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Cordless Mini Trimmers

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Robinia | 13:04 Wed 13th Feb 2008 | Gardening
510 Answers
Does anyone have one of THESE or something similar? I need something light to tidy up plants & the smaller shrubs - I get a man in for the big stuff! :o) I wondered if it will only cut very soft new growth or if it would also be handy to cut down perennials that might be a bit woody?


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Thunder and lightning here, maybe I should turn the comp-
ooops....! crosses sweedie of me birthday list......(:O)
hello peeps or Bon Jovi as we say in Italy... well here we have some nice sunny photos

The first 2 are Etna, which I climbed... well, went up the first thousand feet in a cable car and the second thousand in a 4x4, but I walked around that crater on my own actual two feet, wheezing hard... as you can see, lots of steam pouring out from craters and just from the side of the paths... they said there was some lava flowing higher up but I didn't see it. It mostly just flows down into a valley and doesn't go down to the water, but that crater only came into existence in 2002 in the last big eruption, which did hit a couple of villages; before that it was just empty plain like the land above it...

The beach is at Cefalu, which has a lovely Norman church with mosaics. But the actual mosaics in the other picture are at Monreale outside Palermo - imagine the whole inside of the church covered with them, but rather dark so most of my photos came out blurry. These ones you could light up with a euro in the meter, so they're sharper. It is absolutely gorgeous.

And the bikini gals are ancient Romans; there's a whole villa being uncovered near Agrigento, floor mosaics everywhere. These ones are athletes; one's holding weights while she runs or jumps, the other one's throwing a discus. Go Fatima!
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<oooph>...whose bright idea was it to defrost the freezer? my poor knees, I always forget about the wiping it out bit...

lovely pics jno 'specially the beach must be awfully tall to have waded out that far & still kept the camera dry :o)

You'd better get used to it neti, & George's still the same vac he always was....

Vinny what's going on in Wooly? it looks like there's a plague of flying tadpoles on the cam? have you been firing 'em out of your supa-soaker gun?

<Sweedie's never satisfied....only a couple of days ago she was complaining about having no lighting, now she's getting the place lit up for free, tut....>

Just dragged myself away from the washtub - had to keep going while the weather was good. Who knows what tomorrow will be like. What's this I read - WAIFLIKE!!!!! Yeah, yeah I must need glasses . I'mnot sure what the
.......ooh err... got cut off in mid sentence there. Was just going to say I don't know the Spanish equivalent for La dolce vita! But our Neti is nearly there!
I meant to add for Shaney that there aren't any ossuary pictures because it wasn't an ossuary, more a large crypt where bodies of monks (and later the upper class) were mummified. Photos were forbidden, and being a respectful type I didn't take any but here's one of someone else's alermo.jpg

Some of the later ones had been chemically treated and so were less skeletal but not exactly lifelike, more Hammer-horrorlike. 67_B.jpg

Is it too late to suggest you might like to save looking at these until after breakfast?
Erm... yes and good luck with your doctor's appointment today Shaney once you've finished your breakfast... positive thinking and all that sort of thing...

<ignoring latest post> Oh wow jno - stunning as usual. Bet you have a photo blog. Bet you ain't gonna tell us. That beach photo at Cefalu reminded me of a painting, a particular one I thought at first but perhaps it's more a hybrid between hundertwasserlike houses and Dor�'s Tower of Babel - it's spectacular. I hope you do do something with your photos apart from... erm... hiding them here on the internet.

Psst Marm, is this the waiflike Neti's secret ?

no, Kit, no blog of my own, I occasionally post on the Guardian's arts blogs and once in a while leave a synopsis for some old silent movie on, but that's about it.

yes... Hundertwasser, it is a bit, isn't it... just standard old Italian demotic housing, it's not like there are grand entrances off the street on the other side, just another narrow lane.
Second breakfast served, morning, biddies.

The janitor's been and she had to cut the damned lamp down...!

A-HA! Yes you have posted an article from that blog here, jno about Swedish singer Robyn, but that wasn't your work (unless you're in your twenties and of Nordic descent, which the author seemed to be.) Guess you'll be reviewing Mamma Mia now! or not

robyn she's good

Morning peaches..(((*_*)))
tis a lovely day again..yo I took me shammy to wash the tuther one,but he's to high see.bloomin moaning minnie frum durby... (:O)
great pics jno as always.Im sure you could make a few bob by writing a book and printing all your piccys...I'll just take 10% fer a brilliant idea....!yo Laaaaaaatttttteeeerrrrr!
brilliant (:O)
ah, lovely day out there... I am orff to the Colombian ambassador's house for his summer party this evening, so that should be jolly. Do not ask what stimulants are on the menu but I shall look out for a Ferrero Rocher.
laboratory garnier Lovely jubly.jno Bonjour !
mange tout.(:O).
Good day - lovely photos jno I love the third one with the village by the coast and the mountains. Lovely. I hadn't had my brekkie when I looked at the other photos.

Have just mopped a 4sq metre floor and am shattered. It's such a hard life.

Talking about Lab Garnier, I am trying to find Delial Self-tan but now its all multi direction spray (bit like my cat!) and all I want is the cream lotion to rub in, it was the best ever . Can't be bothered to stay in the sun as I only get red and more frecklely. Just treated myself to a new chair lilo (after the cat leapt on the other one and clawed it) and it's much shorter than the old one, so try to look cool and laidback , reclining with knees tucked under chin, not easy.
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well it was, it's a bit cloudier & windy now....

<waves to marm> - yoohooo, sorry I forgot to say hello when you first arrived...

I'll give Vinny moaning're all lucky to have me here at all. Only went & started the microwave at 10.45 last night (needed to hot up me bunny 'cos my back was killing me....I'm NOT moaning, just stating the facts) and a good minute or so later I see bunny sitting grinning at me on the table....nothing in the micro! aggghhh! I was paranoid the bloomin' thing would burst into flames so sat waiting 40 mins 'til it had cooled down. And all that after I'd cut my arm, scraped my knuckle & sliced my finger with the bread knife earlier....I'm not moaning I said!
I blame the Spanish woman, that calamitous behaviour's catching.

btw, tell me neti, how do you get your knees under your chin with......?
....oh, never mind, I'd rather not know, I'm still reeling from jno's mummies.....

All together now Supa Droopers...

♫...I was sick and tired of being thin
When I called you last night from Tesco.....

Well, Robi they kind of hang down the sides!!!

Hi All What brill photos Jno you really are a good photographer. They are beautiful pictures but I'm not so keen on the skeletons.
Only a couple of women's tennis matches on today. It's the big one tomorrow with Nadal and Murray. I really don't give Murray much hope but I would like to see him work as hard as he did yesterday. I would like Nadal to get the Championship too Vinny but I think Federer will give him a hard time if he gets through which is highly likely.
After all that it may be rained off as the forecast doesn't look good. And here comes the rain here just now.

Anyway I hope you are all ok and having a good week. whatever you're doing.

I'm off now to put the kettle on see yer later :o)

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