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Robinia | 20:20 Fri 20th Oct 2006 | Gardening
588 Answers
A friend (who has been a veg grower for years) has had a crop of potatoes that are semi-transparent & too hard to eat after cooking whether boiled or slow roasted.
Any ideas as to what the reason might be? he doesn't remember the variety name, they weren't his usual choice. Thanks.


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I have never seen that ad Woofie. It is beautiful and made me feel all tingly. And all those lovely men too as a bonus!! Glad Mr Woof is doing well.

Swedie, I owe you an apology. Iko clogs are not Swedish or Turkish Muslem, they are made in England. I have just order some


Iko Antik in brown. Shall let you know what I think. I love clogs. I hope they are going to be my second favourite winter footwear (my walking boots will remain lst). I have gone off ordinary boots completely.

Thinking of Shaney and Mr S.

Ha ha Vinny! What you been up to with the sprout juice, eh?!!
Hi lofty..
I drew numbers on the sprouts with a marker pen and put them in the tumble to get my lotto numbers...only got two right...:O)
Oh vinny :-0 ...............Have you changed your ID?
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A'noon all, why do I always dream about cleaning filthy, flooded lavs? haha
Bright 'n breezy day & I've done my bit in the garden for today...think that might be it for the season actually, I'm buffered, I felt horrible yesterday. I put the heating on too Jude, I thought it was just me who was cold cos I was feeling rough.

Hope the weather's good for you woofy & that you both get to sit out on the bench & eat crisps :o)

That cat's so clever Kit, haha...If I was forced to have one (lol) I'd like one like Maru. And a baby pig like Paul had, it was so sweet. Neti, how did you not know about Lily Savage? I thought she was your fashion guru? :o)

Some lovely pics on Aurora's page Vinny, love the bright rainbow colours & especially the horses. There's just no hope for you is there? hahaha :o)
<barking mad he is, puts sprouts in the tumble drier?.... anyone else & I'd think they were kidding>
A'ternoon all. Having a very quiet day. Daughter staggered home at 9.30 which was at least 12hrs early for her, so I could relax. Have been messing about with my external (new) dvd rewriter, and have managed to download and record to disc 4 films. with advice from chuckfickens I have also learn how to watch them cos nothing is easy on tinternet especially when they say It's easy to install and play!

Am now watching the orignal "Alfie" and Michael Caine is the best Alfie, jude law was pathetic! Have also downloaded "Lifeboat" a Hitchcock film but it's in Spanish and I always think the original soundtrack is the best, so have managed to switch it to English, am well pleased.

My cold had all but gone but still have a hacking cough. Mr N and I trotted to village for lunch ( shoulder of lamb but spanish style which is so delicious) and I kept off the booze.
My bro has arrived in Oz after leaving Gatwick at 10am yesterday, they had a stop over in Dubai. Canadian bro is on his way to Canada and nephew is winging his way to oz as I speak, so we are all separated again, makes me feel exceedingly sad!

Thoughts are with you today shaney and mr s xx
and thinking of you very much too woofy and DH, a very brave couple, I'll say no more xx
btw, I worked with M. Caine's bro in law dennis in the late 60's in the telescope shop/factory. Dennis was married to Shakira's sister.
Afternoon Britons. We've had snow... no not in my part of the country but in the north. I f**kin* hate this. No winter clogs in this climate... and no need to apologise Lottie, I was just hoping you had seen my post about it that's all:)

I liked that ad Woofy, it says a lot about *one* side of human nature. Clicking on after it had finished I saw a clip about "camel toe", now would any of you fashionistas know what that is? No cheating, have a guess. (Not related to footwear.) I enjoyed the Lennon clip too Vinny, he does that song so well and several times in that footage he reminds me a lot about Groucho Marx... A Brussels sprouts tombola... are you for real? Did, by any chance, catnip come into this equation at all? Jeez... I've decided I'm coming to Devon to study you for six months. After that I'm gonna write an unbelievably successful series of JUST VINNY books and become filthy rich. As a token of my gratitude you can have a couple of well boiled sprouts every Sunday for the remains of the day:) Dude...

