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Robinia | 20:20 Fri 20th Oct 2006 | Gardening
588 Answers
A friend (who has been a veg grower for years) has had a crop of potatoes that are semi-transparent & too hard to eat after cooking whether boiled or slow roasted.
Any ideas as to what the reason might be? he doesn't remember the variety name, they weren't his usual choice. Thanks.


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Well whaddaya know, I'm not allowed to watch the Beeb and by the same token they've suddenly restricted foreign access to the doghouse. Yup. Happened yesterday. Just as I was approaching a breakthrough on level 24. Very annoying of course but what can you do, it's their web site so I'll just have to accep- ...Robi stop looking behind my back to see if my fingers are crossed there! ;-) Jude I don't remember level 15 in particular but i do seem to remember that on some levels you can't build a complete path rightaway, you have to do it bit by bit. Or at least that's what I did, at some point.

Neti your secret George always reminds me of when the Twin Towers fell. A widowed woman later told the story of how she had found, in the cellar, a locked cupboard with a huge supply of tuna, mayo, toothbrushes and toothpaste. And she realised that yes her husband had been popping down to the cellar a lot, come to think of it. She is living the rest of her life wondering why tuna and mayo had to be kept a secret and what that says about HER...! You're one crazy lady, Neti;-) (but I love you, sorta)

I love Maru ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥
Who's Fuschia (sic?) ?
Ha Ha Kit. Fuschia is my elder sister. she is mad on them. Remember the photo I put on of our oldest relative climbing up a ladder up a tree (92). Well that day we had gone to his house to collect Fuschia cuttings for her and we came back with about 30. Well I've called her Fuschia since then.
Ooooh Alan Rickman................. swoon, swoon, swoon. Blast I missed it due to watching Robbie and Gary on Ch3 with Paul O'Grady. Hope they show it again. I also think Emma Thompson is fabulous. Anyway I found the Paul O'Grady show very entertaining and my spirits were uplifted.

Couldn't sleep last night. Got up made myself a cuppa tea and watched Out of Africa which I think finished at about 5.00am. Back to bed and woke up at 11.30am. Weird, weird dreams about moslem rule. Far to complicated to go into.

Thinking of you Shaney and hoping Mr Woofy is OK.

Love to you all.

Ah right lottie, am just downloading Paul O'grady as you enjoyed it, will watch it tomorrow. Am reading his book "The devil rides out" (14 squid at the airport) and I do love him (not as much as I love Alan Rickman) but was slightly surprised that he was so gay, don't forget I didn't know about him or his Lily Savage persona, thought he was probably bi or a natural neuter although I knew he had a daughter which probably threw me (as it did him by all accounts!!)
Thanks Jude, I knew you had mentioned the name before but I had forgotten who it was. / Maybe I'm the Muslim Lottie as I mentioned getting search results about Turkish Muslim conferences yesterday when I googled IKÖ for you. However, I have no schemes for world domination so you can stop having nightmares about me right now;-)

Thinking of you Shaney. You too, Woofster.
hello all just been to see Dh who is tired but fine...actually not surprised at the tired, he's been living on adrenalin and sleeping badly for so long i think its his body finally relaxing. He's up and walking short distances so tomorrow we have a date to go and sit outside on a bench and eat crisps for lunch allowing its sunny.
So....lets direct all our prayers vibes, cosmic ordering, threats, basically whatever you got to Mr and Mrs S for all did a real good job for my Dh so Shaney, if you are reading this, you have the Power of the Biddy focussed on you both.
For Shaney if you happen to look in.


Am thinking of both of you constantly and sending out loving vibes. He will be fine. Bless you both.
Woofy enjoy your 'crisp' lunch tomorrow in the sunshine. No sunshine here today but hopefully tomorrow.....................

Swedie, so it was you who was responsible for my dream. Actually it was an amazing dream in full technicolour and very, very vivid. Far too long to recount in writing and far too complicated, except to say it took place in a vast auditorium with thousands of people all having to pay homage to a new born moslem baby who was to become the leader. Does this ring any bells? All I know is that I chose to sit on the moslem side of the auditorium rather than join the non moslem crowd and that there was a lovely kind moslem gentleman sitting next to me who was helping me understand the ceremony.

Very strange.............
Neti. I have a very soft spot for Paul O'Grady, such a gentleman in both senses of the word and his love and respect for people and for animals wins my approval. I also love his gentle humour. A lovely, lovely person. He had a beautiful baby pig with him last night. Worth watching, it was very, very funny.
Yes Lottie I think that must have been AOG you were sitting next too;-) I'm rolling on the floor here, I misread what you wrote and I thought you were saying you had a beautiful baby pig with Paul O'Grady last night.
Well that's it ................heating on :~)
Level 15 is impossible. ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
I gave it up on level 3.......
Hi Woofy I' ve been watching Merlin and playing Solitaire. Much more relaxing!! Hope you and Mr. W. are ok.
We're both good thanks Jude. big wood touch but all is going along as planned for DH.
(clocks in..clang))))evinin
an artist from RMD.A magic chick called Aurora.Hic..!
did you see that yeo valley AD.fab-tastic
♥♥♥ (:O)
my favourite ad of the moment is the guinness one, long version
anybody know how to get sprout juice out off a tumble dryer?

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