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Cordless Mini Trimmers

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Robinia | 13:04 Wed 13th Feb 2008 | Gardening
510 Answers
Does anyone have one of THESE or something similar? I need something light to tidy up plants & the smaller shrubs - I get a man in for the big stuff! :o) I wondered if it will only cut very soft new growth or if it would also be handy to cut down perennials that might be a bit woody?


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I do love Tennis.(:O)
Yep I think your right Jude,but murry gave it a brilliant shot at it yesterday.Its was peeing down ere but its cleared away now.Think are go and fire me chiminea up and have a few lemonades..later dudes....(((*_*)))yo
Question Author
mmm, don't think it rained on me Jude, you must be going faster over your fact I think you're going faster than the planet...

Kit are you okey dokey? I hope you were only waddling around in the wee small hours 'cos you thought you'd catch jno without a bag on, haha...and not 'cos you were ill.

oh Vin's music's finished I'll flip it over....

still lovely here... excellent do at the ambassador's, on a sort of roof terrace over the extension far away in sunny Belgravia, sun and Pimm's pouring down, salsa demonstrations, and nibbles that were too spicy for me considering I nearly didn't go along because I had been suffering intestinal dysfunction all day and didn't want to spend the evening hunting out the ambassadorial conveniences... never mind, stuffed immodium in every available orifice and got through ok... <thinks... I wonder if this is more information than they can handle>... anyway, I stuck a mic under his nose and said 'What about a shout out for the biddies down in AB land', so I hope you all caught that ... only problem is this batty old bird two doors down who has a policeman outside her door watching that she behaves herself night and day... Thatcher, I think her name is.

Evening biddies, sorry I'm latish, took me a while to row home from Denmark today - haha ha ha yes that was brilliant Vinny and what's more I hadn't even heard it on the news here. I'm sending it to my eldest sister - that's where she lives! Less than five walking-minutes off the beach outside Helsingborg (see map in the article.) The Danish town mentioned, Helsing�r, is what you folks know as Elsinore - yes, the town where Hamlet lived on Kronborg castle. Laurence Olivier and many others have played Hamlet in the courtyard and other places in the castle. Swedes living in Malm� go to Copenhagen and Swedes living in Helsingborg go to Elsinore (but only the latter category row home.) elsinore and kronborg

Love that song Robinia / Aww thanks no I'm no worse than my usual state of personal ground zero - not complaining, mind! - but everything else is falling apart - electricity, lamps, computers - you name it I've gots it. <bunny in the microwave, that woman is pure evil>

♪ ♫ sometimes you want the whole enchilada ♫ ♪ ♪

Oh hi jno couldn't you demonstrate that salsa demonstration for us please! Even if it be via YouTube. <intestinal dysfunction schmunction junction indeed - must be posh for the runs he he> ;-)
I heard the ambassador....(:O)
Question Author
after your chamber of horrors this morning jno we've all been a bit disfunct....

lovely toon sweedie but at this time o' night I'll settle for some snap, crackle & pop ta...
Am I supposed to go to sleep without Chapter Two of Brokevac Mountain, Robinia? Oh I know - George joins the army but...
jno a word to the wise <<Imodium instants>> and you'll not be troubled for weeks!!

I can't get Wimbledon on TV and I would love to watch the finals. I want Nadal to win.
-- answer removed --
Morning Peeps.
hi netti,I wonder if this would help you.The BBC I.player
yo lovely day again...erm...the webcams are broken so there showing old pics of dull days so dont bother looking...(:O)later>>>
That would have been lovely Vin but it has detected that I am a foreigner living "La dolce Vita" abroad and so am not allowed to view it. But they hope to have a worldwide one soon!

I still want Nadal to win!
Question Author
morning tout....well neti I'm not sure if this applies to your planet but you can subscribe to Wombledon if you want to part with some potatas ...oh, keep forgetting you're euros now.....
...but never mind the tennis you've got other problems to sort out...

(better not save this until bedtime Kit)

Chapter 3...
George's motor spluttered to a halt
(Chapter 2 has been confiscated by the local constabulary.....)

I do hope there is gonna be a nice clean ending to this story and that he is more Indiana George than Brokethat! Otherwise I shall sue, (there must be a Vacumn Cleaner Rights Society somewhere!) I want a happy ending with little Henrys all over the place.

Ah, my grandson!! Bless!
lots of little ones, neti, and you can put them out to work very young 52_rech_minivac.jpg
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stop jumping the gun...haha ....<geddit!?>
I bet you're one of those people who reads the last page of a book first aren't ya?

well here's the Spanish ending....tut...

Does anyone remember back in the annals of history that my air con went on the blink, well the techies have just been to mend it, and guess what, yes that's right, it worked perfectly for them, I was sooo embarassed, so they puddled about cleaning it and charged me 40�. Said that lots of baterium (a) set up home in these things and needed to be disinfected, so now I have to buy a spray and stink the house out every 2 weeks. We were much happier living the hippie life in our old non-electric. non-water small but friendly hovel.
Will you please remove the word "gay" from anything to do with George. I haven't heard from him for over a week, but I know in my heart of hearts that he hasn't eloped with another male vacumn cleaner.

Come to think of it, even us straight people live in gay abandonment over here. Marm and Mr marm and us two lived (although not altogether) in gay abandon over here in the 80's ( ahah - 1980's!!)
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<sigh>....well you did want to fast-track to a happy ending...if you want something more deep & meaningful I'll need an advance, about �20,000 will do...for now
I might need a ghost-writer
Hi all, I kept getting kicked out of the gardening section yesterday so have mooched around with the the george story, I've got a dyson....efficient but not story worthy I guess.

get you jno, hobbitty knobbing with the posh folk in belgravia...will you still talk to the likes of us?

We have had about a teaspoon of rain today and every time I get the hose out the darling puppies chew it so its like the sahara here...fortunately the oasis has a good boozer so what the heck.

sweedie why have you gone green? it doesn't make using the internet more environmental you know!!

anyway got to go feed the family

later alligators

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