Maru has a huge following, Robi, but I knew him quite early on. He has his own blog, he has written a book and there's a Wikipedia article on him. He's a legend:) Big in Japan.

Bit early to go to bed Shaney but when you do I hope you and Mr S sleep very well. Lots of healing thoughts coming your way tomorrow from all parts of Britain, from Australia and Sweden and Spain. He's in good hands so sleep well tonight, ♪ let the world turn without you tonight ♫ < one of my bestest books:)
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Oh lordy! You've just reminded me of another dream I had last night Kit...there was snow on the ground but not nice & white & fluffy, it was heavy & wet, one of those dark grey days and I just sat and sobbed & kept saying over 'No, not again, please not again' Horrible.
Love the Van Gogh's, I added a few words.

I hope you get some rest tonight shaney. Nothing any of us can say will stop you worrying but we'll be thinking of you and Mr S all day. Don't forget the email door's always open. xx
Camel toe is a tightness around a women's crutch when wearing trousers, it's something I avoid!
Ha ha things don't change here do they ? Camel toes and sprout juice .Only you lot could throw that sort of thing into the conversation :)

We're all ready to go .Up at five to to make sure the bed is available . Then off we go for seven .
Poor buggers had no grub today,just these protein drinks and banana flavoured mik drinks are not a Mr S type food at all. I caught him gazing at a jar of pickled herrings in the fridge earlier :)
Thank you all soooooooooo much for your kind words and support . It means an awful lot to me .
When I see some of the bitchiness on here it makes me glad to have mates like you lot .
Hope you are all well and that all your ailments are little ones and that Mr Woofy is doing OK .
"Waves to Jno " hope you're having a good time .

Take care all , keep calm and carry on and toodlepip for now xx
ooh Lottie nice clogs.....may go shopping...we didn't make it outside today as it was quite chilly so we picnicked in the room instead. Touching wood, all is well, home tuesday inshallah. I love that picture website but I just drift from artist to artist and lose all track of time, like youtube and Etsy. that is one clever cat...determined too.
Chin up our Neti. Viruses make you feel depressed, you'll feel better once the cold is over. yes Alfie is a very touching film in its way and yes Jude Law shouldn't have done it.
Yes I knew about camel toe....soooooo not a good look.
Robi that sounds like a really sad dream...are you worried about anything??

I just bought this bear bead on ebay
along with a lion and an eagle....very beautiful

Shaney we are all here thinking of you and Mr S and praying/vibing/threatening.
Big hug specially for you shaney! x Good luck!
early bed tonight to make up for last nights appalling sleep due to firework fools....night all....
Sorry woofy, we posted at the same time x
Hi Shaney. Hang in there, not long to go now. 24 hours down the road you'll feel such relief xxxxx

Woohoo, woofy's got herself an avatar! Looks great IMHO;-) A bear, a lion and an eagle - and no duck?? Hrmpf... (Beautiful.)

Robi your dream gave me a pain in the throat, like when you're overcome by sorrow and sadness but not crying. I felt it so strongly.

And the Camel Toe Award goes to... Neti! Woohoo again! I didn't know the expression was well-known. We don't say such things in Swedish;-) But well done Neti, your prize is an evening with the celebrity of your choice, picking from the right-hand column of course (some of those are pretty apt he he.
Well I don't have much choice so I'll go with Bette Midler as I love her voice and her humour AND she knows Barry Manilow well!!!!!
Tsk tsk Neti, I expressively said right-hand column. I've seen a Bette Midler gig a hundred years ago:)
Neti, I'd forgotten all about your love for the Maniloon.
Just sat with my neighbour friend for an hour or so having a chat. We haven't been out for a while on a Friday so we were discussing where we could go. Still not found anywhere different.
Are you all watching that David Tennant Drama that's on. I couldn't be bothered with it.
Just found out that Horlicks light has loads of sugar in it. Something else I'll have to cut down on.
Anyway I'm going now. Have a good night all.....and I am thinking of you and Mr S Shaney. Hope all goes well tomorrow. We are all here for youxx

See yer later 'gater(s)

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