Hello all. Those cards are lovley both of you. When I first came to this god forsaken little island I had to make my own xmas cards, I used felt tip (yees modern indeed) and cardboard.
Lovely sunny day.
Well arm is worse than ever cannot now use hand at all so painful, not even to open a peg, tragedy indeed. have a mexico app for Tuesday at midday. I am also taking paracetamol. But to Mr N's amazement I slepp exceptionally well, but I always do, clear conscience (had to google that, it looks so wrong!). we did shopping and all normal things, I just have to potter! Treated Mousey to some fish as a treat, she gobbed the lot and vomitted immediately on new carpet. I put foot under her nether regions and ejected her from the house!
Robi how are hyou? Beter I hope, and shaney hows the damn leg, oh I feel for you.