freezing when I came home after my break and it has taken 2 days to get really warm again... :)
See yer later 'gater(s)
nother fun busy day, we did some sorting and tidying, bless my sis, and went out shopping and for some lunch. Its very cold here with fog and icy roads forecast for early tomorrow so doggies will miss their walk and we''l all do something fun together. Actually the came out with us today and had chicken and ginger biscuits in the car.
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Cold here too tonight Woofy .I'm off to bed .Beccles market early doors although if it's icy my bro won't go but I have to be ready in case .Any frost usually goes pdq here though 'cos of the damp sea air .I hope we go or I'll be suffering from brussels tops deprivation syndrome ..and handbag stall withdrawal symptoms :)
Oight Oight all ..stay safe and warm x
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Morning all
Very cold out there .Brrrr.
heavy frost here... the birds could go skating on the birdbath if I had a birdbath

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