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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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not sure about the tum Robi, but i cook with red ones rather than white ones because I find they make me cry less which would argue less sulphur compounds so maybe they are. Certainly i find well cooked onions more digestible than less well cooked and so does my sister.
Well that's all but a couple of my cards done...

Thanks both. I've started leaving cooking onion pieces big so can pick them out, haha. I know too much doesn't suit me which is a shame, I love fried onions but daren't...ooooh.
Oh the fish pi does look delicious, am off lasagne after eating Mr N's for 3 days and not being able to taste any of it!

Oh jno I wish I did look like that, my hair is veering towards the Arthur Scargill look now!
Did you all try this...little things and all that :)
That is weird Robi, will try again
ha ha, the first attempt I put in my real address here and all I got was cars and boats wrecked in a flooded street. 2nd time I put my sister's addy and up popped her road!
am having great fun putting all friends and rellies names in there and seeing their houses..
That even has one of my friends living in the middle of a motorway, hilarious!
I've sent it to Ozzy son, it'll amuse the grandmonsters :)
I tried to put it onto a friend's FB but couldn't, how can I?

Exciting news, my sense of taste is coming back, just eaten a yellow jelly and I could taste it, so am now chomping on Eastbourne Rock, fruit flavour and yes there is a slight hint of fruit, yippee.
Copy and paste my link ^ ^ into the reply box on fb neti
Thanks Robi, I've managed to put it on my FB page for all to see, it's great isn't it??
The funny thing is that when I put my addres in I get the exact view from my front window...I want to know who's been in my house! :)
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Lol..very good Robinia .
You can see the letterbox outside my house . Haha and my friend Anitas garden looks nice and tidy !
How are we all .I'm pooped . Hope any poorlies are feeling better.I think it'll be my turn to feel crip tomorrow :)
I can understand why people prefer to shop from the comfort of their homes after being shoved round town today .I had to go though as I had to get birthday presents and had left it too late.Story of my life !
I bought a kiddie cone of chips though and shared them with a seagull .I wish I'd had a camera with me .Only a young one and he stood there looking at me with his beady eye until I gave him a chip .Then he started taking liberties and hopped up on the seat and sat next to me !
I usually get smelly old men sat next to me now I get birds :)
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Oh ..and I bought myself a present too wasn't a handbag .
It was a box of Meltis Newberry Fruits .Yum and yum and mmmm.
Hi all. I'm so tired I cn't tell you The Occupational Therapy was chronic s they are now trying to strengthen my wrist and they have even given me
a rubbery thing use at home. Anywayhat's enough of that.
I rally hope yo get better soon Neti. You do oud like you'r going through
it. And you're not yor usual self.
Pleased you feeling better now Woofy. I'm back on the Paracetamols I'm not pleased to say. I hate taking them but needs must.

I did find some cheap boots that fit snug to my legs, Pictures below. The other is the Tu Dress/Jumper to go with them, Are they called Tunics, I don't know.

I'm off now as I'm having to type at a snails pace B****y Lap top
Laters 'gaters
sounds like you need a proper workout, Jude

Hope it;s getting itself sorted.

Can't see snow on my house as someone has got a chunk of our street removed from Google Street View - helps to preserve the mystique, I suppose. But I've sent it to sis to show that Bondi is under snow too.
Hi, I actually do not envy any of you atm going around shopping in the cold, am glad that I am snug in my bed. Thought my tastebuds had returned but just had beans on toast with a fried egg and tasted nothing :-(

Poor jude, your wrist sounds really bad again, I guess it aches worse in the cold, you are having a bad time with it. Hope it heals properly soon.

Yes when I typed in my bro's addy it showed the parking at the back d'oh!!
I wish you could all see what I get on that pusher xmas, it is like armageddon, outside my window, there are several cars at all angles and half submerged in water which is obviously a road cos there is a block of flats opposite, so wrong on all counts. Mind you the block of flats look very nice......

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